Chapter 1
The JobChapter 1
Spring approached once again for young Olivia. The cold winter passed so quickly that she didn’t really notice the waning snow pile outside of her apartment complex in Foxborough, Massachusetts. Her clothes meant for warmer weather hadn’t been worn in quite some time, but she smiled in excitement as she plucked a thin, silky dress from her closet. The sleek black design
shined under her bedroom light, the professional-looking style giving her confidence. It was a big day for Olivia–the flier on her desk standing out in her peripheral vision as her grin widened.
“Oh, I hope this isn’t too formal,” she said, sliding the garment under her feet and over her shins.
When the dress reached her thighs, the resistance increased. Olivia had always been a slender girl, but a holiday season full of sweets, family gatherings, and junk food had made her plumper than she realized. She struggled for half a minute before her hips prevented the dress from budging. A frown started to usurp her grin, but she remained determined.
She heaved the silk over her soft body, her slight belly wobbling in the process. As the
straps sank into her shoulders, Olivia whirled her head around, took a handful of her thick, brown hair, and pulled it free to spread across her back.
Her phone buzzed–the alarm sounding off as a reminder to not be late.
“Damn it,” Olivia said. “Makeup in the car, I guess.”
After half an hour's drive to her destination, Olivia pulled her car into an open spot in a
massive parking lot as she glued her eyes to the sight in the distance. She stepped out of her car, and a towering factory smelling of everything sweet in the world stood before her. The front doors seemed a mile away, but she braved the journey nonetheless.
As she walked, Olivia’s hips swayed back and forth, forcing her new weight to jiggle and bounce under her dress. The fabric rode up her thighs, and she tried to pull it down from time to time. Big blue letters beamed overhead.
“Weldon’s Cake Factory,” Olivia whispered to herself.
Just the thought of sweets increased her hunger.
She approached the entrance and took a moment to collect herself, trying to deny how out of breath she was. The clean glass doors gave her a clear image of her new figure, but she swallowed her spit and walked inside.
An open room greeted her, the receptionist’s desk along the back wall and a large pane of
glass up high above, almost like a window of a conference room. Once she stepped in, Olivia thought she noticed a shadowed figure move behind the glass. Regardless, she approached the desk
where a younger woman smiled and invited her closer.
Upon her immediate inspection, Olivia noticed the girl’s massive size and estimated her weight to be in the three hundreds.
“Welcome!” the girl said to Olivia. “You must be here for Mr. Maxwell!”
“Um … yeah, I believe so,” Olivia said, a luscious scent filling her nose and grabbing her attention. “My goodness, do you get to work with that in the air all day?”
The receptionist chuckled.
“Oh, honey, we work with more than just the scent.”
Olivia looked down on the desk and saw nearly half a dozen empty cake wrappers.
Oh, she thought to herself. That sweetens the deal.
After a moment, the door directly to the right of the reception desk opened, and Olivia
glued her eyes to the young, athletic man dressed in a gray suit. She blushed inside as she cast her eyes over his broad shoulders and muscular appearance. The man walked up to her with a charismatic expression.
“Good day, Ms. Abbot,” he said. “I’m delighted that you reached out to us here at Weldon’s Cake Factory. It’s been weeks since we’ve had someone apply for this position.”
“Oh–uh, good day, sir,” she said, trying to mask the tiny sensation of lust creeping up her throat. “I was happy to reach out, I’ve loved your cakes since I was a little girl.”
The slight grin on Mr. Maxwell’s face increased, and Olivia stood there, watching his eyes glance over her from head to toe.
“That makes me … most jovial.”
Something about the man’s deep voice struck a chord in Olivia’s heart, enticing her further.
“Come this way, I want to ask you a couple of questions before we progress farther into the factory.”
God, he probably just thinks I’m a fatty after looking at me after I said I love eating cake, she thought.
Olivia tried to suck in and look as appealing as possible before following Mr. Maxwell into
the adjacent hall. From time to time, she caught him peering over his shoulder, and she returned his gesture with a weak smile of her own.
Eventually, Mr. Maxwell turned into a room and held the door open for her. She walked by and observed a comfortable-looking chair wide enough to fit two of her.
“Please, have a seat,” the man said, offering her the chair.
Delighted, Olivia walked over and calmly sat down. The man neared after ordering a couple of his workers to bring over a table and chair for him. After he sat down himself, Olivia stiffened her back to fix her posture.
“You don’t have to be so rigid, Ms. Abbot,” Mr. Maxwell said. “Feel free to … relax.”
She leaned back in the chair, but that forced her belly to stick out even more. Her face
reddening, Olivia placed her interlocked hands over it as the man gathered a few sheets of paper and a pen.
“Now,” he said. “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself. What makes you so interested in this position?”
“Well,” she said. “As I mentioned before, I ate cakes from Weldon’s as a little girl and fell in love with them. When I saw a job for a taste tester at your factory, it sounded like a dream job.”
“Mmm. Very good.”
Mr. Maxwell looked at another sheet of paper.
“Let’s see … Olivia Abbot … twenty-four years old … graduated from Boston University with a degree in Political Science … living in Foxborough now …”
As Mr. Maxwell read off the application she filled out a week ago, Olivia’s hunger started to surface. Skipping breakfast yet again seemed to catch up with her.
“It seems that you’re a little overqualified for this job, Ms. Abbot, but we are more than
happy to offer you the position.”
“Oh, thank you!” she said. “I’d love to start right away.”
Her belly growled, and her eyes widened as Mr. Maxwell’s eyes drifted a little south.
“Sorry, I uh, didn’t eat this morning.”
“Well, that’s no way to start a day,” the man said before snapping his fingers.
On cue, a cute girl walked over and set a tray down on the table. Olivia looked over, and her mouth started to water as a dozen snack cakes rested on the shining silver.
“Would you like one now?” Mr. Maxwell asked, the deepness in his voice increasing and his head tilting slightly toward his chest. “I expect all my employees to at least have one per day. And as a taste tester, you may end up eating dozens. Is this something that you can handle?”
Olivia took one from him and carefully took a bite, the delicate cake taking up her whole
mouth. The urge to shove the entire thing in her face nearly overcame her, but Olivia restrained herself, took a few more bites, and closed her eyes as the flavor hooked her tongue. When she finished the cake, she looked up to Mr. Maxwell, who held an intrigued expression on his face.
“How does it taste?” he asked, biting his lower lip.
“I can’t even describe it … it’s … so good. I could eat twenty.”
She blushed again after speaking, trying to hide her gluttony before it spilled out.
“Good,” Mr. Maxwell said.
He stood from the table, revealing his full stature to Olivia as she sat there with icing on her lip. A lustrous feeling sprouted–she suddenly craved him in ways she hadn’t expected. Mr. Maxwell
neared and grabbed the plate.
“Would you like another?”
“Oh, I don’t know …” she said despite everything telling her yes.
An obsession for both the cakes and the man standing over her took control.
“Oh, come on,” Mr. Maxwell smiled. “I insist. Eat them all if you like.”
Olivia’s eyes widened once more. She stared at the platter of sweets as her mouth begged for more. Taking another, she opened her lips and pressed it against her tongue. The flavor sent her into a frenzy, dissolving her restraint. Olivia happily shoved the cake into her mouth, chewed for a moment, and swallowed.
My god, this is heaven.
She then realized how much of a pig she must have looked to Mr. Maxwell standing two feet away. However, as she looked up at him, he bore a wide smile. His finger drew close to her lip as she stared at his crotch and muscular arm, and he wiped the icing from her lower lip.
“Don’t be shy, Ms. Abbot. I know you’re itching to eat more. I’ve seen that look before.”
He leaned in as Olivia felt his breath on her ear.
“Eat them,” he whispered with a firm tone.
As the words hit her eardrums, she let loose, allowing her belly to extend and legs to relax.
Olivia smiled and her forehead started to perspire. Mr. Maxwell grabbed a cake and held it up to her lips. She let him stuff it in her mouth, moaning slightly as she chewed. With it all gone, another sat in her view in his hand. Her dress tightening, Olivia swelled up as she ate. She ate another. And
another. And another.
“See?” Mr. Maxwell said. “Don’t they taste so good?”
“Oh, my god …” Olivia groaned, feeling her belly with her hands. “I’ve … eaten so many. I’m so full.”
“Shhhh,” Mr. Maxwell said. “Don’t say that.”
Olivia felt a firm hand on the top of her big belly, and she closed her eyes and leaned back as it rubbed and massaged her.
“Just … eat,” Mr. Maxwell said.
He stuffed the final snack cake in her mouth, and Olivia gave in. She swallowed it faster
than before, her gluttony reaching its peak. Her belly swelled more as she felt his hand move over her deep belly button.
“I’m … I’m sorry,” she said, squirming as she started to feel wet. “You must think I’m just a
fat pig.”
Mr. Maxwell’s hand slid over the lower part of her belly, and she looked down and watched
him jiggle her. His hand shifted south still. Olivia’s breath escaped her body through a sharp exhale as his strong fingers moved down to between her fat thighs.
“Perhaps that’s what you are,” Mr. Maxwell said. “But that’s exactly what I want for this … position.”
Olivia squirmed yet again, her belly massive and tight, Mr. Maxwell’s fingers pressed against her. She gripped the side of the chair, breathing harder and harder. As the man’s fingers caressed her and quickened in stride, Olivia moaned. She felt his other hand caress her swollen belly.
Her exhales sharpened, and Mr. Maxwell leaned in closer. The chair rocked, wobbling her gut ever so slightly. Olivia moaned louder as she neared completion, her wetness seeping through her underwear onto his fingers.
“Please–I,” she said, grabbing onto his forearm. “Don’t … stop …”
Olivia released a deep sigh, curled up, and dug her nails into Mr. Maxwell’s arm as she
found satisfaction. She gasped after a moment and laid back down in the chair. As she sat there, filthy from her own mess, she felt Mr. Maxwell’s finger dig into her belly button. A moan left her lips again, and she opened her eyes as the man’s charming smile beamed back at her.
“Well done, Ms. Abbot,” he said. “Do you think you could do this every day? Perhaps with more of these delicious cakes?”
She nodded her head as best she could, her energy gone and body shaking. Mr. Maxwell
smirked and chuckled as he patted her belly.
“You’re hired.”
Contemporary Fiction
Weight gain
7 chapters, created 7 months
, updated 5 months