
Chapter 1

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The taxi stopped in the middle of the city’s largest urban scar, its red light flashing in the darkness of the semi-abandoned district. The Greyfields of North Avenue were not considered a rough neighbourhood, which would be a gross understatement. It was no-man’s land, a thin spread of urban dystopia left unattended. Almost no basic utilities reached the unfinished high rise projects and low income housings of this place. Stuck in a zoning legal feud for the last twelve years, it was now crawling with society’s less wanted, all non-humans, obviously. It wasn’t densely populated by any means, but it was full of hiding spots for squatters and militants alike. The rugged dwarven driver tipped his cap and glanced one last time at the girl sitting on the backseat. His moustache burrowed mouth opened slightly, as to give some last minute advice, but he said nothing. If this girl was looking for trouble, it was none of his business. He preferred to stay away from trouble and lay low, but she sure had a different approach. One thing was sure, this elven punk wasn’t going to blend in easily with the street marginal and other hardcore activists of this place.

The outfit was right, at least it was fitting well enough with the general trend around here. She had mid-length electric blue hair shaved on one side, and her long pointy ears were also shamelessly exposed, with a cylinder piercing going through at the top. Her makeup was on point, maybe a little too perfect in fact for any street fashionista. She had blue lipstick on her full plump lips, and a leather choker going around her soft neck. Looking at her face only, one could hardly expect what was to come. Her denim jacket was full of patch and studs and her blue cropped top was complimenting her set quite nicely. It wasn’t unusual for girls her age to go like this, with their jacket open to expose some cleavage, and their shirt revealing their stomach. But in the case of this girl, it was a different kind of statement altogether. Not in this century could this jacket button over the melon like breast of this girl, each globe more than twice the size of her head and tightly packed inside her struggling boob biting bra. This elf girl was so busty one would wonder if she was in fact half-nymph or something similar.

Sadly, the truth was much simpler, as one only needed to glance a few inches lower to see her bosom wasn’t the only thing big about this girl. Her blue top was riding up the rolled dome of a massively overfed stomach, with her chest resting heavily on top of the upper curve of this decadent belly. The round blubbery thing was so big it filled most of her lap, and the driver remembered he had to move the seat so she could squeeze her absurd tummy inside the cab. She hadn’t buckled up for the ride either. How could she? The seat belt was several inches too short to go around that girth, and her wide bum was spreading over the buckle on the seat anyways.

As he stopped near the gathering place, she smiled and glanced one last time at her cellphone before shoving it inside her jacked.

- ''Thanks for the ride. I just transferred you the money on the app. You should come you know, this gathering is for all of us.'' She said, before opening the passenger door and beginning to shuffle her way outside.

She was a little wedged on the backseat, and she needed to rock her body in wave like motion so she could get her leg out of the cab and start to pull herself up. The dwarf driver tried not to stare as she rested one arm against the door and used the other to pull against the metal frame. With a grunt of effort, she managed to haul her massive bum off the seat, and she popped free of the car, her broad hips brushing against the door frame as she squeezed out, before stumbling on the sidewalk. She used the door for support until her soft body settled and she recovered her balance. The driver felt his car suspension bounce back into place with what almost sounded like a groan of relief, the car having being tipped on one side for the whole ride. She took a small moment to arrange her hair and to pull up her jean shorts over her stomach, before closing the door and walking away from the taxi with her slow ponderous gait. The dwarf glanced at her one last time, wondering a second what was to become of this pampered suburb girl before getting the hell out of the Greyfields, leaving her alone in the dark clad street.

Nymeria wasn’t scared. Thanking her elven eyes for helping her with the darkness, the punk girl slowly walked toward one of the abandoned high rise buildings. It was the place. She could already hear the music thanks to her sensitive ears. She was feeling nervous, but it was also exhilarating to get to a non-human gathering. She always wanted to join the ranks of the egalitarian activists, but she had no way to join in when the movement was still underground. Nym wasn’t really connected with the street, having enjoyed a life as the daughter of two elven bureaucrats, growing in an upper middle class family in the suburbs, a very privileged life for any non-human. This event was the first openly legal and announced meeting in years. She couldn’t miss that, it was her chance!

The oversized neophyte eventually managed to get in. She found the entrance a little cramped for her taste, and blushed under her foundation as she was forced to get through the door going sideways, struggling awkwardly with her overly generous hips under the stunned gaze of two orcish security staffers. Their surprise was justified. Elves weren’t supposed to grow fat. It was considered taboo and subject to disdain, even by the less traditionalists ones. But Nym had been raised surrounded by humans, and her parents could do little to keep her away from the high calorie foods humans enjoyed carelessly at school and in her community college, food no elf was supposed to touch. This diet wrecked the slow metabolism typical of her species, leaving her as a strange oddity in her world, something the rebellious elven girl embraced fully and unashamedly. As a result, she had thrown herself into the fat positivity movement, both as a way to fuck with her parents and to find some body confidence despite her overfed and ever-fattening figure. Most of the elf’s exposed flesh was covered by ink, and most of her tats were about food or displaying her shameless indulgence with provocative statements. Despite her pretty face, all this assurance wasn’t enough to make anyone overlook her taboo level of plumpness. The doormen averted their eyes as she went by. Even by orcish standard, she was way too much, having outgrown any positive fat euphemism more than an hundred pound ago.

Luckily for Nymeria, despite all these minor setbacks, she wasn’t late for the evening speeches! Still, as she shuffled her way inside the cramped rally, Nym cursed under her breath, as she was unable to slip closer to the stage, her large curves making it impossible to navigate the cramped space. After she bumped one too many activists with her overfed curves, Nym was starting to draw a lot of attention to herself. Elves were often seen as collaborators in the human supremacist regime, and she looked like quite the pampered and privileged one in her punk poser attire. Between the hostility of the crowd and the real threat of police storming the place, things could turn sour for her at any moment, but Nym was too excited to notice. The obese elf girl was too busy trying in vain to stand on the tip of her toes to see better, even if she quickly realized she was too heavy for such nonsense.­­


Nymeria was futilely trying to squeeze her oversized curves between two groups of werekins activists when she was forced to accept defeat. No matter how much she was trying to shimmy sideways, sucking in her rolled gut and holding her breasts against her body, there wasn’t any place for her to go. The blue haired elf watched with a spike of envy as a slender were-cat simply slipped past her and between the two groups, moving through the crowd with grace and ease. This one wouldn’t have to watch the speech on some screen. As Nym thought she couldn’t be more jealous, she eventually saw the slim were-cat find a tall half-orc in the front row, obviously a friend, and without much hesitation, she climbed on his shoulders, providing herself a perfect view at the cost of completely obscuring the stage to Nymeria. The decadent elf was ruminating powerlessly when she suddenly felt a firm hand on her soft shoulder. As soon as she turned around to see who it was, Nym was welcomed by the stunning smile of a tall and athletic half-orc, whose long silky hair were reaching impressive length as they danced down her toned body.

Reaching out, the gorgeous half-blood placed a hand on the elf's plump shoulder. Bending her knees slightly so she could face Nym, she introduced herself, her shapely bosom accidently brushing the elf’s massive melons. The girl had a truly beautiful smile, her soft plump lips curving around her short tusks in a seductive way.

- "Hey there, I never saw you in these parts. My name's Tamyana. What's yours?’’

The smile that appeared immediately on the elf’s gorgeous face was very genuine, with a touch of pleasant surprise and a flirty smirk. Clearly, Tamyana was Nym’s type, and the elf slightly blushed as she found such a gorgeous and rugged activist leaning over her.

- ‘’I am Nymeria, nice to meet you! You are right, I am kinda new. As soon as I knew there would be speeches and music, I knew I had to make it here! I am trying to get more involved, you know.’’
8 chapters, created 3 years , updated 2 years
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Qwertz 2 years
damn that story is great. how is it possible that this masterpeiece has no comments??
SilverPathfi... 2 years
Thank you for being the first ^^