
chapter 1

You walk into her room abruptly, not really caring if she’s awake or not. The curtains are still closed, keeping the gorgeous skyline of the early morning city hidden from your view.
“Wake up, piggy, it’s almost 8 ‘o clock and you’re not eating yet.”

A low groan comes from the bed, the sound of someone who doesn’t want to get up but has no choice in the matter.
“Do I have to eat right now? My stomach still hurts from last night” she rumbles.

You stop adjusting the curtains for a moment before looking back at her. “You know what happens if you don’t eat willingly right now. I haven’t had to use the tube or shackle you to the bed for a while now, and I’d prefer not to.” At this moment, you open the curtains, letting in the early morning glow of the sunrise into the room.

Looking at her body, it’s amazing what you’ve done in only two years. When you first met, she was very petite and small, definitely not the kind of woman you normally chased after. Well, chase wouldn’t be the right word, seeing as most of them couldn’t even run. In your current lovers state, you doubted that she could even walk ten feet without passing out.

It took some coaxing, but eventually she came to understand your fetish, and decided to indulge in it for a bit. Over time, she got into it almost as much as you, and coupled with her extremely submissive nature and your extremely dominating nature, led to what you see before you now.
She wasn’t just fat. She was morbidly obese, probably one of the fattest people in the city. 542 pounds on a 5’0 frame wasn’t easy to carry around, and on her the fat just piled on, her belly (when standing) almost touching her knees, her giant, dimpled ass sticking out far enough to have a noticeable shelf, breasts hanging extremely low, with her always complaining about the back pain they caused. She had one of the most gorgeous faces around, with dark red hair and pale, milk white skin and blue eyes, beautiful before but amazing now with a double chin and fatter cheeks.

She slowly woke up more, the sunrise blinding her a bit. “The only reason I let you do any of that to me is because you’re so damn hot. Any other man, and I’d be off running to the police” she said with a sly look.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Short but very sexy. A lot of heat in a few words.
Karenjenk 4 years
i really like this... its more of a short situation or teaser... i hope you expend it