Fat experiences

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

ive seen this a lot but definitely tying my shoes, bending over my belly is so uncomfortable and i just cant wait for it to end i usually unbutton my pants and try to sit my foot on a step so i dont have to bend as much. also outgrowing pants every 2 weeks is annoying, ive had to suffer a couple weeks with tight waistbands squeezing into me while i sit. also walkin more is tiresome, going grocery shopping my legs start hurting and i'm out of breath walking to my car

If you want to hold onto pants longer, you could always order a few sizes up and then use a belt to keep them on. Then your pants would last and you'd get to feel as you slowly fill out more and more pants that were once a bit too big for you, as they begin to fit without a belt before becoming too tight on your growing body
2 years

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

The first thing that I noticed when i hit 350lbs around 17/18 was that I couldnt walk for longer than a minute without feeling like my back was about to break. Also, I couldnt fit in certain chairs and had to make sure it could hold my weight if I had never sat in it before.
2 years

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

I hardly fit in public toilet cubicles anymore

i use handicap ones for this reason myself

Stairs, booths, bending over, tieing shoes picking things up off the ground, getting up off the ground, up off the couch, getting out and in the suv, etc
2 years

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

Right now its currently stairs or step ladders tbh
2 years

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

Anything remotely physical has me short of breathe which is weird feeling having been a long distance runner for so many years
2 years

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

I'm 234 but carry most of my weight in my middle. I have a hard time heaving myself out of bed ^^; and I also struggle a little getting in and out of cars. I sort of plop in my seat with a loud sigh.
2 years

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

Anything remotely physical has me short of breathe which is weird feeling having been a long distance runner for so many years

I used to run 8 miles 4 days a week, lift and was a first degree black belt. Now just walking 5-10 minutes has me sweating and out of breath.
1 year

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

For me it started with bending over difficulties as pressing against my belly would make it difficult to breathe.

As I got heavier I began noticing how much more difficult physical activity became. Unlike most gainers I've actually continued to do daily 4km walks and multiple gym sessions a week, so I'm much more fit (and hopefully strong) than the average obese guy, but even though I wasn't getting out of breath super easily I have found it much harder to move in general.

- I'm slower to walk up the stairs. I have to go down slowly too to make sure I'm minimizing impact on my joints.

- I get regular foot pains if I'm standing or walking for a long time.

- I've begun experiencing knee pain after strenuous activity

- I was at a concert recently and I opted not to jump around too much so as not to tire my lower body too much (plus my feet were KILLING me by the end)
1 year
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