Chapter 1 - Run surprise
As Emma embarked on her morning jog, her little silhouette was etched against the backdrop of the park. Her vibrant sneakers pounded the ground, propelling her forward with each stride. Her hair, gathered into a disheveled ponytail, swayed in rhythm with her run. Every sculpted muscle in her body contracted gracefully as she moved, revealing the determination and strength that resided within her."let's go Emma !" She whispered softly.
As Emma continued her morning run with focus, she didn't expect fate to take an unexpected turn. At a bend in the trail, Greg, a jogger approaching quickly, stumbled accidentally and collided with Emma head-on. Their collision caused both of them to stumble, and they found themselves on the ground, a mixture of surprise and confusion in their eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry ! My name is Greg, I run here everyday... Are you ok?"
Emma looked up at Greg and slowly got to her feet. She had taken quite a fall and felt a little dazed, but she tried to hide her discomfort and offered Greg a warm smile. "I'm fine Greg, really. Things happen," she said graciously.
Greg's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Emma. She was even more stunning than he had imagined, with her tall, slim figure and sparkling eyes. And with her hair flying in the wind, he had to make a conscious effort to contain the flutter of his heart. "Wow," Greg exclaimed, his cheeks flushing a little as he gazed at Emma. "I've never seen anyone run so gracefully. Your stride is truly perfect... Could I ask for your name?"
Emma was flattered by the compliment, which caused her to blush slightly. She tried to hide her surprise at Greg's comment about her running form, then introduced herself. "I'm Emma, nice to meet you Greg," she said softly. Emma felt butterflies in her stomach as Greg praised her running form. She was surprised to find herself attracted to this handsome stranger, but she tried to downplay her feelings. "It's nothing special, I just like to stay active," she said nonchalantly before adding, "so, you run here every day?"
Greg nodded enthusiastically. "It's a great trail isn't it? I never get tired of it," he said as they began to walk along the path together. "So you're a regular here?" he added.Emma grinned as Greg spoke with such admiration for the trail. It was comforting to meet someone who shared her love for the outdoors. "I like to come here for a run or a walk whenever I have free time. I've never seen you here before. Do you live nearby?" she asked curiously. Greg nodded and looked at Emma. "I do indeed, not too far from here actually. I love to run in the mornings... It's really refreshing when the weather is nice." He gestured at the sun shining through the trees. "Isn't it a beautiful morning?"Emma nodded in agreement and said, "It sure is. The weather's perfect for a run."
Greg smiled warmly. "I know, I was just about to start my run before I ran into you." As they kept walking, Greg couldn't help but notice how Emma kept glancing at him as if she was trying to remember something.
Finally he said, "I think I've seen you somewhere before, have we met before? Your face looks familiar."
Emma nodded in agreement and said, "It sure is. The weather's perfect for a run."
Greg smiled warmly. "I know, I was just about to start my run before I ran into you." As they kept walking, Greg couldn't help but notice how Emma kept glancing at him as if she was trying to remember something. Finally he said, "I think I've seen you somewhere before, have we met before? Your face looks familiar."
Emma suddenly paused in her stride, then turned to look at Greg with an amazed expression. "Wait... do you live at The Park Place?" she asked, a spark of recognition dawning in her eyes. Greg paused as he realized what Emma was saying, and realized that he recognized her too. "You're Emma, right? The girl who lives next to the laundry room?" he confirmed with a grin.
Emma nodded enthusiastically. "Yes ! That's me. How could I have missed you all these times? We literally live beside each other!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Emma turned back to face Greg and asked, "So, can I make it up to you for bumping into you? How about a coffee?"
Greg nodded and said, "Sure, I'd love to. My treat." As they walked back to Emma's place, Greg couldn't help but notice how energetic and lively Emma was. Every time he caught her glance, she was smiling and bouncing with excitement. He found himself increasingly attracted to her optimism and zest for life. Greg couldn't help but notice how petite and skinny Emma was. Although she was fit and toned, she was also rather petite in stature. She looked so fragile and vulnerable, which made her seem all the more endearing.
Greg tried to hide his thoughts, but he couldn't help but imagine Emma with a bit more meat on her bones, a bit bigger, with thicker thighs and bigger breasts. The images he had in his mind weren't even that dramatic, but he couldn't shake the mental picture of Emma with a curvier body. It was quite a pleasant thought.
Emma was unaware of Greg's thoughts, and as she talked and laughed, she never suspected that his intentions weren't entirely innocent. She told Greg about her love for running, how it was her favorite way to start the day, and about the other sports she had tried out. Greg listened carefully and found himself more and more interested in Emma. Her passion for staying active and her dedication to her fitness made her seem even more attractive. As Emma talked about her fitness and exercise routine, Greg couldn't help but notice how her slender arms and tiny hands gave way to a firm and toned body. Her tight-fitting tank top and shorts left little to the imagination, and it was all Greg could do to keep his gaze from wandering. As Emma spoke, he had to make a conscious effort to focus on what she was saying and not to let the naughty thoughts that filled his head distract him. Emma's conversation with Greg was starting to wind down, and they both felt their cheeks flushing as they realized that they were attracted to each other. Emma liked spending time with Greg, and she had already decided that she wanted to spend more time with him. She didn't want their meeting to end just yet, and she had an idea. "Hey, do you want to go out this evening?" she asked shyly.
Greg was taken aback by Emma's question, but he quickly recovered and nodded. "Yes, I think that would be nice," he said warmly. Greg couldn't believe his luck as Emma suggested that they go out for dinner that evening. He had spent most of the morning trying to ignore his growing attraction to her, but now he was excited at the prospect of spending even more time with her. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his emotions in check as he replied, "yes, I think that would be wonderful. Shall we say seven at the Italian restaurant on Main Street."
Emma smiled flirtatiously. "I love Italian food, that sounds perfect," she replied.
4 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year