Chapter 1 - Paradise found
Take you out to wine you and dine you,buy us desserts and watch you eat for two.
I go get the car, because your feet hurt,
On the way home, you untuck your shirt,
Unbutton your pants and lean back to relax.
Then back at the house, I prepare your snacks,
Massage your neck and remove your shoes,
kneel before you and savor the views.
Pamper your feet while you lay in repose.
Rub you with lotion from breasts to your toes.
Your soft second chin and ears in my mouth,
my hands detect moisture deep in the south.
Taste your sweet splendor, your fullness replete.
Worship your glorious physique effete.
Immerse myself, my tongue lips, and eyes.
Drink your orgasm, ‘tween shuddering thighs.
Feel your spasms, your ecstatic bellow,
I gasp for breath under rollicking jello.
The favors you take, you do not return,
Your satisfaction’s your only concern.
You see that I yearn, and pity your slave,
but you're exhausted, you got what you crave.
On your back it’s a hopeless endeavor.
No way to reach your deep buried treasure.
I beg you and help you to climb up above,
coax you and bribe you with something you love.
You shuffle and heave, your gorgeous gut sways.
Your thigh swings over, envelops my face.
To prop yourself up takes all of your power,
So I lift your apron to find your flower.
Now you’re on top, your gut spilleth over.
I’m ready to pop, a bee in my clover.
I drink your nectar, you come yet again.
You bellow and buckle, and spill down my chin.
You’re sated above me, my fun can begin,
But you wilt and bend, your strength fails again.
You lean forward now, to your hands and knees.
I kiss your thighs and pillowy cheeks.
You crawl backwards on your servant below,
My hands gently lifting your great pile of dough.
As you move back, the heavens slide by,
Gigantic fat rolls, navel, and thigh.
You pause to let me attend to your breasts,
Your nipples are soft, just like the rest.
Then back a bit more, and your lips meet mine.
We kiss for a while, you taste your own wine.
You fully relax, thighs, arms, and hips,
all of your focus now trained on those lips.
My ribs are bending, under your flab,
your midsection crushing down on my abs.
I cannot breathe, but you like my struggle.
You offer no help, self-satisfied puddle.
I bend and contort, trying to reach.
You know that I can’t, you’re too much to breach.
Deep in your oxter, your slave, small but clever,
locates your chassis, a delicate lever,
Under the fulcrum - your belly so wide,
I tilt you upright, submerged in your tide.
My buttress-like arms hold you on high,
Beautiful, flawless, your loins upon mine.
You have to admit my impressive feat.
Your inventive slave has earned a real treat.
For one brief moment, you cooperate,
precarious dance to balance your weight.
My hand navigates your decadent layers,
I penetrate my answered prayers.
You lean on my hands, gasp as I enter,
And loll on your throne as I reach your center.
Ascend through your gate to heaven above,
Endorphins like these are better than love.
Your belly spills over my abdomen,
I’m in you and yet it reaches my chin.
You lock on my eyes and watch me in pain.
No effort to help as my hips flex and strain.
With each thrust you crumple, dimple and fold.
Goddess above, you’re a sight to behold.
Without exerting one muscle you know,
You’re wearing me down and taking my soul.
You bite your lip still locked on my eyes,
One last thrust and my stamina dies.
You own me now. It can’t be denied.
Whatever you want, I will provide.
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For illustrated version find
"Homage to the Gluttoness" by Adip Ophile
on Amazon Books
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years