
Chapter 1

“and how was it?” an excited female voice asks from behind the camera.
“ehm…greasy?” a cute and fit looking blonde replies. In front of her was an empty plate and there was a bit of sauce at the corner of her mouth.
“Yeah you might want to get used to that considering you are Plusxxx new prime model!” The lady behind the camera chuckles “Just look at how fit she is now. Haley, how much do you weigh and how often do you go to the gym?”
“128 pounds and 5 times per week” Haley says with a bit of a blush.
“A real fit girl…and we are going to cover her in blubber!”

“I really don’t want to get fat” Haley says as the camera turns off. “Ash surely you can’t be OK with this?”
“Well first off, I love fattening cute fit girls up” Ash smirks as she puts the camera away “second of all you are the one that pissed off Miss L. So if you know what is good for you and your family, you just do as you are told.”
“But’s it’s so gross and unhealthy” Haley whined.
“That’s part of the fun” Ash snickers as she towers over her. Ash was almost six foot and due to her tattoos and piercings she had a naturally dominant vibe to her. “seeing how you go from cute miss perfect to am obese wheezing, sweating, food addicted blob!”

Ash wasn’t just into making skinny girls fat, she was also very good at it and commercializing it. A constant stream of stuffing videos were posted on Haleys channel. Until:
“say it again! Say it again!” Ash gleefully says as she films Haley’s blushing face.
“I…I-I ripped my pants” Haley stammers soft as Ash turns around. Haley tries to cover the hole, but pale fat could be seen pouring from it.
“Hahaha!” Ash laughs teasing “You honestly thought you could still wear your normal jeans after you put on 20 pounds? Especially considering how much of that fat has gone to your ass?”
Ash jiggles Haley’s chunky behind and snickers again

After that the feedings got more intense, more fat focused. Haley wasn’t just eating fattening food, Ash was pushing her to eat so much she would stretch her stomach.
“UURUUUAAAP” Haley groans and whimpers.
“good girl, another bite for you” Ash stuffs another bite into Haley’s mouth “after this you are having some coke, your viewers thing you look so cute when you burp”
“so grooo-URUUUUUAAAAAAAAAP-ss” Haley huffs unable to control her burps.
“Like most things…better get used to it chubby” Ash says as she rubs Haley’s belly.

“You must think you are so fat already” Ash says proud as Haley steps of the scale. “I mean by societies standards you are. Being 5’5 and 253 pounds makes you morbidly obese.” Ash pinches Haley’s belly that is hanging over her panties “but just know that you are still skinny compared to how fat I am going to make you!”

“See folks, Haley used to be super fit. Run all the time, go to the gym…and now look” Ash firmly spanks Haley’s huge butt. “Now she is so fat she gets this sweaty and out of breath from just waddling up two flights of stairs” At the top of the stairs Haley leans against a wall as she tries to catch her breath. “All those lean muscles, wasted away…replaced with blubber” Ash pinches the soft fat that hangs from Haley’s upper arms. “Remind our viewers how much you weigh now Haley.”
“336 pounds” Haley pants as she wipes sweat from underneath her plump breasts.
The camera turns to Ash filming herself with a smug look
“We already added 200 pounds of blubber on her once so lithe frame, but we are just getting started folks!”

“How are your pizzas?” Ash asks as she finishes vacuum cleaning. Ash did pretty much all chores in their shared apartment, Haley mostly just ate.
“Greasy, with lots of meat-URUUUUAAAP- but good” Haley reluctantly agrees as she finishes another slice. Ash had given her the task to eat three family sized pizza’s.
“Greasy and with lots of meat, just like you” Ash snickers as she puts her fingers between two rolls of Haley’s belly. “Don’t forget to drink your soda. You need the sugar.”
“My doctor told me to drastically reduce my sugar intake” Haley mumbles, but drinks her soda anyways. When Ash mentioned soda she instantly felt a craving for the sugary substance.
“of course she did. You are severely obese, your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure are probably through the roof.” Ash reasons “But she doesn’t know you have to be a good pig and fatten up even more.”
“This isn’t healthy” Haley says grumpy before letting out a loud burp again.
“Never said it would be healthy” Ash replies bored “what about gaining massive amounts of lard made you think any of this would be healthy?”
“I…I just didn’t expect to be this fat…like 380 pounds, is so heavy!” Haley blushes.
“You are heavy alright” Ash smirks “but still not heavy enough”

“Perfect, now look over your shoulder and give me a naughty look” Ash says after the camera flashes. “Right, put your hand on that big ass”
Haley blushes as she follows Ash’s orders. She was wearing a cheerleader outfit that didn’t cover her huge ass and left her belly completely visible.
“good girl” Ash says in a pet-talk voice “eat that muffin in this pose, I’ll take some action shots”
“How do I look?” Haley asked self-conscious, despite her size she still took modelling serious.
“Really fat” Ash grins “so perfect!”
“I’m 431 pounds, of course I am going to look fat” Haley replies annoyed. “and this stuff is not going to help with that” Haley waves the muffin around before taking a bite.
“Of course it will help” Ash snickers “it will help fatten your ass up even more, now keep eating piggy”
“Whatever” Haley replies blushing, but she does keep snacking.
“It’s funny how just a bit of posing is already causing you to sweat” Ash gleefully points out.
“y-you don’t know how much effort this costs when you are this big” Haley snacks fasters, as if she tried to silence Ash’s remarks with food.
“True, but that might have something to do with how severly obese you are now” Ash zooms in on the rolls of fat on Haley’s thighs “I mean I work hard to keep this fit, while you just sit on your fat ass and stuff yourself”
“B-because I am forced to!” Haley replies angry.
“Whatever the reason is, it doesn’t matter….at the end of the day, you are the *** that gets out of breath from tying her shoes.” Ash shrugs.

“Can you be any slower?” Ash asks monotone, but she was enjoying every second she saw Haley waddle.
“S-shut up….I know this turns you anyway. Pervert” Haley huffs as she waddles as fast as she can.
“You know me so well” Ash replies cool as she smirks. “Just remember I agreed to take you to the park, but for every minute you walk you are eating a donut”
“Yeah, yeah you only reminded me six times so far” Haley rolls her eyes.
“Well. Time to pay your donut tax, fatty” Ash takes off her backpack and hands Haley three donuts “three minutes….from the parking lot to here” Ash giggles as she can still see the car. “you are so fantastically out of shape!”
Haley groans as she sits her fat ass down on a bench, making it impossible for anyone to sit next to her. People walk past her and give her looks, women gossip as they feel slender compared to her.
“Everyone is looking at me” Haley says blushing after devouring the first donut.
“You are 500 pound lady, stuffing her fat face while she can’t even fit in her current clothing. Of course people are going to stare” Ash reasons unbothered.
“I-I am not 500 pounds” Haley stammers.
“Right, right…498.4 pounds” Ash rolls her eyes. “Such a slender and healthy weight”

“Your ass is so huge” Ash remarks followed by the sound of a meaty slap.
“jeez, who’s fault is that?” Haley replies sarcastic.
“Shush piggy, you just focus on eating” Ash firmly tugs on a leash that pulls the collar around Haley’s neck back towards a huge platter with cake on it. “Remember you have to eat it all or there will be no reward from your kind feeder”
“I can’t believe I am doing this” Haley blushes as she gets to eating without her hands again.
“Eating so I will pleasure you?” Ash grins “You are 540 pounds… you are good at eating, so use it I would say”
“410 pounds of lard” Haley sighs before burring her face in the cake again. “I used to be so skinny, I could get a guy or girl anytime day of the week”
“yeah…those days are long gone!” Ash slaps Haley’s huge ass again. “Let’s face it fatty, not many guys or gals can handle a big girl like you” Ash grins as she gently leans her tall and fit figure over Haley’s flabby body. “But me?” She whispers in her ear as she grabs a hand full of fat from Haley’s belly “I love it!”

“you know I can’t do that anymore” The camera zooms on Haley’s blushing, but annoyed face.
“Obviously I know that, but I want you to admit it on camera. For our fans” Ash chuckles off camera.
“You are such a pain” Haley groans.
“I’ll get you more cake if you do it” Ash replies honeyed.
“fine” Haley replies grumpy.
The camera zooms out to show the blonde woman in all her obesity. She was short, but very wide. Fat hung from every feature of her body. Thick rolls of pale, stretch mark covered, flesh formed her belly. Her belly got wider towards her hips and hung heavily against her thighs. The black spandex top and shorts did little to cover her obesity. The huge blonde takes a wide stance and blushes.
“I Haley of Plusxxx videos can’t jump anymore” She says blushing.
“And why is that?” Ash pushes.
“Because I am too heavy.” Haley’s blush intensifies.
“Really?” Ash fakes surprise “Do tell, how heavy are you?”
“577 pounds” Haley replies through gridded teeth.
“Perfect! Let’s get you some cake and make sure you’ll get to that big 600 pounds!” Ash says pleased.

“Still doing good?” Ash couldn’t help, but smile. “you’ve been at it for a while now”
“Yes, I got quite the capacity now” Haley huffs as she puts another plate away. “It’s surprising how fast things changed” She pulls another plate close, but drinks about half of a large jug containing a thick shake first. “I remember being stuffed, like physically full, from half a pizza” She sinks her teeth into another large greasy burger.
“So far you’ve downed two calorie bomb weight gain shakes, six burgers, two batches of fries, a pound of bacon on the side and a bucket of fried chicken” Ash lifts a fry and feeds it to Haley “and best of all. You are still eating”
“I’m 636 pounds…no use in trying to spare calories now” Haley reasons. “Not like you would let me anyway”
“True, but you are also completely food addicted. Addicted to a constant flux of sugars, fat, grease and everything else that made you this big” Ash squeezes Haley’s hips.
“URUUUAAAAP—ooofff…are you just trying to make me feel like a fat pig?” Haley groans as Ash pushes her stomach, making her burp.
“Well you are a fat pig…and yes I love pointing that out” Ash replies gleeful “Keep eating fatty”
Haley takes another bite while her eyes glide over Ash’s figure. Ash was tall, fit, toned even. She looked like she was casted as the “bad ass chick” for a Hollywood movie.
“Keep dreaming piggy” Ash teases “because every pound I put on you puts you further away from this” Ash lifts her shirt and shows her abs.
“I-I wasn’t” Haley stammers “I mean…whatever…I know what you are into” With a blush Haley looks straight at Ash. Dips her burger in gravy and eats it messy.
“hmmm I do like that” Ash grins “Maybe I would like it even more if you drank that gravy like a real fat pig?”
“ugh gross” Haley groans, but starts drinking the butter based gravy.
“That’s better” Ash moans low, she rubs circles over the enormous ball of lard that was Haley’s belly.
“It’s weird….I hate and love turning you on by being a fat pig” Haley says blushing “UUUURAAAAAAAP…like that was for you”
“Thank you” Ash smirks and squeezes Haley’s nipples. “you are a cute pig”

“Oh my god, just look at that pathetic waddle” Ash taunts before laughing “She is struggling to just waddle around nowadays, look at how she is panting”
The camera moves around Haley’s body and shows her blushing, sweating and panting as she is trying to catch her breath.
“I guess that is the consequences of eating like a fat pig…you might just end up weighing 690 pounds” Ash teases some more. “Remember how solid your abs were Haley?”
“I-I do” Haley stammers.
“Now I can’t even wrap my arms around your enormous gut” Ash says gleeful
“can I sit down again?” Haley asks soft.
“of course, but you know the rules” Ash replies eager “if you sit your fat ass down before waddling around for five minutes, we are going back to funnel feeding you.”
“I-I have no option…it has only been two minutes and I am so exhausted” Haley whines.
“fine…time for your funnel again” Ash smirks

The camera turns off and Haley waddles to her bench before her hand is taken by ash who leads her towards the large reinforced bed.
“I want you in bed piggy” Ash says eager “makes it easier to eat you out”
“I-I thought you wanted to funnel feed me” Haley stammers blushing.
“Obviously I will use the holder near your bed to funnel feed you while I eat you out” Ash rolls her eyes “unless you just want to sit on the couch of course?”
“n-no…bed sounds good” Haley huffs as she finally reaches the bed.
“good pig” Ash replies grinning.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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