The Bets

Chapter 1 : the bet

Margaux is a beautiful, slender blonde girl with blue eyes. One day when she was going to school there were 3 boys waiting for her. And he proposed a bet if she did not manage to get elected delegate she would have to gain 30 kilos. After having toured the whole school the day of the votes approached. She had 3 competitors 2 daughter and a boy. The next day arrived she thought about all the routes that she had accumulated, but these competitors would they have more? And no, Margaux disgusted has lost 15 ways tale 17 de paul. She will need to gain 30 kilos in 2 weeks. How will she do it if there is something long that she doesn't want to do? Getting fat when she is one of the most beautiful girls in all school. Coming home with a taste for defeat in itself, she wouldn't mind losing, but with her bet it doesn't make her disgust much more. She was too confident for this demonic bet but also she said to herself that we must think about how to get fat so quickly in just 2 weeks. She calls her best friend cheap. He might have the solution. To his great surprise Cheap agreed to help him. After three hours on the cheap phone told Margaux to come to his place. Cheap had told him come with tight, sexy clothes. Because you might as well do it while having fun, say to yourself cheap. He went to his cellar and set up a chair with rope then he ordered 8 family pizzas, 25 McDonald's menus, a pack of 100 nots, 15 tacos and about 20 other things. Margot was on the way, but it's still a little stressful she said. She was afraid of gaining too much weight, of having a belly which had never happened to her before, of not gaining enough weight and dying, that was Margaux's point of view. Cheap found it cool. It was a bit of his dream observed a girl until she was fat, to be able to touch her bulges, to massage her stomach, to see her swell day after day, to help her gain weight. He had bought so much food that he had to travel three times in his car. Now he had one thing in his head eager to start, to be able to feed his best friend.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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