What’s your purpose, piggy?

chapter 1

336 pounds

“What is your purpose, piggy?” She still kept trying to deny her fate, struggling against her restraints every single day. Trying not to swallow the slop I forced down her throat. She thought she had a chance, they all thought they had a chance. Maybe she thought if she got out of here, she could lose the 50 or so pounds I’d added to her frame, surely the stretch marks would bother her but she would be smaller.

The bed she was currently on was rated for someone around 800 pounds, and unbeknownst to her, that weight will one day fly by. She would be considered fat by most standards, but to me, she was almost anorexic. It was ok, I have plenty of time to fix her.

416 pounds

It has been several months, and despite her still fighting against the inevitable, I seem to be breaking her will down. She clearly isn’t happy with the damage being done to her, but seems to have accepted her fate almost. I now, very rarely, trace her rolls and fat, letting her feel the intimate touch of someone for the first time in almost a year. She thinks I don’t notice her trying to wriggle her body closer to my hands, that despite her current predicament, she still craves that basic human desire of touch.
But she still has a long road ahead before she can feel any pleasure.

519 pounds

I have finally killed her former self, burying her old personality and life under over 200 pounds of fat. The constant mental conditioning has turned her into something I can now freely play with. When I enter the room, her eyes are always on me, eager to see her now master.
Today, she begged me. Begged me to do whatever I wanted to her, just so she could feel something. And I did, but only to an extent. Her nipples, attached to what can only be described as udders now, were touched by me, but only teasingly. I didn’t even dare try to lift up her belly, for she still hasn’t earned that. Every touch by me sent shivers down her entire body.

I knew I almost had her.

625 pounds

It wasn’t easy, but using my current system of a hammock and pulleys, I was able to lift her belly up enough to enter her. At this point she has completely submitted to me and the vision I want for her. Every thrust into her wrapped her more and more around my fingers. She knew what she was.

“What’s your purpose, piggy?” I asked her, trying not to lose myself in pleasure.

She struggled.

“To get....fat....to get fat for you.”

“And what else, piggy?” I was close now.

“Get fat.....for you.....and eat myself.....to death.”

“Say it again, piggy.” God I was close.

“I’m going to.....eat myself....to death....for you......daddy.”

Emptying my balls into this completely changed and ruined woman, I couldn’t wait for the future.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Chrysophase2003 3 years
Awesome, as always.