Natural Selection

Chapter 1- past to early future

1869- the first ever fat man’s club is formed proving to be the first ever positive outlook on weight gain that actively encouraged putting on weight

1990- child hood obesity is on the rise due to the growth of fast food chains

2000- 27.5% of men world wide are now obese kick starting an era of drastic weight gain

2009- the obesity rate is now increased to 39% and online websites glorifying the epidemic are set up to encourage weight gain

2011- grommr is founded as the first gainer themed dating/ community app.

2012- as the world fears destruction based on an old Aztec clock they don’t notice the bellies growing on there frames

2015- 65% of people world wide are overweight

2020- with the pandemic many people are stuck inside with nothing other than eating to do, hundreds of people who normally wouldn’t have gained weight are now overweight and a minute few are considering gaining till they are obese.

2022- this post is written depicting what it will be like in a future that glorifies obesity. The writer of this story begins his weight gain journey and is struggling to fit into his clothes.
41.9% of adults are obese and the rates keep rising, many fast food restaurants promote new food items that are very fattening and with the rise in deliveroo and Uber drivers many people don’t leave there houses to get food anymore

2023- a sharp growth in the number of people joining weight gain websites rises causing the government to try implement healthy eating campaigns.

Later in 2023: high end fast food chains pay off governments healthy eating campaigns in favour of installing fast food restaurants in schools and collages as a “cheap alternative to school food”

2024- obesity rates climb to 50% as the number of McDonald’s world wide doubles, fat activism groups are now deeming exercise a torture device asking for gyms to be shut. Most fast food chains have governments world wide under their grasp.

2025: most gyms close due to inactivity/ pressure from fat activists and grommr becomes as popular as Instagram and the first ever fat vogue is issued.
2 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Growingsofter 2 years
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
Whitemalehunk 2 years
Sure any plots you want to see happen?
Fanedfox 2 years
We’ll done! I have some stories posted under the title “As it Should Be”. A similar theme to your story.
Whitemalehunk 2 years
I’ll go read them now 🙌