Post Wedding Paradise

Chapter 1 - After the wedding

Naturaly today was the happiest day of my life. I'm finaly forever with the perfect partner. She's intelligent, funny, and although she's very skinny, beautiful. The funniest thing happend with her tonight though.
She's always been very conscious of her weight, always dieting, always working out, always trying to shave that last 5 pounds. But tonight changed that.
Iv always told her that she'll always be beautiful to me, no matter what her weight, but tonight she believed it.

"Honey?", she said.
"Yes sweetie?", I quickly replied
"Now that the guests have gone and there's no one left to feed can you pass me that cake?"

This was extremely strange. She hasn't eaten cake in years, it's "too fattening" or, "not worth it". And now she's asking me for a plate full of her worst fear?

I slightly awkwardly said to her "Sure! Of course." (Making it too apparent that I would be a little too happy if she ate. )

"Umm, ok then.", were the only words out of her mouth before her mouth was put to the task of inhaling about 5 pounds of dense, creamy wedding cake. I was almost too excited to think about how quickly that cake was about to become part of her dense, creamy (and already quite supple) ass. It's no secret that she was no tooth pick to begin with. Although she tries very hard to remain slim, and for the most part is, she's still not the toothpick she's always wanted to be.
My wife has an adorable build. She stands an imposing 5 feet tall and weighs only about 115 pounds. She has the cutest chubby cheeks, squishy little arms, a tiny tubby tummy, jiggly thunder thighs, and a butt that belongs on someone 50 pounds heavier than her.
This part of her is where 99% of her insecurities come from. She can deal with being short. She can deal with having glasses. She can deal with not being well liked in many ways. But her body crosses the line. She's the most beautiful woman in the world, beautiful wavy brown hair, a stunning smile, a cute little nose, and of course, those eyes. They aren't a brilliant blue, or a spectacular green. Just brown. Ordinary everyday brown. But there's something behind them that other people don't have. Her eyes show her caring kind nature. They show what you mean to her. They show a lot of love, compassion, and heart all compacted into a tiny little frame. These are the kind of eyes that you can look into and instantly feel just that much less alone. She's the kind of person that makes you feel less alone. The problem is I can't make her feel less alone, that is, up until this night. When we tied the knot something chanced for her. She finally became happy. She saw all things in her that I saw. She was finally happy. Once she was happy she let off on herself and started to eat more and work out less. That made her happier. Therefore, even more food, even less motion.

I think we all know where this is going.
8 chapters, created 9 years , updated 9 years
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Nok 6 years
Great descriptions, and good length and pacing.
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Suggestion: Include her feelings of ambiguity, maybe even fear of what is happening, as well as acceptance. Narrator's feelings also.
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
You are doing a great job. I love these stories where a new relationship or marriage suddenly seems to change people. Nicely done.