My Stretch Goal

Chapter 1 - Prologue

The last time I tried to eat 35,000 calories on a work trip I was completely unprepared. It wasn't planned out because the idea hadn't crossed my mind until halfway through day one, when I first started my 5 hour drive.

That morning I'd noshed on leftover kids cereal and filled in my breakfast with a generous slug of creamer in my coffee. I headed over to help my parents around their house and then set off for the highway. After a frustrating morning of seeing my parents not take responsibility for their condos upkeep, I was ready to eat my feelings. After thinking though some various fast food options, I decided to indulge in the truly trashy variety of gas station hot foods and the biggest pop they sold. It was at least a full day's worth of calories, if not more.

Throwing any plans of eating reasonably to wind, I downed my excessive lunch and then imagined I'd stop for a creamy coffee and pastry at some point on the road. But I somehow found myself somehow still hungry after over 2,000 calories of food and that's when the perverse idea took hold. What if I spent the next three days completely gorging myself. Could I eat 10,000 calories a day? Could I push that to 11,666 and manage to down 35,000 calories or 10 lbs worth of calories in just 3 days? The idea instantly turned me on.

If I was going to consume that many calories, I would need to get more food immediately. I pulled off at another gas station and piled my arms with hand pies, Twizzlers, honey mustard pretzels, and several bottles of Coke. A quick review of those calories plus the ones already consumed and I still wouldn't be on track, even if I got a massive dinner after I arrived.

So I drove across the parking lot and into the McDonald’s drive thru, quickly googling the most calorie dense meal and ordering a large double quarter pounder meal and pounding a handpie just while I waited in line.

It didn't take long of plowing my way through the snacks and burger before I began feeling painfully full. I had worn some rather close fitting leggings and I had to roll down the waistband as I started to pant and moan. Luckily, I had a dress in my trunk and I switched into it at the nearest rest area. Seeing how my bloated stomach stuck out like I was pregnant was incredibly erotic.

I optimistically put in a mobile order for several pasta dishes and breadsticks to pick up just before I arrived at my hotel. By the time I exited the highway, I had demolished everything except half the king size Twizzlers and a bottle of coke, but I was so full I thought I might vomit. After a nap at the hotel, I was able to pick at my carryout, but I only ended the day at about 8,000 calories.

The next day I was at a work event most of the day and I knew there was no way to make up for the daily calorie deficit while being restricted in how much I could consume. I ended up finishing off my leftovers from the night before and chalked up my crazy idea as crazy.

But the next day, as I got ready to drive back, the memory of how erotic it was to be packed to the brim resurfaced and that's all I wanted to feel on the drive back. First it was my usual order at Jimmy John's for lunch, followed shortly after by a venti Frappucino and lemon loaf. I still wasn't full so I found a gas station and added both hot food and snacks. Finally, I stopped at a McDonald's for a coffee drink, McFlurry, and chicken sandwich that I ate at a rest area with the seat reclined to allow my stomach to surge forward.

While I didn't hit my original goal, I probably did manage 20,000 calories over 3 days and for the first time, the feeling of being excruciatingly stuffed was one of both pleasure and pain. I was so addicted that a few days later when I flew out for a long weekend vacation, I stopped at the Delta Sky Club and downed multiple plates of the richest food after binging pastries from Target and before a decadent sushi dinner that night. On the return flight, I was disappointed that the Sky Club offerings were meager and I had to fill up on their seafood bisque before ordering a personal pizza and nachos from the food court.

But today, I'm packing my bags for the next work trip and making my plans to achieve my goal. This time, I have 5 days and I'm taking the train. The plan is to have 3 massive binge days and 2 maintenance eating days, with the 35,000 divided over the 3 binge days and 12,000 divided over the two “rest” days, which I'd calculated were what I would need to maintain my 208 pounds.

Day 1 - 11,666
Day 2 - 6,000
Day 3 - 11,666
Day 4 - 6,000
Day 5 - 11,666

I’m hoping that at the end of the 5 days, I'll briefly see the scale flash 225 before settling out to somewhere around 218.

I've planned to eat double breakfasts, double lunches, double dinners, and double dessert for my massive binge days and hearty meals plus snacks for the maintenance days. I've also scoped out the nearby restaurants and mapped out a variety of calorie rich meals. I have a snack bag packed with Twizzlers, Pop Tarts, pastries, chocolate candy, and trail mix. I've fantasized about going to one of the downtown department stores to invest in some larger clothing and see what I look like in clothes while totally stuffed. I even brought my measuring tape to see how big my belly is before, during, and after this multiday binge.

It's the night before I leave and I can't wait to get up and spend the whole day eating.
2 chapters, created 1 month , updated 1 month
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TheFattenedClam 1 month
This is so good!