Meet Me at the Vending Machine

Chapter 1

Silver woke up. There were a few, brief seconds of clarity before the signs of a great hangover hit. He started to feel like heaving, but managed to stop himself with just a burp. His bed felt like it was spinning and rocking, like he was caught at sea. Through the open window and crack in the curtain, the sun was shining too bright and the traffic was annoyingly loud, there was little chance of him going back to sleep. His mouth felt dry, but right now was not wanting to risk getting up to fetch water, He had no idea if He would be able to keep it down.
“What the fuck did I do last night?” He thought to himself. He lay quietly trying to remember any details about his night out, but not even remembering how he came home.

He lay in bed, minutes went by slowly like hours. He knew he had to get up at some point, but knew how much worse he would feel once he did. Everything felt irritating, the cars, the ticking of his clock, any light. Checking by the bed, his phone was no longer where he normally left it.

Trying to focus on nothing he kept lying there, hoping to sleep again, trying to ignore the churning in his stomach, the weird pains, the need to go to the toilet. Nothing worked, the hangover was rough.

Gently he got up, this was a regret, the room started spinning. Nearly falling, he grabbed ahold of the wooden drawers by his bed and used it for support to feel his way to the door. Leaning against the wall, he pushed open the door and felt it knock away something. peering around saw piles of litter, half eaten pizza boxes, a few empty beer bottles, splatters of upturned takeaway.

"What? did I have a party?" he wondered.

Quickly he closed the door and found a dressing gown... people could still be here.

Fully covered, he snuck around to the litter strewn hallway. The living room door and kitchen door were both shut, but the bathroom open... He'd check the rest of the flat later, but first entered the bathroom. Feeling his heart race from the effort of moving he held onto the sink and dared look in the mirror, he was a complete mess. His skin looked pale, cheeks puffy, eyes dark and his hair was a wild mess. He ran the tap and splashed his face but nothing woke him up or made him look more like a normal human... he looked at the shower and thought "later maybe."

He took off his dressing gown again and saw his reflection again.

"What the fuck?" he thought again. His heart sunk as he saw his naked reflection. His stomach felt bad, but it looked awful. It was huge. He stared at himself, leaning over the sink it had swollen so much it hung down and hid most of his dick.

"Shit... what did I do?" He felt a little bloated when he woke up but never imagined that he would look like he'd swallowed a melon... He had just lost a stone since Christmas, but now looked rounder than ever in his life.

Feeling more ashamed he went to sit on the toilet and put his head in his hands... He felt disgusting

He was back in his dressing gown ten minutes later and staggering back to the hallway, still feeling no better after dry heaving.

Now, after treading on a burger box, He pushed open the living room door slowly. He first noticed the mess. Much much more empty bottles fallen over on the wooden floor, spilled crisp packets, empty sweet wrappers, more half eaten takeaway boxes... A lot more. Looking up to the sofa, there was a face, a woman face, she was covered in a blanket of opened pizza boxes, blending in with the rest of the mess.

He recognised the face. "Ruth?" He said out loud with surprise.

She opened her eyes slowly, looking his way slowly at first.

"Silver?" Her eyes widened and she sat straight up. The pizza boxes clattered off her, she immediately realized she was naked and caught her tits before Silver could see properly. Her stomach was a large, bloated looking roll and covered everything below the waist.

She clasped her hand to her mouth and looked about to throw up.

Silver knew Ruth, she was the boss.
Ruth's eyes darted around the room, she nervously bit her lip. "Am I at your place?"

Silver nodded. "Yes."

Her face looked pale.

"Are you Ok?" He asked.

"I'm freezing, I think I have a massive hangover and I'm pretty mortified." She paused. "Are You?"

Silver tried to look away from her. "Pretty much the same... Who else was here last night?"

Ruth hesitated. "I. We. Nobody else, I don't think. Can I have a blanket?"

Silver didn't have any to spare apart from his own, it probably stunk and he did not want to give it up, hoping to return to bed soon. "Yes." He said, reluctantly, going back to his bedroom, stripping the duvet sheet off and giving it a quick spray with deodorant.

He threw it on her and she slid down onto the sofa.

"Thanks. Sorry I don't really know how any of this happened."

"I remember going to town last night, but I wasn't with anyone from the office." Silver scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, I was out for my birthday. I remember getting to the Mojito club... But that was at ten o clock. Oh and I did shots."

Silver rolled his eyes a little. "I think I remember going there too... But a lot later. I really can't remember much."

"I wouldn't normally go back with someone from work, you know?"

He didn't know how to respond to that. He did wonder if she remembered more than He did. "I guess it's no big deal."

"Thanks." She looked unsure.

"Do you want to sleep here a little longer?"

Ruth nodded. "Is that ok? I don't think I could get up right now."

Silver forced a smile and went back to bed. He wrapped himself tight in the empty duvet sheet and found himself able to sleep. His mind was trying to ask questions, but he was too tired and sick right now to think. Without noticing he had passed out again.
4 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Tayto 3 years
This is really hot! Please continue 😋
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Such an intriguing beginning!

Nicely done.