New years snippets

Chapter 1: The Fattening, spin-off

Bethany woke up feeling as if she couldn’t breathe. Her vision was spotty, and she could barely make anything out in her morning daze. She tried to remember last night.

She was on her honeymoon with her husband, Henry. They had spent the evening drinking and fucking, enjoying their time as newlyweds. The night had ended with them both dozing off, Bethany full from alcohol and a good bit of food. She was a bigger girl, at 5’6 275 pounds, but carried her weight well. Henry loved every inch of her, and he described her as looking like some kind of ancient fertility goddess. He didn’t mind that she had gained 30 pounds since dating, if anything he thought she looked great.

Bethany’s vision slowly started to come to, but she still felt extremely light headed. Breathing was still difficult. She felt hot and heavy, heavier than normal. What the hell was going on? She looked down, and the panic attack started.

She was enormous. Her once smaller belly felt like it was down to her knees, and it rose up several feet. Red stretch marks covered it, a clearly fast gain pushing her skin to the limit. She struggled to look around, but felt her hips just touching the sides of the bed.

The king bed.

She tried to move her legs, but could only barely wiggle her feet. Surely her thighs were the size of redwoods. A ring of neck fat kept her from looking around easily. Her breasts, once luscious DD’s, now lay stretched across her chest and flowing down onto the bed. There was no telling what size they were now, but they would have hung down to her stomach if she could stand. Her arms were large ham hocks of lard, with her wrist fat starting to overflow her chubby hands. So fat were her fingers that she would never be able to grip anything ever again.

Every where you looked on her body, would have been nothing but lard. The extreme fattening that had taken place overnight had not just wrecked havoc on her externally. She was still very healthy before despite her size, but now that was a pipe dream. Her arteries became flooded with fat, her heart weakening from the shocking transition. Diabetes and hypertension attacked her immediately, and her lungs were pushing futilely against her enlarged form. In a span of hours, her body went through years of binge eating junk food and no exercise. This was part of the reason her vision was spotty, and she felt lightheaded.

She began calling out for Henry as her left arm went numb, but instead of an actual yell it was a low gurgle.

Thankfully, Henry had already woken up before her and was outside the beach condo trying to get cell service to call an ambulance. This was a honeymoon turned nightmare, but unbeknownst to them both, every woman in the world had been effected by this strange phenomenon. If help did get to Bethany in time, she would have months of medical treatment ahead of her before being resigned to a life of morbid obesity. At 975 pounds, she was physically ruined no matter what. In between calls, Henry thought about how lucky he was that she hadn’t blown up on top of him.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 months , updated 1 month
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Uwu23 3 months
this is aready finished?