The Twisted Saga

  By MePlus

chapter 1

The life that Dayna and I created was more erotic than I could have ever imagined. Over time, she had molded me into a soft, conditioned mate. By the time I crept up on 400 pounds, I had given up any idea of self-guidance. My only concern was to stay employed while working from home. Dayna had set up a routine for me to make life easy. Meals were fast and easy to prepare in case she was not there. And, there were always eight weight-gain shakes in the fridge.

Short of walking around the house, with the occasional trip out in our van, I was a home body. I did not object one bit. Dayna understood the challenges that we would face as I grew larger. In addition to watching me grow, she enjoyed applying abundant amounts of lotion over my body to help my skin stretch as well as to stay soft like a bunch of silky pillows.

I looked forward to weekends more than anything. From Friday evening until Monday morning, we usually shared each other’s company. Sometimes the weekends were unexciting and consisted simply of pizza and movies. Others were more erotic and playful. This past weekend, for example, ended up different than most. After work on Friday, I took a long shower and lay down for a nap. I slept on my side with large, firm pillows in the small of my back as well as in front of my chest. As I grew, breathing became a little difficult and, despite having a firm bed, my weight caused the bed to sag.

I woke up around 8 PM and rolled on my back. After I did, I laid there taking deep breaths. I had pillows to support my head and back so I could sit upright. It never ceased to amaze me at how large I had become. I decided that it was time to go out into my living room to see Dayna. To swing my heavy legs over the side, I took a deep breath and tried to use momentum. My thick thighs rested under my belly as my feet lay flat on the floor. I still had a lap, but not much. My knees were visible by the ripples in the fat that draped from my legs. I used my thick fingers to grab my belly apron. As I lift my gut, I was pleased and amazed at its weight. My chest had grown as well. Dayna made sure that I stayed on my routine of stretching them with an enlargement pump as well as heavy doses of plant estrogens. As I look down, I could feel that fat around my neck. I knew there was no going back. I didn’t want to.

Before I stood up, Dayna entered the room.

“Hey, I was wondering when you were going to wake up. I heard the bed moan as you sat up.”

Dayna turned on the bedroom light as the ambient light from outdoors was dimming.

“Oh, my goodness, you are fat.” She said with a large smile. “Look at you! Damn, you turn me on.”

I sat with a smile as Dayna walked close. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. Her legs were pushed up against by gut. She took a half step back, looked at my body and smiled. She took a fattened peck in each hand and pushed them together.

“I can’t believe how big you are. Lay back in the bed. I think I’ll feed you dinner tonight.”

Dayna turned around and walked out quickly. I took another deep breath and maneuvered myself back in to bed. I pulled up on my stomach so I could stretch my legs a bit. Dayne entered the room carrying a tray of treats.
“Your favorite” she said.

Dayna had learned to make the cheesecake torts that I loved so much. She bragged once that each had 100 calories. It was the norm to have fifty or sixty during one of these sessions. She put the tray on the dresser and took off her shirt. Then, she walked torwards me. Smiling, she reached between my legs and pressed her fingers lightly into the mound of flesh at the base of my cock.

“Mmmm…getting much fatter here. May not be too long before your dick gets buried in fat. Tell me, what are we going to do if that happens?”

I smiled and said, “I’m sure we’ll find a way to make you cum.”

She stood next to me and dropped her pants. I ran my hand up her thigh and noticed that her panties were drenched. She moaned and took a long breath. Then she looked down at me and said, “Well, you already did. That’s one so far.”

Naked, she straddled my lap as best as she could. I had to move my stomach to help it happen. She sat back on my hips and began massaging my stomach lightly. Dayna took long breaths. I watched her eyes scan my body with approval. As she moved her hands over my body, it was as a blanket of silk rippled and rolled across a soft mattress. Dayna’s hands explored my body. Hands under the folds, her mouth would gape slightly. With my hands, I could reach to Dayna’s hips. I remembered a time when I could grab her ass to pull her closer, but no longer.

“It’s time.” She said as she sat back.

From the tray on the bed, she started feeding me the torts. We had a rhythm which came from lots of practice. Dayna knew, from the look on my face, when it was time to take a break. At the first break, she lay the tray at the end of the bed.

Although it was more difficult, Dayna had maneuvered herself on top of me as I laid back, slightly flatter. Her hands buried in the fat that once covered exposed ribs, she stroked me erect and slid me in. We both sighed and smiled. I was reminded of what she had said earlier, I could not go as deep as in my thinner days. Nonetheless, it felt wonderful. The strokes were shorter and required some concentration by Dayna.

“Promise me you’ll keep gaining until I say ‘Stop’”.

Lost in lust, I replied “I promise.”

Dayne came with a shudder and smiled. She leaned back as I felt the cold air across my pelvis. She reached over for the tray of torts.

“Finish these up, so I can finish you up.”

The feeding became more focused and faster. I had become full and I was getting sleepy from the insulin rush created by my body digesting so much sugar.

“Good boy.” She said as I finished the last.

“How come you never have any?” I asked.

“They are you for, fat boy. That’s why.”

I did not disagree. I caught my breath and lay back. As before, Dayna stroked me as she held on to my body. I got hard and slid in. Minutes later, I shook and she smiled. I was exhausted and Dayna laid next to me.

Fifteen minutes later, Dayna spoke. “I’ll run the shower for you and put out some fresh clothes. Let’s watch a movie.”

I lumbered in to the bathroom and took a shower. Being so large, there was a routine to showering in a tight fit area. I dried off the best I could before walking back to the bedroom. I sat on the bed to finish drying off. Dayna had laid out a large shirt and sweat pants. I could not stand up to put on my pants. I would have to put in one foot at a time. And, like today, I had to focus and hold my breath to lean over to pull up the pants. I was frequently amazed at just how large these pants were. I put on the shirt and walked out of the bedroom.

I sat in my sturdy arm chair. Dayna was laying on the couch. She asked if the room was too cold or hot.

“Just fine. But I should have put on my socks.”

I had remembered that Dayna put the socks on the bed, but it was not worth the effort to put them on. One of the side effects of being so large is the lack of incentive to do certain things like putting on socks.

“I’ll go get them dear.”

Minutes later, Dayna walked back to the room. She pulled out a foot stool and sat at my feet, facing me. I was surprised as she smiled and started painting my toenails red.

“Why are you doing that?” I inquired with a laugh.

“Because I want to. That’s why.” Dayna said with a smile. “Maybe I’ll tell you more someday.”

Watching the movie as if nothing was out of the norm, I could smell the nail polish. An hour later she placed my socks over my feet. Nothing more was said by Dayna until just before bed.

“Don’t forget to drink your shake.”

Saturday mornings were enjoyable as well. The one thing about dating a woman that is trying to fatten you up is that you will usually have something good and delicious. While Dayna did not mind if I requested something, I did promise to eat whatever she put in front of me.

Today, breakfast started with half of a blueberry pie and a cup of coffee. We talked while I ate. Dayna had finished her English muffin quickly. Just as I was about to finish my pie, Dayna stood up and went back into the kitchen. She brought me a weight gain shake and started heating up pizza.

Stuffed, I sat back in my chair. I drank the rest of my shake.

“Do you like those?” she inquired. “I tried one once, I thought it was chalky.”

I replied, “You get used to them. I like the peanut butter flavor best.”

I rested in my chair and dozed off for a bit before Dayna woke me up.

“I put some clothes on your bed. I need to go to the mall and it would be nice if you came with me.”

I was not a big fan of going out. I loved the way I felt and look, but hated the ridicule and comments that came with it. Dayna was compassionate and never let my appearance bother her. On the occasions that people would make comments, she would smile and say things like “he’s all mine and I’ll take him no other way.” Follow-up comments were ignored.

I sat in the heavy oak chair in our bedroom and took my time getting dressed. Dayna had laid out what had become the norm. Control briefs, very large pantyhose and a sports bra. As she said, it made her feel empowered and it made me feel kept. She enjoyed say, “it’s out little secret.” The pantyhose made my legs look like sausages about to bust. I asked Dayna to help me with my socks. As she did, she smiled and said “look how nice your toes look painted red.”
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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