The Obesity Epidemic

Chapter 1 - before the virus

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Isabelle and her husband George were spending their weekend jogging in their neighborhood. Both Isabelle and George cared greatly about their fitness and wanted to maintain their cardiovascular health. As they jogged, they would talk about life and politics. Today was no different from any other jogging day for the Spellmans. As they turned the corner, Isabelle spotted an overweight middle-aged man sitting on a bench on his porch.

“Check out that guy! He should star on My 600 Pound Life!”

“No, he should play Jabba the Hutt in the next Star Wars movie.”

Isabelle laughed at George’s joke. They jogged past the man on their way home. Once they made it inside, they prepared a grilled chicken dinner with vegetables and wine. Eating healthy was of great importance to the Spellmans. They resented fat people and looked to impress others with their fitness. After dinner, the two watched TV and eventually went to bed.

The following morning, before getting dressed, the Spellmans continued their habit of weighing and measuring before breakfast. Isabelle, being five feet seven inches tall, weighed a healthy 138 pounds, while George was four inches taller, weighing 185 pounds. Jill’s waist was only 25 inches around, with George’s waist measuring 34 inches. Both had visible abs and defined jawlines. They both were only 25 years old and were in peak physical condition.

Isabelle was a personal trainer at a local CrossFit gym. She worked five days a week in the afternoon to evening hours. George was a nutritional expert at another gym who specialized in weight loss. Their active lifestyles followed them everywhere they went.

Isabelle and George never ate fast food. They packed healthy lunches for themselves to ensure that they wouldn’t be tempted by any other restaurants or options while at work.

Every Wednesday night, George would play recreational basketball at a gym with his friends. Isabelle would play volleyball with her friends on Wednesday nights as well. The Spellmans lived by fitness and nothing could prevent them from pushing their bodies to peak physical condition.
13 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Ah246799 4 years
are you gonna make a sequel?
Spear227 4 years
Absolutely do a sequel where there is a second wave.
Theswordsman 4 years
If you're going to make a secondary wave you may want to consider making it to where the disease makes people able to handle excess weight without health problems
Danny43 4 years
Nice but i would like to more off how the qorld changed not so many most die they can become immobile i loke that ^^
MrBrownstone 4 years
...i.e. a fitness, diet obsessed freak who with their gain transitions also into a couch potato addicted to junk food. Character using their gradual transition would be cool
MrBrownstone 4 years
Loved roading this story. A cool idea would be a sequel or a side story of one of their gyms colleagues gain from the start, profiling their physical and mental transition...
Danny43 4 years
More plz i would like to see a world where is every one 500 pounds minimum heavy. Because i would like to see how the live and how is the Technology advance
Xandercroft 4 years
Morbid, but it’s good to stretch the writing muscles. 👍
LeandroAlex 4 years
🇧🇷 Brazilian portuguese 🇧🇷

Estou gostando muito dessa história mas só acho o ganho lento já que o vírus fará eles engordarem como passou duas semanas o peso deles poderia explodir
Theswordsman 4 years
Love the irony
FrecherTyp 4 years
mhmm... yes i must say i wished our coronacrisis was more like that sexy thing happening here ...

but then please in summer were we can see all those changes ^^....

and i really liked your story as it found a couple of fitness instructers it was eve
Karenjenk 4 years
I like this. Its relevant for our times now too.

One idea I had was to have people grow a percentage of their current body weight.

Please keep this going!