The club

Chapter 1

One of the other guys just told me to "grab a roll" and go to town. So I did. The heavy, soft flesh easily wrapped around my cock, forming a perfect sleeve of lard around it. I wasted no time, the lube I bought making this feel better than any form of penetration.

Sure, it wasn't the same as normal sex, but the sheer act of it made it hotter. I'd been with plenty of larger women in my time, but this was different. The largest had been just a hair over 500, no small weight, but this.....this was something else.

The other 3 men in the room used the blob with impunity, seeming to ignore the actual person buried deep beneath the pale rolls and only focusing on the physical attributes. They had done this before. It being my first time here, I had to take the experience in fully. The bio had been given to me before I arrived, but in case I had carelessly discarded it, pictures had been pasted on all the walls around us.

Cassie was a blonde haired, blue eyed volleyball player who was in her junior year at UCLA when the Club took an interest in her. Now, I'm not an idiot. I was very aware, even with my cock wrapped up like a hot dog with the bun replaced by fat, that this was extemely illegal. The misshapen mass before me probablyyyyyy didn't want this, or enjoy it. But it wasn't my place to bring up ethics here.

Cassie has apparently been in the Club's possession for 7 years, but it wasn't until the last 2 that she finally got too fat to walk. She was very popular before this, with some clients dressing her up in too tight athletic uniforms and forcing her to break a sweat. A popular game was to play her in a volleyball match, and eventually she would get too exhausted to continue. This left her very susceptible to more feeding/fucking/whatever degenerate activity the client came up with.

During one of these games, she dove a little too sharp and completely destroyed her ACL, MCL and snapped her ankle. The Club figured now was as good a time as any to force her onto permanent bed rest.

Thousands of calories and appetite stimulants later, as well as some drugs designed to attack muscle mass, and Cassie was fully immobile. Now, with more of her to go around, you could involve more clients.

I wasn't a huge fan of orgies, but it was easy to focus on my part of Cassie. Also, I was new to the Club and had no idea if this would be my only chance to get with a pile of rolls this size. (It wouldn't be.....)

I won't even lie, I never saw her face. Her lower belly was where I was, and so high it rose that I could only see oxygen tubes running towards the head of the bed, and nothing more.

I gripped her belly fat HARD as I shot a load across her waterbed-like body. The immediate post nut clarity hit me like a train. I just fucked some half ton chicks fat rolls in a secret club not even two blocks from downtown. What the fuck was wrong with me? Was this worth the exorbitant amount of money I paid for membership?

It took all of 30 seconds for me push those thoughts away as I saw her chubby fingers on her right hand start flailing. They were so soft, she could barely make a fist. Still dripping, I placed my cock near her fingers. Instantly, she snapped them as fast as she could around my now hardening member.

Damn, they'd trained her to do all the right things.

The other men had finished up and were leaving, but I wasn't done. I looked over at her face now, and saw several chins surrounding a pretty face, with a tongue greedily licking her lips.

"More" she mouthed.

I didn't need any convincing to go over to her face and ram my cock as far down her throat as I could.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 1 week , updated 1 week
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Orin432 6 days
Unimaginably hot
FeederOni 1 week
Fantastic story