Chapter 1
Clare is a 25 yr old weighing in at 145 lbs, at 5'7 she is always cautious about what she ate and tried to stay as healthy as she good.Working from home she rarely went out much, and tried to stay in touch with her friends as much as possible. Wanting to have a little extra income for her expensive shoe collection, she decided to rent out her spare room.
Placing an add in her local newspaper and online, she advertised her house as:
One room for rent in a spacious fully furnished 3 bedroom home, with having access to your own bathroom, you will share areas like the lounge room, kitchen and laundry.
Only genuine people to apply, walk-thru by appointment only.
Clare had so many people come and check out her home and so many applied but no one stand out as much as Tyler, standing at 6'5 and easy on the eyes he was a well to do entrepreneur owning several companies. Taken by him straight away she offered him the room right on the spot.
It didn't take long for Clare and Tyler to hit it off. Sitting in front of the tv one night Clare had explained Tyler how she is going to be spending the entire weekend doing nothing, Tyler wickedly smiled to himself and thought it would be the perfect time to hatch his plan.
You see Tyler is a feeder and always captures his single female victims when they advertise their rooms for rent. And seeing that Clare was already house bound because of her job she was the perfect candidate.
Saturday morning arrived and Clare awoke from the aromas of cooked bacon and made her way to the kitchen where Tyler had a massive breakfast feast spread out already on the kitchen table. Clare walked in the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee and asked Tyler if there was some people coming over, that's when Tyler turned around and tried to make eye contact with Clare but she was to fascinated with all the food that was on the table. Tyler then grabbed Clare by the shoulders and started gazing into her eyes hypnotising her, keeping her mind asleep all weekend long or until he was satisfied with the weight gain.
With Clare's mind completely asleep, Tyler told her to take a seat at the kitchen table. Tyler also had camera's set up, so you can see from every angle just how much weight was being added and where.
After taking a seat Tyler tied a rope around under her already melon size breast and another around her lower belly making sure her singlet top was under the rope as well, also tying her ankles to the legs of the chair.
Taking a step back Tyler looked at how helpless his victim was and couldn't wait to see her body transfer, walking over to Clare he placed a hand on her belly and said
"i'm hoping this will be the size of a basketball at the end of the day" rubbing it as he said it then and continued his hand up to her breast where his other hand would join in fondling them finishing by saying
"Hopefully by tomorrow your belly will be big enough for these beauties to rest on and no doubt they will grow as well. Now let's start you may eat now."
And with that Clare started at the first fattening plate of pancakes covered in maple syrup, the table was covered in high calorie food such bacon and eggs, pancakes, waffles, hash browns, loads of juice and milk to help wash down her meal.
Taking just over an hour to finish breakfast Tyler told her to stop after the last bite and told her to sit back with arms over the arms of the chair, now sitting back you can see how round her new belly is and you can that the ropes are digging in a bit. Walking over to Clare, Tyler places a hand on her belly so he could get a good feel of just how big she had grown.
"Mmmm nice start so far, but not tight enough after a big meal like, looks like we have to fix that."
And with that being said he told her to open her mouth up wide and placed a tube right down her throat to her stomach and started pouring a chocolate shake down the tube and you could visibly see her round belly swell even rounder and her breathing becoming more heavy. After a gallon was forced down the tube and felt her tummy again and said,
"Well there's a tad more but I will let you rest and let your food settle."
Giving her belly one last rub and admiring just how round her belly is, before clearing up the dished to get ready for lunch. As Clare sat there completely out of it, the food was settling a filling out the rest of the soft spots, and the ropes were digging in even more making it more noticeable, just how well her belly swelled.
For lunch instead of making many plates he just made enough spag bowl to feed about 20 people, and 5 gallons of coke to help wash it down. Once she was halfway through eating the pasta Tyler couldn't believe his eyes when he seen just how well she was swelling, her singlet top was starting to become skin tight, he just sat there and watched her eat it all his mostly fixed on her swelling belly and not only seeing the singlet top become even tighter but watching escape from under the rope. Once all the pasta was gone she still had 2 ½ gallons of coke to go, so once again the feeding tube once put down her throat and was forced into her stomach, making it swell and her singlet top was riding up. and once the coke was all gone you could hear her stomach trying to make room for the pasta that was swelling from absorbing all that coke. Once it all had settled her top was now sitting just over her navel.
Tyler couldn't believe how well she was swelling, well rubbing her very tight belly he said
"If you keep this up you'll be filling this chair by the end of the night."
He kept on rubbing her belly eventually his hands moving over her body to explorer if any other parts of her body had grown yet. His hands explored every part of her body with one hand coming to rest on her very wet pussy, her pants were soaked. And with that he started to move the chair away from the table, this chair wasn't just any ordinary chair, even with someone strapped to it, it could be transformed into a bed, making the legs spread apart, and once she was on her back he could really get a good view of just how round her belly was and how tight it was becoming, and pulled her shorts to one side at the crotch to reveal she wasn't wearing any undies, he took his cock and slid into her very wet pussy, with his hands on her very swollen belly, he rode her til he came, and cum he did.
Getting off her and putting her back in the sitting position, giving that belly on last rub before going and starting dinner.
Which would be a 3 course meal. Enough to feed and family of 4.
prime rib with a creamy horseradish sauce
Roast lamb
Roast vegies, potato, pumpkin, onion, carrots
Death by chocolate cake
With heavy cream
30 mins later after Tyler had finished cleaning up in the kitchen and putting all the dishes away he came out and saw that Clare was still swelling, her top was well and truly to the point of becoming a crop top and the ropes were straining more to breaking point. Tyler bends down and whispers in her ear while rubbing her swelling belly,
"Well miss you have almost filled the chair and i'm going to make you throughout the night."
And with he reclined the chair back a bit, and placed the feeding down her throat again but this time it was on a feeding machine, that would keep her belly full throughout the night, going off every hour dumping 2 gallons of weight gain shake. Turning around to turn the lights off he watched her belly swell and thought to himself
"She's not far off from filling the chair and stayed to watch, her belly swell in every directions,
Swelling rounder and rounder, only taking half an hour into the feeding session to completely fill the chair, and continued to watch til the end of this feeding session watching her belly spill over the and through the sides on the armrest, her top was well and truly a crop top and just as soon as the machine stop the ropes had completely torn off. This had sent Tyler into overdrive and had to ride her one last time before going to bed. Rubbing his hands all over that beachball of a belly and just before he came, the last bit room left in her stomach had been taken over with all the food she had consumed throughout the day, and just as his hand had gone over it, her belly button popped out causing him to cum, draining him completely.
"Oh my dear you have destroyed me and there's only some more to come, sweet dreams my dear, i'm sure you will be bigger come morning. Sweet dreams"
2 chapters, created 8 years
, updated 8 years