Chapter 1
The date was April 14th, 2023, a date which marked an enormous payday for Vanessa Lockwood. Vanessa was a very successful pharmaceutical developer who worked independently, in the 3 years since graduating from Stanford she had already made over 20 million dollars, but that was spare change in comparison to the $115 million she would be receiving today. For the past 2 years Vanessa had been tirelessly working on a new kind of high strength painkiller which was able to completely alleviate pain while not making you feel doped up like morphine would, and today she was finally reaping the rewards. Vanessa was only 24 years old and nothing short of a genius, with the beauty to match the brain, she stood at 5 foot 8 inches and had a perfect physic weighing 130lbs.From the outside looking in, Vanessa appeared to have the perfect life, she was beautiful, young and successful, but she was also a workaholic and didn't have any real friends, sure she could probably make friends if she wanted to, but that was the thing, she didn't want to. Vanessa wasn't like most people, she didn't enjoy the same things regular people did, like going out and getting drunk, socialising and just generally doing things that were supposed to be fun, she had detached herself from society and solely focused on her work, ever since high school people just haven't been for her.
Vanessa hadn't always been who she is today, and I mean that literally, on her 18th birthday she legally changed her name, she used to be called Mary Turner...
"Are you sure this isn't too much Sienna", asked Jessie, who was having second thoughts.
"Don't tell me you are gonna chicken out now", Sienna snarled.
"I'm not, I just don't wanna get in trouble, my parents would kill me", Jessie replied.
"We won't get in trouble, the fat pig will keep her mouth shut", said Sienna.
"Come on let's do this before she gets out", Ashley said quietly.
Sienna, Jessie and Ashley were basically the real life mean girls of San Francisco High, with Sienna being the ring leader. The three of them were in their junior year, Jessie and Ashley were both 17 years old and Sienna was 16 as she was one of the youngest in the grade. As you would expect, they were absolutely stunning with not an ounce of fat between them, but Sienna was definitely the prettiest as well as the meanest. The trio couldn't go a single day without bullying someone in some form, but the prime victim of their cruelty was Mary Turner. Mary was a fat girl with glasses who weighed 245lbs at 5ft8, combine that with the fact that she was intelligent and would be graduating high school a year early, she was very a clear target. Ever since Mary started high school her life had been totally miserable, Sienna made sure of that, the truth was, Mary didn't actually have a whole lot of hate towards Jessie and Ashley, they were never actually mean to her unless Sienna was there, obviously she still disliked them but she knew they wouldn't bother her if not for Sienna. Sienna completely lived inside Mary's mind, every night she would pray something bad would happen to her, or she'd move schools, just anything to never see her again, but she knew she couldn't get that lucky. When things at school were as bad as they'd been and she desperately needed to catch a break, that's when it took a turn for the worst. Just 4 days ago Mary's heart was broken, her mother tragically passed away due to a fatal heart attack at just 40 years old. She weighed 825lbs and stood at 5ft4(well, back when she could stand), so it shouldn't have come as a huge shock, but that didn't make it hurt any less. Mary had lost her father to cancer when she was 8, the only family she had left now was her grandmother. Mary didn't take any time off school as she couldn't afford to if she wanted to graduate a year early as planned and get out of this hell hole, she just hoped to god Sienna and her minions would go easy on her, but of course they didn't, as far as she knew they didn't know about her moms passing and she definitely wasn't going to tell them. Unfortunately for Mary what Sienna had planned for her was totally sadistic.
Mary wished she didn't have to shower after gym class, but she was simply so sweaty from being so fat and she would absolutely stink otherwise. To make sure she avoided all the other girls she'd hang back till everyone was out of the locker room and then go for her shower, but today Sienna, Jessie and Ashley sneaked back in.
Sienna picked up Mary's bag that had all her clothes in it and put it over her shoulder, "okay, now I just need her towel", she crept towards the shower and peaked around the corner where she saw Mary standing in all her glory, washing the shampoo out of her hair. Her eyes were closed so Sienna used this opportunity to get close enough to grab her towel.
"Hey there fatty, need this?", Sienna snickered.
Mary opened her eyes in a panic, "please Sienna".
"Come on then, come and get it", she dangled the towel in front of Mary but then quickly pulled it away as she reached for it. Sienna then made a run for the door as Mary lethargically chased her with one arm trying to cover her big breasts and the other covering her vagina. The two came to a stand off once Sienna reached the door.
"Please don't, I'm begging you", Mary pleaded with her eyes becoming increasingly teary.
"Okay okay, we've had our fun, here", Sienna held out the bag and towel for Mary to take it, but right as she was in touching distance she tossed them over her head to Jessie. Before Mary really had a chance to react Sienna grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her while Ashley pushed her from behind. Mary tried to fight it but she was easily overpowered with her weight working against her as she was knocked off balance and ended up falling out through the door. Her fat naked body slapped hard against the cold floor and the busy corridor erupted into laughter. She slowly picked herself back up off the ground and turned to the door, which had been locked behind her, and began to frantically bang it while the tears streamed down her face. Mary couldn't bare the thought of turning and facing the crowd, so she kept facing the door while she repeatedly pounded on it with her eyes closed, praying it would open. After what felt like an eternity, but in reality was only 20 seconds, the door unlocked and Mary rushed inside closing it behind her.
"God you are fat Mary, you better make a change or you are gonna end up dead at 40 like your mom", Sienna said harshly as she threw Mary's bag and towel at her, "you know my aunt was one of the ambulance workers that was called to your house to deal with your moms massive body, that's something I hate about fat people, they're just so fucking selfish, my aunt told me they had to remove one of your windows to get her out of the house, and it took 8 guys and a forklift, but noooo that didn't matter to your mom did it, she didn't care about how hard it would be to get her out, she just cared about stuffing her fat face, if you ask me she got what she deserved. Don't end up like her, you can still lose all that disgusting blubber if you get up off your lazy fat ass and exercise once in a while", Mary had no response, she was a sobbing wreck, "come on girls, let's go", said Sienna.
"What the fuck Sienna, why didn't tell us her mom just died?", Ashley exclaimed once they left the locker room.
"Cuz the pair of you would have bitched out feeling bad for her, trust me she needed that, and if she ever does lose all that weight she'll thank me", Sienna said arrogantly.
After that day Mary was never the same, at first all she wanted was for her pathetic life to end, but that deep sadness quickly turned into a burning rage, and she channelled that rage into reinventing herself. Her grandmother was able to get her moved to a new school after the incident to finish off her last couple of months and graduate, so Mary hadn't faced Sienna since that fateful day, but she thought about her every second. Mary enrolled to Stanford as Vanessa Lockwood as that would be her name legally a week into her first semester, and so her new life begun. When Vanessa wasn't studying, she was in the gym, and by the end of her freshman year of college she'd lost over 100lbs.
Vanessa graduated Stanford top of her class and since then had been doing groundbreaking work in the pharmaceutical field at such a young age, but as well as she was doing professionally, there was still always something weighing her down, that something being Sienna Gayle. Vanessa looked on her socials everyday, tracking every inch of her life, Sienna had become her obsession and she did even know it. Vanessa had wanted her dead for so long, surely karma would find such an evil human and she'd end up involved in some freak accident or something, but Vanessa knew that was unrealistic. The thing that was most frustrating about Sienna was that she was so god damn beautiful, like a flat out jaw dropping stunner, she had dark brown hair, tanned caramel like skin, hypnotising light green eyes with a perfect body, it just wasn't right how someone as ugly as she was on the inside, could look like that on the outside. It was clear Sienna wasn't going to lose her looks, but she could always gain weight? That soon became all Vanessa would think about, she would analyse every new picture Sienna would post for any signs of weight gain, but there never was, even with her working in an office and going a couple of lavish vacations a year with friends, she never looked to gain a pound. The more time that passed by with Sienna remaining her perfect beautiful self, the more frustrated Vanessa became, it eventually became clear that Sienna wasn't ever going to be one of those girls that gained weight after high school, but something else that had became clear was that when you possessed as much money as Vanessa did, there wasn't really anything you couldn't do, and so the planning begun...
*September 1st, Friday, 2023*
Tonight was the night Vanessa had been planning for 5 months and it was time for the plan to go into effect.
"She has just left the club and is now heading home in a cab, she's alone and drunk so this should be easy for you. She will be there in about 20 minutes, have you packed up all her belongings?", Vanessa instructed.
"Yes, all her stuff is in the van", replied the man Vanessa had hired, she didn't know his name, her head security guy got him in touch, the only info she had on him was that he'd do anything for the right price, this particular price being $50,000, 25k upfront, and 25k on completion.
"Remember, don't let her make a sound", said Vanessa.
"She won't know what's hit her".
Sienna got out of her cab and drunkenly made her way towards her apartment building, she fiddled in her bag for her keys but before she had any success in finding them she felt a sharp prick in her neck. The man had injected her with a tranquilliser that Vanessa had given him and she was out cold within in seconds. He had carried out his mission like a surgeon and was quickly on his way to the address that Vanessa had sent him with Sienna and all her things in the van.
"Nice place", he said to himself as he arrived at the address after driving for an hour, "I'm outside".
"Okay, I'm opening the garage for you now, drive in".
The man did as he was instructed and found Vanessa waiting for him inside.
"Did anyone see anything?", Vanessa asked.
"No, everything went smoothly".
"Good, get her out and follow me".
He put Sienna over his shoulder and followed Vanessa through the 8 million dollar house that Vanessa had purchased a few months ago, the house was totally normal, very nice, but normal, that was until they arrived at the room he would be putting Sienna in.
Vanessa typed in an 8 digit code on the key pad at the side of the door, the door opened mechanically and it looked to be about 4 inches of solid steel, after this there was a bulletproof glass box with a high tech glass sliding door before you could fully enter the room, Vanessa then typed in a different code for this door and it slid open. The room was smaller than most of the rooms in the house but still a decent size, the contents of the room were rather strange, all that was inside was a kingsize bed, a big wardrobe, a tanning bed in the corner and a large chair that had steel restraints on the armrests and at the feet, there was also a 75 inch TV built into the wall. The room had numerous cameras around it that were protected inside a glass casing, it also had an adjoining bathroom and both rooms were completely windowless.
"So are you going to do with her?", the man asked.
"That doesn't concern you, just empty all her things out of the van and I'll wire the rest of your money", said Vanessa.
"Pleasure doing business with you", he smiled.
6 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year
Very much looking forward to the next part.