Open Wide, Baby Boy [chap. 1]

  By Blimp

Chapter 1 - new beginnings [part 1]

I've always hated winter... And living in Montreal never made that easy. At age 22 I was living with roommates in a large apartment. I had dropped out of school as I never had much of an academic profile... I was just somewhat lazy and had been living out of welfare for a few years now. I know I had good intentions but it always ended up being too much work.

I liked being on the dating scene and was very active on many dating websites and apps. However, being a small guy about 5'1" tall did not help getting much attraction with girls. I was quite slim too... Weighing around 120lbs. Many girls would just turn me down by answering that they're not into small guys.

Most girls I was able to meet always ended up being so demanding... I had two "serious" relationships in the past five years but I always figured that I liked being alone in the end.

As I was getting older, another thing that got obvious to me was my total submissive behavior towards women with big breasts. I was automatically drawn to them, being somewhat hypnotised. This led to many embarrassing situations where I would stare at someone's breast continuously when having a normal conversation. I ended up being very shy when meeting new girls, trying to avoid staring at breasts... But still I kept coming back to the dating scene.

Then, someday during winter, I got a message on one of the dating websites had subscribed to. This girl’s name was Daisy and she was five years older than I was. She had not uploaded a picture on the website so I had no way to know what she looked like. She told me that she was from the USA and was visiting town. She was attending a conference in her field of study and was looking to meet someone to kill time with. She was studying biological chemistry. At first, I was skeptical as I did not know what to expect at all and I thought nobody who is studying a nerdy subject like biological chemistry would be interested in a college dropout like me.

We agreed to meet for the first time in a public market where it would be easy to find a cafe and sit down to chat. I had no idea what she looked like so I told her the types of clothes I would be wearing and we set a time when we would meet.

So, there I was: waiting to meet someone I didn't know and had no idea what she looked like. To say the least I was very anxious. I was portraying all kinds of scenarios in my head when I heard someone talking behind me.

"Are you Justin?"

When I turned around, two inches from my nose was a very large and appealing cleavage tucked into a white dress shirt. Her breasts must have been at least the size of two ripe grapefruits. I had to raise my head to see that she was at least a whole foot taller than me, or maybe even taller. She was a slim brunette with dark eyes and huge breasts. She had a small cute baby nose and red cheeks, that she had gotten from the cold air outside the public market. Her hair was straight and light, cut down to her neck. She was holding her winter coat in her hands and looked very formal in her nylon stockings, short black skirt and her huge bust stuck in a shiny white dress shirt. I was mesmerized.

"I... I guess I am.", I answered staring at her cleavage.

"You're cute" she responded. "How are you?"

"I'm OK. What do you want to do?", I added still staring at her cleavage.

"Well, I'm not so familiar with this city and I know that there is a lot around to see... However, it's so cold outside and I'm wondering if we should just hunker down somewhere for the night. I've been here for 2 days now and I'm craving my home cooking so much... "

I raised my head again to look at her in the eyes and smiled.

"Indeed, it's very cold at this time of year. We can go to my place and prepare dinner if you wish. There's a grocery store just around the corner."

Daisy smiled and gracefully pressed my head against her left breast using her hand and caressed my hair in two gentle strokes with her other hand, as if she was giving me a hug.

"That would be very nice." she said.

We took the subway towards my place and went to the grocery store. While on the subway we talked and got to know each other. She told me she was completing her Master's degree in Biology in Texas, and was sponsored for a research project. We talked about our respective families: me having lost my father at a very young age and not being on good terms with my mother at the moment... And her having lost her father recently and worrying about her mother being lonely nowadays.

As we walked to get in and out of the subway, I had trouble keeping up with Daisy, since she was quite a fast walker.

"Do you like pasta? I'm craving my mother's pasta and cheese casserole recipe." She said as we entered the grocery store.

Daisy quickly went through the aisles while holding my hand. She picked up 1kg of pasta, a block of cheese, milk, cream and a whole rotisserie chicken. When we got to the register, I pointed out that I had no means to pay for all this food.

"Don't worry about money. I'm happy to be with you." she said kissing me on the forehead.

We got back to my place and Daisy went very quickly to the kitchen to prepare the food. I had to stay back as I was struggling to get out of my winter boots and coat. When I joined her in the kitchen Daisy had taken out all the pots and pans we had in my apartment and dropped them on top of the kitchen table.

"It's going to be tricky but I think I can make it." she said.

Alerted by all the ruckus in the kitchen two of my roommates showed up and got really interested in what was going on. Both of them immediately started to flirt. Daisy played along but always kept back wincing at me. At some point she turned to me and said:

"Come see me."

As I got closer to her, she picked me up by under the armpits and raised me so that I'd be sitting beside her on the kitchen counter.

"Good boy." she said as she started to work on her casserole recipe back again.

From that point in time Daisy was totally ignoring the two other roommates and we got into a dialogue.

"Your place is cool but I'm afraid that we'll constantly be bothered while we stay here. What about this - when I've finished preparing the casserole, we get back to my hotel room for the evening?" she asked.

As Daisy was preparing the dish, she kept bringing spoonfuls of creamy cheesy sauce up to my mouth.

"Taste this." she said. "Do you like it?"

I concurred and kept masticating the tasty thick cheese sauce. She kept on spraying different powders and bringing the spoon back to my mouth.

"And now what do you think?" I concurred, once again, it tasted very good.

When the pasta got cooked, she mixed the sauce, the pasta and the dismantled chicken in a dishpan then covered it, ready-to-go. She suggested that I bring a change of clothes for the night. I agreed and we went to my room. Daisy immediately pulled out all my drawers and went through all my choice of clothing. I did not have much clothes and most of the time I was wearing a combination of t-shirts and jeans.

"These clothes are not really comfortable. Do you have pyjamas?" she asked.

I did not have pyjamas per say but I had an old stretched sweatshirt that my uncle had given me years ago. My uncle being overweight, the sweatshirt was way too big on me.

"This will do." she said. "You don't need pyjama bottoms; you can just keep your briefs."

She reminded me to make sure to pick up my toothbrush and toothpaste and other personal hygiene products. Then Daisy called an Uber cab to pick us up and bring us to her hotel.

The room was located on the 8th floor of a downtown luxury hotel. We had a great view of the city from there and it seemed a very relaxing and private place to be, compared to my busy apartment.

"You should get comfortable while I prepare", she said as she went into the bathroom.

I got into my sweatshirt and briefs and I immediately noticed a Nintendo Switch™ game console on the counter besides the TV.

"So, you like video games?", I asked.

"Yeah, it's cool." she answered behind the bathroom door.

I was starting to set the table for us to have dinner when she got out of the bathroom. I turned around and got mesmerized by what was in front of me. Daisy was wearing a beautiful white laced bra that seemed to be just a bit too small for her immense bosoms. It was visible that her nipples were almost popping out of her bra. She was wearing a see-through nighty over her bra and white laced panties.

"There's no need to set the table. We should have dinner in one of the beds. It will be much more comfortable." she said.

She walked right up to me and pushed my whole head into her breasts with her left hand.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked.

"I must admit I do", I answered while staring into her cleavage.

Then, she picked me up by under the armpits and sat me on the bed. She placed three of the huge pillows behind my back and made sure I was sitting so that my back was leaned just a tiny little bit backwards on the pillows."

"It's important that I get the right angle." she said while adjusting the pillows.

Then she took one of the small chairs that were by the dining table and brought it close to the bed, just to my side. She took a spoon and started feeding the entire casserole dish pan into my mouth one spoonful after the other.

"Open wide" she said.
5 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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