Piling on the Pounds

Chapter 1 - First impressions

Andrew had just started school and so far was really enjoying his newfound freedom. His parents had never been awfully strict, but they were both slim for their ages and throughout his life had never kept much junk food in the house. He would have the occasional unhealthy snack when out and about with friends, but other than that he wasn't honestly all too interested in such things. However, he found that he absolutely loved the food in his school's dining hall!
His roommate, Craig, was on the shorter side (5'5" he guessed) and had a sturdy build. He seemed to enjoy eating, but never really gained any weight. This was probably because he spent most of his time outside the dorm, either taking walks or working. Despite being mostly busy, Craig always spent his meals with Andrew, joining him in the dining hall and watching as Andrew would pile his plate high with carbs and heavy, calorie-laden foods and sweets.
One day during lunch, after he had watched Andrew gorge himself on multiple french toast meals at breakfast, Craig gestured at Andrew with his fork.
"I think I've got somebody you might wanna meet," he said through a mouthful of burger. "If you're up for it." Andrew thought about this for a second, chewing his extra-cheesy pizza. He swallowed and almost immediately went in for another bite.
"Is she cute?" he asked without looking up from his meal.
"Yeah, I guess," Craig shrugged. "I mean yeah, she's cute. Just not my type, y'know? Her name's Claire. I've known her since... fuck, forever, I don't know. She's an interesting one."
Andrew just bobbed his head in acknowledgment, swallowing another bite and shrugging as well.
"Yeah, sure," he said, finally looking up at his roommate. "Set me up, man."

- about a week later -

Andrew heard his name being called from the other room and sat up groggily. He waited, not quite awake enough to form a sentence yet.
"Yo Andrew, come here, man!" Craig called again. "I'm in the kitchen!"
'Kitchen' was putting it generously; all the dorms on their floor and above had what administration deemed a 'kitchen.' It was really a room that was just barely big enough to contain a microwave, a sink, a minifridge, and a couple cabinets. The boys made do, stocking everything full when they could with microwavable foods.
Andrew pulled himself out of bed, still half-asleep and in nothing but his boxers and an oversized t-shirt, and made his way to the so-called kitchen. He stood in the doorway and waited for Craig to start talking.
"Dude," Craig started, "Claire said she'd meet with you. Today if you want, she said she gets off work at 2. You could meet her up there and walk her home... or here, I'll be conveniently not home for a while." Craig grinned at his roommate. It took him a second to process what Craig had told him.
"Where's she work?" he asked, scratching his belly through his shirt. "Is it a far walk?"
"Nah, it's right up the road. Just down the block north and then hang a left and it's right there. I think it's called Frankie's? Something like that."
"Okay." Andrew looked at the time. Shit. Almost 2. He went back to his room to change into actual clothes and was mildly surprised when he was met with some resistance by his jeans. First he was struggling to get them over his ass, but once he got them tugged up, he found that they were getting pretty tight around the waist. This didn't deter him though, and he sucked his stomach in a little and buttoned them, deciding that he'd just wear a large shirt.

Once he had made the short walk from the dorm to Frankie's, Andrew noticed that it was an old-school diner. Painted a fresh turquoise and silver, he found it cozy and welcoming. He walked through the double doors and looked around for a second. It was pretty dead inside, only a couple of people sitting in booths.
Andrew meandered over to the bar and took a seat on a turquoise vinyl stool, putting his hands on the counter and waiting for someone to pop up.
Pretty soon, a petite brunette in an old-school waitressing uniform came out from the back, her short hair pulled back aside from her bangs, and a small smile on her face. She walked up to Andrew and brightened her smile.
"Hey there honey, what can I get you?" She said, notepad and pen at the ready. Her voice was like honey and Andrew felt his chest warm. She was adorable.
"Uhh..." He faltered. Come on, he told himself. Remember what you're here for. "Um. Is-- is there a Claire here? Uh, working.. today?" God that was lame. He furrowed his brow. He felt dumb. But the girl's eyes lit up behind her cat-eye glasses and she beamed at Andrew.
"Mhm!" she said quickly. "That would be me! You must be Andrew, right?" She set down her notepad and pen and leaned toward him, her elbows on the counter.
"Oh shit," he said, quickly backtracking. "O-oh! Sorry! I mean.. Hi. Hey, yeah. Yeah, I-I'm Andrew." He looked down, embarrassed. He could feel the heat coming from his face. Claire only giggled.
"Aw honey that's alright. Here, I'll be right back." She patted his hand reassuringly and disappeared into the back, only to emerge again, without her apron.
"Well?" She smiled. "You ready to go?"
2 chapters, created 5 years , updated 5 years
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Built4com4t 5 years
Growing Bigger 5 years
Great. Super fast paced.. but why not would of liked some development of claire building up to that moment instead of all 2 chapters but good read
Richkellyhot 5 years
amazing start! I like that its realistic and not rushed! good job keep it up