Chapter 1 - The train
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Staring out the window of the night train, Jacob had his wireless headphones in. A gentle beat played in his ears as he watched the rain run down the glass. His mind was on the latest story he was writing about a murder that just occurred. A mother had cut her two children down with a butcher knife from the kitchen and then slit the father’s throat while he slept on a couch. She then slit her own wrists and held her dead children as she bled out. He shuddered as he recalled the horrible crime scene – having been allowed in thanks to the fact that his brother was the chief of police. Tons of things in the house were destroyed like a tornado blasted through it. What had driven this woman to do this? Was she alone? How did the house get in such a state? Everyone he interviewed so far could only sing her praises – neighbors, coworkers, members of the Mahjong club she was part of…so where did this sudden snap come from? She only had one living sister, and that was who he was currently taking the train to meet up with. The sister’s name was Mai, and she lived way out in Glen Oaks and he was in Bay Ridge. It was an almost 2-hour train ride.
Jacob gently drummed on his leg as the music played in his ear. His head was always whirring away with theories and ideas, but for once he just wanted to quiet that down and relax. He didn’t have all the information yet. He was just going to have to wait. As he continued drumming, the train stopped and let some poor, rain-soaked people on. Some had been smart enough to bring umbrellas, but some had not. Jacob stiffened when he saw the last man ponderously enter the train. He lumbered on, his face red from the short walk he had to take. Each step was a pronounced waddle as he had to swing out quite a bit for wide legs to make room for his drooping gut. The train car physically dipped down in his direction when he stepped on and evened out as he got off the platform. The man’s belly drooped to just above his knees and his shirt and sweatpants were completely soaked from the rain. Jacob’s boner pressed hard into his skinny jeans and he crossed his legs, furiously hiding it.
He continued to take the man in. The man’s black, graphic t-shirt with a stretched and faded picture of a wolf was already a little small, but the wetness made it bunch up under his flabby arms and man boobs. A good sliver of pale, flabby flesh poked through above the waistline of his gray sweatpants. The man’s deep, wrinkled belly button was just showing where the shirt was lifted. Jacob’s heart beat faster as he saw that the entire lower half of the man’s jiggling gut was packed tightly into those sweatpants. As the gut swayed, he almost felt hypnotized. His mouth watered and he longed to grab the man’s gut and massage it. He longed to lick the expanse and fuck his belly button with his fingers, tongue and maybe even his cock if it was deep enough. As the naughty thoughts flew through his mind it was very hard for him not to instinctually buck his hips right there in lust. His green, piercing eyes followed the sweating, miserable man to his seat and was pleased when he saw he sat in the seats parallel to him.
The man took up both seats himself, and that made Jacob’s cock twitch again. The human blob shimmied sideway, his gut pressing hard into the seats in front of him. He barely made it in and eased himself onto the double wide seating. Luckily for him, these seats were not separated by an armrest. Perhaps that’s why he chose this mode of transportation? Jacob swallowed his saliva again as he saw that even sitting, the monstrously large man’s gut was pressed into the seats in front of him. Sweat mixing in with the rain, the man wiped his forehead, his upper arms flapping like the bat wings they were named after. He rested his hands on his gut and leaned back panting a little from the effort, unaware of what a show he was giving the man next to him.
Jacob was a grown adult. He had been through puberty. Why did he get turned on so hard when he saw enormous people like this? His legs were still crossed, and he placed the book he had been reading over his lap. He turned sideways to take up his entire double seats as well, turning to face the man. Attempting to look casual, he got out his phone and pretended to be bored and scrolling. The man was looking out the rainy window and did not notice Jacob glancing up at him every few moments. It was so satisfying to watch his sharp breaths slowly ease into a slightly wheezy contentment. Being one who has perused many weight gain sites in his time, Jacob estimated that the man had to weigh about 650 to 700 pounds. He did not get to see many whales like this out in the wild. It was truly a treat. A small, pervy side of himself wanted to take some photos or video of him to jerk off about later, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Even though the man was sexy beyond belief, it would be rude to treat him as less than a person…even though that was what he was doing right now while fantasizing about all the things he would love to do to him.
At war with himself, Jacob finally felt his boner die down a little. It especially died down when a streak of lightning flashed across the night sky and reminded him of the flashing cameras at the crime scene once more. Though still facing the fat man, he picked up his book again. It was a criminal psychology book that his brother had lent him titled, “No One Ever Just Snaps.” After leaving the scene, he stopped at the station to speak with his brother. Queens was a nasty place as it is, but this felt particularly heinous. Since he was no criminologist, just a reporter, he had asked his brother if he had any idea why the wife would just snap like that. His brother, Richard, had snapped his fingers and said that reminded him of the book he had read at the academy and loaned it out to him.
He had gotten through the rather dry opening and finally moved on to the first chapter about motivations. A lot of psychology was being brought up with a lot of interesting brain scans and illustrious sounding quotes from illustrious sounding people. So far, this did not seem entirely helpful, but was still passing the time. A faint sound of snoring could be heard, and Jacob glanced up over his book. The fat man had his head tilted back, his squishy double chin that wrapped all the way around his head was squashed into several rolls from the weight of his head. His mouth was open and the faint sounds of snoring echoed from him. Jacob noticed with interest that his shirt was riding up again from pressing into the seats in front of him. He tried really hard not to be turned on once more, but unfortunately some of that belly was poking through. His cock rose to half mast and he tried to distract himself with images of brains. He almost successfully killed the boner but then the man let out a long, deep fart.
Several people laughed and scoffed around him. The fat man continued to sleep, but the pure slobby actions really turned Jacob on. This man was just the epitome of sloth and gluttony and it was turning him on to no end. He was going to have a great time thinking about him later. A small fantasy played in his mind of him asking the fat man out. Striking up conversation, being suave and charming, asking him out to a coffee so he didn’t feel he was being messed with for his weight…then he would get to go home with him and explore every single roll of flab. He would feed him huge meals every day, enjoy watching him blimp up even more until he couldn’t ride anything besides the cargo hold of the train…
Jacob did accidentally buck his hips a little, but turned the sexual motion into an adjustment instead. His knees were raised so no one else could see just how turned on he was by this beautiful Adonis. He was trying everything in his power not to orgasm, especially since he was visiting an interviewee. Ah yes. The case. Mai.
His heart slowed a little as he remembered the case again. The boner died down and just as he was relaxing, a loud dinging bell rang through the train to alert everyone that the next stop was for Glen Oaks. This was his stop. Jacob quickly stuffed the book into his messenger back and grabbed his small umbrella off the floor. Shoving his phone in his pocket, he started shuffling to the doors in a trance-like, practiced state. It wasn’t until he had left the train, opened his umbrella and turned to see the doors closing that he realized he had missed his chance to talk to the fat man. Faintly, he could see that the man was still sleeping, head tilted back as the train began to pull away. Jacob actually felt a small pang in his heart of the missed opportunity.
Turning around, he reshouldered his messenger bag and began walking toward the main Flight area. Who was he kidding? He wouldn’t have asked the man out. Hell…what would he have even done if the man had said yes?
12 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years
I can’t wait for the next instalment.
I have to admit to being jealous of Jacob.