The retired hero!

Chapter 1 - the arrival

My name… is none other than Riki Kanata! 5 years ago when I was 13, I died and reincarnated in this world as a hero destined to kill the Demon King. Over the course of my 5 year journey I made it my mission to become as strong as possible, and to make a bunch of friends along the way. I even found a lover, her names Rorark. But before I tell you more I suppose I should tell you what me and Rorark look like.

I have a pair of large green eyes, and long blond hair, and I've been told by my nobility that beauty is not to be matched. I have an incredibly toned body, from all my training. And I stand at 5’10, at 135 lbs, and I'm a D-cup (I know, be jealous.)

Rorark has long auburn hair, a pair of hazel eyes, and is just as pretty as me! She’s a mage so she’s not very muscular like me, but she’s still really skinny. She stands 5’5, at 110 lbs, and has a cute little B-cup.

About a month ago I defeated the Demon King. Unfortunately when i killed him he placed several curses on me, to strong for any mage to remove. The problem is that I have no clue what they are, and apparently they’ll start to affect me at random times.

Due to this King Ezra, the man who summoned me, decided to send me off to his private mansion with Rorark as both a reward for defeating the Demon King and as a way to keep an eye on my encase one of my curses activate.

We are now shifting from Riki’s POV to the narrator, I.E. ME.

“Man i can’t wait to get there, King Ezra said it's only second to the castle!!!” Riki said, jumping around in her seat, unable to contain all her energy.
“I know, I can't wait either. We get to spend so much time together, in such a nice place… in peace.” Rorark said with a warm beautiful smile.
“Yeah, King Ezra said it sits on top of a giant Mana vein, apparently there's a giant Mana crystal buried thousands of feet down and it's been leaking energy for hundreds of years right below the Mansion. Isn't that so cool!!!” Riki said unable to stop fidgeting.
“Yeah, apparently there's so much there that if harnessed correctly it can make water, lights, food, and other things.” Rorark calmly said. “Oh, look!”

Just as their wagon exited the forest the mansion came into view. It was beautiful. It was made entirely of polished stone and some kind of dark red wood. It had windows everywhere, with little designs plopped around everywhere, a beautiful garden surrounding it, and a Picturesque fountain in the front.
When they got inside they were stunned at the beauty. Red wood covered every inch, paintings and windows coated the walls, and the furniture was beautiful.

Due to the mansion’s ability to make things out of thin air the 2 girls packed pretty lightly, with one bag for each of them, and their respective sword and staff.
“Man! It's even more beautiful on the inside!” Riki cried out.
“Yeah! Wanna go explore it a little?” Rorark asked.
Oddly enough in what seamed like an instant every ounce of Riki's energy disappeared.
“YAWN!!! Oh man, I don't know why but I'm kinda tired now. Wanna eat something and go to bed?” Riki asked.
“Huh, that's unusual for you. You're usually full of energy, what happened?” Rorark asked.
“I dunno, maybe it's the move, or maybe the Mana in this place is affecting me?” Riki explained.
“Maybe, anyway, the coach (Of the wagon they rode in) gave me a map of the place with some directions. Seems like the Master bedroom is on the second floor in the back of the house, and the kitchen is right below it.” Rorark explained.
“Yawn… okay, how about you head to the bedroom, and I'll head to the kitchen and grab us something to eat?” Riki asked.
“Yeah, that sounds good. I'll see ya in a few my hero.” Rorark said, throwing a kiss to Riki, which she caught.

As Riki was walking toward the kitchen the same thought kept passing through her mind, OH GOD WHY AM I SO DAMN HUNGRY AND TIRED!!! This had to be the most starved she had ever felt, even more so than when she was stuck in a cave for a week and a half.
“Whatever.” Riki said to herself. “I'll just indulge myself to night, its no big deal."

When she managed to get to the kitchen after walking for 5 minutes she stumbled upon a beautifully decorated room… but there was no oven… odd...
“OH RIGHT!!!” Riki said face palming. “You don’t need to cook… you just use the Mana crystals to make anything you want.”
Looking around she finally came upon the kitchen's Mana crystal, it glowed a warm baby blue and looked rough but was surprisingly smooth to the touch.
So… I just touch this and make a mental image of what I want… WAIT A MINUTE!!! Can I make food from my world!?!
Eager to find out, Riki placed her hand on the crystal and remembered the most filling meal from her time on earth. It had to be her mom's Christmas dinner. A stuffed Chicken, Mash potatoes, apple pie, and choco chip cookies! And right in that moment it appeared in front of her.

The food filled her with nostalgia, of wintry incense candles, the smell of freshly laid snow, her family… which she would never meet again. But now I have Rorark! She thought to herself. She’s my new family, and now that the world is at peace, me and her can finally live in peace with each other.

Before she even knew it, she had managed to stuff everything away in her stomach.
“Huh… must have gotten distracted by my memories… ugh! Oh… I'm WAY TO FULL! Agh… ugh.” she said to her self as she struggling to get up.
A minute later and she was slowly making her way down the hallway with a small sandwich in a paper bag she remembered getting from a bodega once in her hands, she figured Rorark might like it.

Her stomach felt like it was going to explode as she made her way up the red wood spiral stair case. She couldn’t believe she ate all of that. She remembered it took her and her parents 3 days to go through all that. What the hell was going on with her… could it just be the move… no, that's too cliche. The excessive amount of Mana, could it be messing with her body? Or… did one of the curses the Demon King placed on her finally activate? No… why would the Demon king place such a pointless curse on her, in spite? It had to be the Mana, it might be one of her special abilities reacting to it! Yeah, that had to be it!

After looking around for a few minutes Riki finally saw some candle light seeping out under a door. When she opened it… well, let's just say she wasn’t disappointed. Turns out magic mansions can make Lingerie, and that Rorark didn’t dislike lingerie!

“Hey there… my Hero.” Rorark said seductively “Wanna… christen the bed?”
As much as Riki wanted too… eating that massive meal had unfortunately put her out of commission.
“... Um… I'm sorry. But can we do it tomorrow?! I promise I'll do it then!” Riki said slowly making her way to the elegantly made king sized bed to lie down.
“Oh… um… okay. Did i… did I do something wrong?” Rorark asked solemnly.
“No… I just feel really tired and kinda sick. That's why it took so long for me to get back.” Riki lied, it took her so long to get back because she ate 10 pounds of food!
“You? Sick? Oh man, that doesn't happen often. Are you ok?” Rorark asked, now concerned.
“Yeah… I’ll be fine by tomorrow.” Riki said lying down, forgetting to take her clothes off. Before grabbing Rorark and pulling her in. “But thank you… for being so worried…”
“Of course I'd be worried… I love you after all.” Rorark said, her face painted red, warmly smiling.
“I love you too.” Riki said before drifting off into a deep sleep.

End of Chapter 1!
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