Thinking about posting exercise videos

My apologies,
It wasn't obvious that the poster was a gainer, and I assumed wrongly that the OP was a fitness fan.
Yes, I also love to watch huge people 'pretending' to exercise, dance, and anything else that makes their flab wobble, it's a beautiful thing to watch.

Yeah dude. I weigh 590 pounds lol. When/if I get started posting them they'll probably mostly be yoga videos
5 years

Thinking about posting exercise videos

Would that be something folks here would be interested in?
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

Wouldn't it make more sense for the commission to be produced based on the traffic the content produces? Either way I'm interested in trying this out
5 years

Found a really interesting article


As near as I can tell there's a limiter on how much the subcutaneous fat can replicate without certain hormonal cues. Which is the problem with getting "too fat". Since when you reach that weight you begin to store visceral fat, which is what causes the major health concerns.
6 years

Found a really interesting article

It's "Health News" but I feel like it's of particular interest to the gaining community. The article is a bit long, but here's the gist of it in case you don't feel like reading:

Fat itself isn't bad for you, it's what happens when your reserves reach their storage limit that causes health problems. You develop the "obesity diseases" and metabolic syndrome when your body starts storing fat in and around organs. These researchers have discovered they can essentially switch that effect off in mice by increasing fat storage potential, or through the use of drugs that eliminate the toxins improperly stored fat produces.
7 years

How many donuts can you eat?

I can eat two dozen donuts in a sitting with little difficulty. So I figure I could probably do three dozen with some encouragement.

that's so amazing!! and hot!!

Yep, it's a talent smiley
8 years

How many donuts can you eat?

I can eat two dozen donuts in a sitting with little difficulty. So I figure I could probably do three dozen with some encouragement.
8 years

Members from the southern us

Thought I'd post again, southern VA here.
8 years

This one's for my male feedes out there.

If it was no holds barred and I could go for a fantasy size I've always had a soft spot for it would be 800. But really I think the excitement would be in the journey of going from already pretty big to amazingly huge.

Same for me. I'd love to get past 800. Maybe 950, or even 1000.

If it really was free of any negative consequence, I would be hard pressed to ever stop getting fatter I think.
8 years

"searching for a story" thread

I've read both versions of that one (there's a gender flip that changes it to a female feeder and a male feedee, there's only a few changes to it between versions though)

But I can't find it now...
8 years
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