Chapter 1
Rachel was done with it. She was done with the yo-yo dieting, done counting calories, done trying to be model thin. She was a blonde haired, blue eyed senior at PSU and she was done trying to look like a Barbie. She wanted to just give in to her desires and become a BBW. Her last boyfriend, Chase had broken up with her because she had gained 15 pounds. Screw him she’d find a replacement fast.She had always struggled with her weight and had decided she was going to focus on what made her happy: eating what she wanted and relaxing. She just needed someone to settle down with.
She walked across Old Main lawn looking for a target. Target acquired: the shy, nerdy guy from her marketing class. She had noticed him stealing looks at her in class. He was sitting on a blanket alone, reading a book. She thought his name was Timmy. Time to make her move.
“Hey…it’s Timmy right?” She asked flirtily.
“Oh-um…Tommy actually” he said blushing. He couldn’t believe his crush had approached HIM.
Close enough, Rachel thought. Look at how flustered he was, this was going to be easier than she thought. “What are you reading?” She asked, pretending to be interested.
“Dune, it’s a sci-fi series about-“ he started before Rachel cut him off. “Cool” she said already bored by him. “I’m hungry, wanna buy me lunch?” She said rubbing her belly.
“Oh uh ya sure” Tommy said. He couldn’t believe his luck. He gathered his things and got up.
“I’m thinking Chick-fil-a” Rachel said matter of factly
“That’s kid of a long walk from here” Tommy said.
“That’s ok, you can get us an Uber” Rachel said with a wink.
“Oh ya sure” Tommy said, hoping he wasn’t blowing his shot.
They rode together in the Uber in silence. Tommy was so nervous. Rachel noticed immediately and thought it was kind of cute how much he was already wrapped around her finger.
“So how does a cute boy like you not have a girlfriend?” She asked watching him blush.
“I-I don’t know I’ve been focused on school” Tommy stammered out. She had called him cute, he couldn’t believe it.
“I like a driven man” she said. God this was going to be easy. He was already head over heels for her.
“You’re here” said the Uber driver.
Tommy followed Rachel to the counter. “I’ll take 3 spicy deluxe sandwiches, 2 fries, a large coke and 2 brownies” Rachel said greedily. “He’ll pay” she added as she walked to the nearest booth. Tommy ordered a chicken sandwich and paid.
They didn’t talk as Rachel wolfed down all her food. “Man this girl could eat” was all Tommy could think.
When Rachel was done with her feast, she let out a sigh. “Why don’t you be a doll and go get me a milkshake for the road?” She said commandingly. Tommy obeyed without thinking.
“Timmy” Rachel called out getting his name wrong intentionally. He turned to look. “Chocolate” Rachel said with a wink. God this was too easy.
Tommy came back with her shake. “Thanks, cutie” Rachel purred. “Now why don’t you call us an Uber back to my place?”
Tommy did as he was told. When they got there Tommy walked her to the door. “Should I come up?” He asked nervously. “Not so fast, playboy” Rachel laughed. Tommy blushed.
“When can I see you again?” He asked trying not to sound desperate. “Come back here at noon tomorrow. I’ll let you buy me lunch.” She gave Tommy a long kiss goodbye. He was on fire with lust. She gave him a last pat on the groin feeling his bulge before turning and sashaying into her important. She was going to have fun playing with her new toy.
8 chapters, created 9 months
, updated 2 months