Chapter 1 - The early years
For as long as I can remember the fascination of fat has always been in my head. I can’t explain it but it’s always been there and I’ve always had an eye for fat and bellies. I always remember being super interested in cartoons when there was a scene where a character got fat or blew up instantly. I could not explain why but I wanted that for myself and I was not sure what my next steps would be. The first time I explored this side of myself was when I tried padding. I waited till I made sure my parents were sleeping and I got up and put my plan in action. I put on my biggest shirt and sweats and began stuffing my pillows and blankets in them. I sat there on my bed imagining what it would be like to be that big and I could not explain the way it made me feel and I wanted to do something about it.This was about the time that I was in middle school and lots of things were changing around me. It first started with the snacks and then it was my clothes. I started to just eat anything I could get my hands on and I was becoming a little chonker. I went to the doctor and they told my parents they were concerned about my weight and they wanted me to go on a diet but that was not going to stop me. I don’t think people realizes that telling a child no just makes them want to do it more and they will find a way to sneak around you. For middle school standards I was fat but I was good at hiding it because I was not 100% comfortable with my body but that was something I’d eventually get over. I kinda took it slow with the gaining for a little bit because it was something I wanted to enjoy and I thought it be more fun with a little bit of freedom so that’s exactly what I did.
I maintained my weight but I didn’t have much of a belly anymore because I went through puberty and got taller and leaner. This basically gave me a clean slate and this is where I’d be able to start my new gaining journey. I had a phone now and I entered the gainer world from an anonymous standpoint. I discovered belly videos on YouTube and got a feel for what this was all about and what it meant for me. I wasn’t exactly sure of my plan yet but I knew I wanted to gain and get really fat. Until I was able to drive I would still secretly get a lot of food when no one was home and stuff myself but I wasn’t really gaining. I maybe put on 10ish pounds my junior year and now that I had my license things were going to change. I wanted to gain as much as I could the summer before my senior year so that’s exactly what I did. I got a job delivering food for a local pizza place in exchange for free food and I made good money. I was about 175 the end of junior year and when I started my senior year I was 200 pounds which means I put on 25 pounds just from summer break. Things were starting to get noticeable and I had a pretty big spare tire.
I went through many pairs of jeans and shorts and by the time school came around I had very few outfits to wear. I was making good money at my job so I decided to go to the mall and get some bigger clothes. I was not wearing larges but decided to get some Xl’s to grow into. Because of my job I was able to polish off large quantities of food and was excited for what this was going to do for my waistline. I had lots of freedom this year and since I had a car and was able to leave for lunch I took full advantage. Every other day I’d eat at home for lunch and the others I’d treat myself to a nice fast food feast. I couldn’t explain it but food and stuffing myself just made me feel so good. I was proud to devour large quantities of food and knew my reward was seeing the scale go up. By the time winter break came around I was up to 225 and there was no sign of me stopping. All of my shirts were now XL and it was getting harder to find stuff to fit my body. I continued this cycle till the end of the year and the time it was for me to graduate. I applied to schools far away from home in hopes I could gain in peace. By the time it was graduation I hit 250 and this was a huge milestone for me. I was now properly fat and the people around me were noticing it too. It felt good to be this big and I could not stop looking at myself and exploring my body. It was so rewarding seeing how my body was changing and the only thing I wanted was more. Summer came around and I was getting ready for college. All I wanted to do was gain and I wanted to gain a lot more then the freshmen 15.
4 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years