Rachel the Feedee

Chapter 1

My first story and written in notes, feedback is welcomed, there’s more to come… if you enjoy leave a comment.

Rachel rushed through the middle of town, on her way to the clothing shop she’d been working at through uni and for the months since graduation.

Rachel had graduated with a commerce, business degree, the year before, boasting an HD average for most subjects. Though having graduated with excellent grades, that could see her easily secure a paid internship at a big four consultancy, she had decided to take the year off. One more year of her low pressure retail job, partying, attending festivals, and maybe some travel. One last year of being a kid before embarking on her adult life.

As she power walked past the bakery, the smells wafting from the entrance gathered in her nostrils, and her tummy rumbled. How she longed for a sausage roll, or two? With a sugary iced coffee, and maybe a donut for desert” her mind wandered. She shook her self from her stupor and continued on her way. She was running late for the stand up meeting, hosted by her favourite colleague and secret crush Dan.

As a child and teen, Rachel always had penchant for baked goods, greasy fast food, and sugary treats. Whilst she was beautiful enough to get away with being curvy in the eyes of society, these were desires that had seen her sporting a borderline chubby figure by her senior year of high school. Even with her much thickened form she had no lack of admirers lining up for her attention at those earlier university parties.

Rachel remembered feeling womanly and loving the way her thicker booty would compress and dimple, and her tiny pot belly would bounce, as she grinded on top of her early University conquests. Though Rachel loooved food, and even truly enjoyed being curvy and the feeling of her softer body against her lover’s bodies, she’d squashed these feelings, burying them deep down.

Typically beautiful, though very much the alternative type, a big pull of University in the city had been the music scenes she loved, punk, metal, even some industrial and minimal techno. Rachel was a total scene Queen. In these scenes, thin, model type bodies were idolised, and that mattered to Rachel. She wanted to fit in with the styles she’s enjoyed and be admired, by the band members, promoters, and dj bros. This went hand in hand with her retail role, in a popular outfitter, that encouraged their staff to be thin, as they didn’t stock sizes much bigger than UK10. The company was very clear any bigger wasn’t their aesthetic. For these reasons, Rachel hadn’t eaten breakfast in years, and the rest of the time her calories came in the form of tiny meals or the alcohol that went with her party lifestyle. At a size 6 she was firmly within the size range the company approved of.

As she rushed in the door of the shop, Dan smiled and said “about time our top sales person turned up for the sales meeting, grab a pastry and coffee and come join us Rach” with a cheeky wink. Recently appointed assistant manager, Dan had taken the liberty of using petty cash to buy the staff coffee and pastries for their morning meeting. Rachel hesitated at first thinking of her figure, but hungry from the earlier smells of the bakery, and unable to deny a gift form Dan, Rachel grabbed a large chocolate coffee and a large croissant, and joined the others at the registers.
15 chapters, created 2 weeks , updated 2 weeks
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SpideyFlash8 2 weeks
Great so far. Keep going
Wadiyatalkin... 2 weeks
Appreciate it. There is much more to come.