Can't anyone just talk?

It's absolutely possible, but it's difficult to find people because a lot of people aren't looking for anything but frequent but shallow interaction.
Which is all fine and good, but because there are more of them, they tend to crowd out the people who are looking for fewer, longer term interactions.

It's an unfortunate reality of niche sites like these as well, because the pool of people is just smaller in general. I don't know the statistics but I'd wager that the active userbase of this site is in the thousands (or less), while the active userbase of some other social network could number in the tens of thousands.

Don't let it get you down though, just keep at it!
8 years

Minecraft server

Neeeever mind. Forgot that there aren't many (if any) modpacks for 1.8. We'd have to scrap the current world.
8 years

Minecraft server

So due to the low number of players, I'm going to move this over to being a modded server, meaning to play you will need to download the mod pack. I will update the OP with the information on the modpack when I'm finished transferring things over.
8 years

Minecraft server

My internet connection sucked yesterday and the day before, they've fixed it now, though.
8 years

Minecraft server

Yep, I've been keeping the plugins up to date as best I can.
8 years

Minecraft server

I don't think I saw your username in the log; I can help you with permissions if you give me it.
8 years

How do people meet in the age of the internet?

Basically the title, I'm out of college now and a little unsure how to go about meeting new friends (and potential love interests), now that I'm no longer crammed into student housing with a thousand other people.

The online option seems to be the best, and I have found nice people, but all of them I've found have been 4+ hours away, which I just can't do smiley
8 years

Minecraft server

You go right ahead, dude. I don't have super official rules except for "respect other people's stuff". Unless you have someone's permission, don't knock down or steal from people but feel free to wander off and make stuff.
8 years

Minecraft server

Server's back up.

It may be at reduced speed, however, as during the move my upload speed got downgraded.

The local cable rep insisted that we'd be seeing a speed upgrade soon, but "soon" to a cable company means a very different thing than to everyone else.
8 years

Minecraft server

I actually have WorldEdit installed, but only I have access to it (for obvious reasons).

In unrelated news, I'm going to be moving this Saturday, and because of that (and the usual uncertainty with internet and electricity) I'll be bringing the server down this Friday the 29th. I'll bring it up again when it's possible, I'm hoping for the 31st but I don't want to make a promise I might not be able to keep.
Worry not, world data won't be lost and it'll be joinable as soon as I can get it going.
8 years
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