Steak and a Blowjob

  By Bouncingbuns

chapter 1

Michael looked nervously around as he parked his car in the parking lot of the apartment complex. He had been given the address by his mother and told to be there at five. Michael got out of his car slowly, shifting his weight and trying not to hit the steering wheel with his workbag. He flung his workbag over his shoulder and locked his car with a beep. He looked at his phone for the address again and then found the correct building , building A , second from the right. He adjusted his pants, lifting them up and over his stomach and tucked in his shirt. He had worn a light polo and a pair of khaki's , he thought it was moderately nice, but didn't require him to officially dress up.
As he pulled the door open to the building he found to his horror that it was a walk up, due to the elevator being broken. His client lived on the fourth floor as well. He sighed to himself and started walking up the steps , stopping at each level to rest and catch his breath. By the time he got to the fourth floor he was huffing and puffing. He looked at the first apartment he could find and saw 402. He had to go to 429. Down the hallway he trudged, swearing to himself at this point that she had to be at the end of the hallway.
Finally he saw the apartment , 429. He knocked on the door loudly, his fists taking his aggression out on the door. He heard a sound of footsteps , and finally a womens voice float across the doorway, "Just a minute."
After at most thirty seconds the door opened a women was standing in the doorway, she wore a dress that went down past her knees, and her hair, tightly curled and completely grey in color was cut short on her head. She was wearing full make up , but in a subtle way. She said sweetly , "Hi, you must be Carol's boy?"
Mike said, "Yeah, you need your computer fixed?"
"Gosh, you poor man, the elevator is out, I forgot. Come in please." She welcomed him into her apartment and took his bag off of his shoulder. She put a hand on his shoulder and one on his stomach. "Go and sit down honey, and catch your breath. My computer can wait."
Mike opened his mouth to protest, but she led him by the hand over to a recliner. It was then that Mike saw the kitchen. There were multiple things on the stove top , and the oven was on. He looked at the way she was dressed, and asked him, "You look nice, do you have a dinner date?"
"Why yes I do. He's younger then myself, but at my age who isn't?" She laughed and chuckled.
Mike stood up and said, "I should go and check your computer, so you can get to your date."
She walked over quickly and said to him, "You are my date Mike, I'm cooking this for you." She walked him into the kitchen and showed him, "See I have Mac and cheese , corn, mashed potatoes, and cooked apples." It all smelled delicious. Mike saw the small apartments dining room setup for two.
"No Meat?" Mike asked.
She opened the oven and pointed to a monstrous steak , the largest one Mike had ever seen. His eyes bulged and he said, "I like my steaks medium rare."
"Good to know, dinner is almost ready, go and sit at the table." She urged him over to the table. One of the chairs was much wider then the other and didn't have any arms for it. Mike looked at it and wondered at what point does it become a bench. She must have sensed his confusion as she said to him, "You go ahead and sit there, this tiny fanny doesn't need it." She slapped her ass with mike watching.
Mike sat there and watched her cook. He did not know her age, but he suspected she was at most 65. He did pipe up as he had thought of an embarrassing question, "I don't' think I got your name?"
"I'm Lisa. Here, you can start on this." She brought over a plate that was full to the brim with mashed potatoes , corn and mac and cheese. It rose at least 6 inches off of the plate in every direction. She set it down and sat down next to him.
Michael picked up a fork and dug into food. He had been famished all day and this was delicious. He opened his mouth while he was chewing and said, "This is amazing."
"Its polite to swallow whats in your mouth before speaking Michael." Lisa said, with a smile of thanks.
An oven timer dinged and Lisa popped out of her seat and went to the oven and pulled out his steak. She removed it from a cast iron skillet and brought it onto the table on a plate. The steak was so large, you could not see the dinner plate any longer. Mike looked at the plate as she stuffed the last of the carbs into himself. He breathed in and out under some strain, he wished he could undo his pants.
"Here let me get these" Lisa reached down and undid his belt buckle. She unzipped his pants and made sure they were nice and open , so he could breathe. "It looked like you were having trouble, is that more comfy?"
"Yes Lisa, thank, you, how'd you know?" Michael said.
She only smiled and cut up his steak. "This is a 36 ounce steak." She said after it was fully cut. Michael had turned a delightful shade of red as Lisa went for his pants, and Lisa knew it.
Slowly but surely Mike ate his steak, bite and after bite, but about halfway through he could not eat another bite. He said as much, "I give I give, please no more."
Lisa giggled and placed another piece of steak on Mike's now discarded fork. When he opened his mouth to breathe and say something, she got that piece of steak in there.
Mike pleaded with her, "Please, I'm goinna burst , stop, just stop."
"No." Lisa said, puling up his shirt and playing with his tummy. "See, look at how bouncy you are, you'll be fine. Now open your mouth .
Mike did as he was told and in went more steak. Lisa fed him the rest of the meal and then when it was all over he said to her, "I'm too tired now to fix your computer."
Lisa said, "I don't own one, silly boy. You did very well, some boys can't even finish the carbs."
Mike was being more sarcastic then he intended when he said, "You know it is steak and a blowjob day!"
Lisa walked up to him and before he could react her hand was inside his shorts grabbing his member and playing with it. Mike sighed and realized he was too full to really resist.
Lisa grabbed his pants and shorts and slid them off, she then stood him up and helped him get to the couch. He was now naked from the waist down, fully erect. She said to him, "I look pretty good for a women whose 82, don't you think?"
Mike's jaw dropped, he had no idea she was that old. He stammered and stuttered, "Your hand was on my dick!"
Lisa smiled and said, "Yes and soon it will be in my mouth, I've been sucking cock for over 65 years, don't worry I know what I'm doing."
Mike didn't know what to say, and soon she was sitting on the couch next to him, and shortly after that she had removed his shirt. She put one of his nipples in her mouth and began to suck on it. Her free hand was firmly and completely around his cock. She began to lightly stroke it and after a few minutes she eased her head down and slowly slid it into her mouth.
Mike's head was spiraling out of control. He couldn't get over her age, her true age, out of his mind, but then this was easily by far the best blowjob Mike had ever gotten in his life. He treasured every second of it.
Soon Mike was squirming and wiggling on the sofa, he was ready to cum. Lisa didn't' need to be told, and soon Mike burst into her mouth and Lisa practiced what she preached. She swallowed everything she had been given. She looked up at Mike and their eyes locked.
"Hows that for a blowjob from an old women?" She said.
Mike tried to look away but he couldn't , "I've never..." was all he managed to get out. Just then however an oven timer went off. Mike said, "Whats that?"
Lisa said, "Oh it is Pie day too isn't it? Eat it all down for me and I'll let you stay over, how's that?"
"If I did , where would I sleep?" Mike asked innocently.
Lisa was getting the pie out of the oven and brining it to the living room. She said, "In my bed next to me, of course, where else do you sleep after sex with a woman?"
"You mean the blowjob?" Mike asked, then as a followup, "You forgot the plates.
Lisa shook her head no, then said, "No baby, the sex we are going to have after this pie." She scooped up some pie with her bare hand and into Mike it went. After each scoop she removed more of her clothes. By the time she got half the pie in, she was totally naked. Much to Mike's surprise, he had another huge erection.
"You're a good boy, aren't you?" She said.
Mike asked, "If I ate like this all the time I'd get so fat."
"Yep, wanna try it?" Lisa said smiling. "We can make tomorrow Italian food and a blowjob day. How much do you weigh now?"
"350" Mike said emarressed.
"Then lets get you to 700, double that weight. Hows that sound?" Lisa said, still shoveling pie into mike.
"okay. You'll keep giving me blowjobs, right?" Mike asked, already addicted to them.
"Yes, honey, you gain, I suck you off."
And gain he did. Lisa was fully aware that just one of her blowjobs was addictive to a man, and from then on, they would be in her control. His gain was sealed as he came that first time.
1 chapter, created 6 years , updated 6 years
4   1   2473

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B1gbelly 5 years
You should write more, this is good.