
Chapter 1

Dario moans and fruitlessly attempts to maneuver himself in any way that will help him relieve the persistent arousal caused by the pressure on his buried cock. the vampire makes no headway, he is far too massively fat to move at all. His pale flesh cascades and pools around him forming his nearly room bursting physique. tears come to his eyes and he begins to whimper, hoping against hope that his master will take pity on him and allow him release.
A familiar tantalizing scent reaches Dario’s nose and he whines, his mouth waters for the delicious human blood.
A low chuckle breaks the air “Oh dear, aren’t we a glutton”
Dario blushes a deep scarlet letting out a moan as the presence of his master pushes his arousal painfully farther and he attempts again to move, to no avail.
The faerie’s claws rake lightly across Dario’s blubber “Already so fat on blood and yet the mere smell of humans sets you drooling, pathetic~”
Dario moans, his buried cock so painfully engorged that tears come to his eyes.
Vath’talus smirks and squeezes Dario’s pale rolls “I think it is time you were punished for your gluttony” his four solid black eyes gleam in the candlelight “Such a pity, I was just about to assist you with your little... problem~”
Dario mewls “master... please”
“Now now” the faerie scolds “We’ll have none of that” he slaps the sea of rolls causing dario to jiggle all over “Take your punishment”
A strange sensation spreads over Dario, he begins to feel odd and dizzy, the room seems to spin and warp, Dario whimpers as he begins to shrink down until he is only six inches high. He can hear his master’s laugh, the sound now as loud as thunder, as he reaches down his now gigantic hand and scoops the tiny blob of a vampire up off the rug and begins to fondle and prod Dario with his fingers as he walks towards the smell of the humans. Dario’s eyes go wide with dawning horror “oh no... master.. please, please I don’t think I can... not like this.. I-I’ll burst!” he whimpers. Vath’talus only laughs “It is far too late my greedy little pet, though do not fret, you will not burst” he chuckles “Stretch yes, but never burst”
The humans are bound and gagged in the sitting room, they struggle too no avail against their bonds at the sight of Vath’talus who moves forward and places the tiny immobile Dario on one of the humans then uses his clawed nails to make a draw blood.
Dario’s pupils dilate at the irresistible smell and begins to drink, slowly draining the human as his belly swells with blood like a tick.
Once the human is dry Dario resembles a red balloon with how full he is and he falls to the ground sloshing and wobbling painfully.
“Oh dear, you cannot possibly be full yet my little glutton” Vath’talus teases, scooping up the overfilled vampire “I’ll give you a reward once you drain the other” he uses a finger to prod Dario’s buried and needy cock causing the vampire to moan and squirm
“aahhh~ master!!!”
Vath’talus takes his finger away “You see, now finish your meal” he places Dario on the neck of the remaining human and this time the vampire needs no prompting to gorge himself this time and soon enough he is laying helplessly on the floor full to bursting with blood and too inflated to move at all.
“See now, that wasn’t so hard little glutton” Vath’talus purrs and begins to ease one of his fingers inside his pet and begins to fuck him with it.
Dario moans pathetically absolutely enraptured in the pleasure “nnnghhhh~~!!!! ahhhh~!!!!” he drools and whimpers unable to even form words as he’s ravaged by his master’s finger and completely unable to move at all.
After what seems like an eternity to Dario he finally is allowed to climax and squirts cum on the floor. A deep moan escapes his lips as he feels his master’s hands squeezing him and willing the blood to digest and convert into more pale rolls of fat. He moans as the pain of being swollen and inflated fades before crying out as his master suddenly drops him to the floor causing him to flop and jiggle.
The strange sensation from earlier returns as Dario begins to grow back to the size he was before and then much more with all his new weight, he feels this flesh squish against each wall and the top of his head brushes the ceiling. His master lays on his belly nestled between his gargantuan breasts “Such an obideditant toy”.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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