New Beginnings

Chapter 1

Katelyn and Jeffrey were a fairly cute couple who were very happy in their relationship. Jeffrey had just gotten a job in sales at an insurance office, while Katelyn had decided to work from home selling products online. They’d been together for two years, and had just moved into a new home together.

Jeffrey was a fairly slim man, being 6’2” and 175 pounds. He didn’t really workout per say, but he kept fairly active by walking when he could and being aware of his eating. Katelyn on the other hand, took exercise and health to a different level. At 5’0” and 115 pounds, she was a lean, mean health machine. Each morning she prepped high protein meals that she found on Instagram health and fitness posts, and did both Crossfit and ran triathlons. To say that she looked great was an understatement. Her lean abs and toned legs helped her sell her products online, as she flashed her fit body around each product.

However beautiful of a partner Katelyn was, her lifestyle was beginning to worry Jeffrey. At 31 years of age, he thought it would be nice for her to slow down and enjoy her life, socialize with friends, and have meaningful experiences with her family and loved ones, namely Jeffrey. Instead, she spend the majority of her time on her fitness and selling her products online, and by the time Jeffrey returned from work, she was too exhausted or busy with another workout or promotion to spend time with him. He knew that fitness was her passion, and he didn’t want to take it away completely, but just some balance would be nice.

As Jeffrey endlessly scrolled through TikTok, he came across an ad for a local amusement park called “New Beginnings.” A charismatic young man hugs his assumed girlfriend and says into the camera "You too can spice it up at New Beginnings Theme Park!" In it he watched happy couples leave the theme park, most with an engagement ring on their fingers and big smiles across their faces.

Jeffrey also noticed how their smiles weren’t the only thing that was big…
6 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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AthleteTurne... 1 year
I need more of this story