Summer Of

  By Zedgreene

Chapter 1 - part 1

A mail delivery can be quite an exciting thing sometimes, and this day’s most certainly was. The pile of envelopes and other assorted papers sitting in my mailbox seemed innocuous at first, but the best things in life often start that way, right? Electric bill, credit card statement, jury duty for my roommate… oh hey, the new issue of Nintendo Power! Now we’re talkin’. One final fateful delivery nearly missed my scanning eyes and grasping hand, however: a flyer announcing the dates for summer camp at Mt. Farrelly...

Enjoy the wilderness and tranquility of Mt. Farrelly’s natural flora and fauna with a week away from all of the hustle and bustle of civilization. Enjoy buffet-style freshly cooked meals in our mess hall, brave the plunge of Bellyflop Falls, and most of all, make new connections! (Returning counselors who have already passed our application process need only contact us at 555-4390 and reserve an available cabin.) See you in July!

I’d volunteered at the camp two years prior, back when I was still dating Chloe. It’d been a great change of scenery, but I’d stupidly spent too much time during that week at the campgrounds missing my girlfriend who I’d already been on the rocks with. She broke up with me when I’d gotten back home after admitting there was someone else, and the next year it was still a bit too raw to go back and volunteer there again. Time heals all wounds, though, and it was about time that I faced the place I’d subconsciously associated with my failed relationship. I went inside, picked up the cordless, and dialed the number on the flyer.

. . .

The day was here; it was time to finally make my way to the campsite and make some memories that didn’t involve the apartment I’d grown so tired of. I registered myself at the entrance to the site. The woman working the desk was pretty cute, I had to admit: a blonde with a lilt in her voice and a paunch that was pushing the limits of her belted blouse. A fantasy invaded my mind of her finishing the enormous submarine sandwich that sat dripping all over her paperwork. The sandwich devoured, she reached for another, and another… the belt didn’t stand a chance, quivering and snapping off of her outfit revealing a taut, stuffed stomach underneath. She reached for an extra-large fountain drink to wash it down with as---
“Excuse me? Earth to counselor…” The dream faded abruptly and I was snapped back to reality with the snap of the pudgy woman’s fingers. How long had I been sitting there practically drooling? God, this was beyond embarrassing, and it’d be even more so if she knew what caused my out-of-body experience in the first place. “S-sorry about that, I’m such a space cadet before I’ve had my coffee,” I blurted, trying to save face. She didn’t seem too put off and either bought my fib or wanted the weirdo in front of her to kindly move along. Either way, that’s exactly what I did.
I made my way to the cabin and met a few of the kids who’d be staying there this week, a bevy of troublemakers that reminded me of myself when I was a kid going to summer camp. After introductions and setting my bags up on my bunk, the PA system screeched to life, blasting everyone with a horrible few seconds of feedback before mercifully letting us know that it was time for an early lunch. Remembering how much I enjoyed the food at this place from the last time I was here, I wouldn’t have wanted to hear anything different.
I got in line at the mess hall and grabbed a plate, eager to see what was available. Macaroni and cheese, chicken pot pie, salads, corn bread, some kind of mystery casserole… it was a lot more than I expected for them to make for just one meal, but I wasn’t about to complain about having options. I spooned what I could onto my plate and picked a seat at one of the long counselor tables. The food was just as good as I remembered, possibly even more so. I ate my fill at a moderate pace, enjoying myself and the delicious comfort food on offer. This was going to be a good week. I was so glad I decided to come back he--
My train of thought was violently derailed as I noticed someone seated at the counselor table in front of me. Her back was facing me, giving me an uncompromising look at her svelte physique and too-small sky blue belly shirt. Two empty plates sat polished in front of her and she was absolutely going to town on a third that was piled high with multiple helpings of everything available for lunch that day. She had desserts lined up, too? Where did she even get those? I was mesmerized by how much she was putting away, it was just unreal. I watched for what was definitely far too long a time to stare at a stranger. I felt like George Costanza in that Seinfeld episode where Jerry pokes and he “peeks”... I just couldn’t avert my eyes. The champion eater’s fiery red ponytail bounced behind her as she bobbed for more and more grub, and the effect was simply hypnotizing. I could watch her go back for more all day.
After what felt like a blissful eternity, the mysterious redhead scooted her chair back, unsuccessfully tried to stifle a belch, and turned to the side revealing a belly the likes of which dreams are made of. It was made especially noticeable with the rest of her body being so petite. How was she even able to eat like that being her size? As she laboriously got up and lunged herself forward, she looked back just enough to notice my enormous eyes staring right at her. I was caught, and the look on my face surely gave away that it wasn’t a passing glance. As I began to formulate a much- deserved apology, she gave me a knowing half-smile and waddled out of the building, her gut on display thanks to her wardrobe. God bless the 90s.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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