This is wrong

Super dicey proposition. Society today is pushed toward medication and surgery for some good reasons, but also a lot of very corrupt reasons. There's an obesity epidemic for societal reasons, more sedentary lifestyles primarily, but also probably for chemical reasons, food and environmental adulteration and pollution, etc. I may be wrong, even very wrong, but it feels like allowing interests - in all likelihood monied interests - to push medication and surgery on children and the parents of those children... may be a very bad mistake, and additionally akin to paying money to an investment manager that lost your money in order to get advice on who to hire to manage your children's investments. Or something. I mean, it may be fine, or it may be the only workable answer at this point... but it's just so close to paying the people that caused the problem to solve the problem that it seems likely to be... a bad idea.

This is wrongthink, book yourself into re-education camp at your earliest opportunity.

Seriously you're pretty close to the mark. On a bigger scale I think we're in The Matrix and we are all emotional power cells as per Morpheus holding up a Duracell. When we get cancer and suffer then that creates a kind of energy they, our spiritual overlords, feed off of. When we become fat and gluttonous then that's another flavour of the energy.

Treating children for obesity is just another twist on squeezing new flavours of emotions from us.

Money itself is a kind of energy. It represents the energy of human labour. Coal is free but after humans have dug it out of the ground and delivered it to whoever pays to be able to burn it, that's what gives money it's value. What ever it is humans make the product or service have monitory value by their efforts.

I envisage a world were obesity becomes the primary driving force for generating money and powering The Matrix. All those people in pods will be eating and becoming larger. Their pleasure from their increasing obesity will provide the spiritual and monitory energy.

Any of these corporations hurting children to provide spiritual and monitory energy should be resisted. If the kids are getting fat then just leave them alone, they are having a nice life.
1 year

Smoking fetish???

They turn smoking into this huge deal. For a start they make cigarettes addictive. You don't see people smoking 40 fat Colombian cigars a day. They are kept for special pleasurable moments like Champian.

The trick with smoking is not to give up but to limit yourself to those which give you the most pleasure. If it's giving you huge pleasure but it's also killing you then who cares, life ends in death no matter what.

The real waste is when you smoke 17 out of 20 from habit rather than pleasure.

Your woman should allow herself to smoke any time it gives her pleasure and to put it out if she's not enjoying it.

Immediately there is no will power required, she can smoke any time she believes she will enjoy it. If that means all the time then that's too bad but the chances are it will be 3 a day at certain times.
1 year

This is wrong

I assume you're a mod. I assume I've been warned you will ban me. I'll shut up voluntarily because if I don't I will be shut up involuntarily. thanks for nothing.
1 year

This is wrong

I'm not against the idea of kids being on weightloss medication.


It should only be used if the child's obesity is causing serious health complications and nothing else is working.

Yeah, you know they will say it's a health thing regardless. Where would the line be drawn? They made children have the jab even when the gov appointed advisers said it offered no benefit to the children and even a slight risk. They simply found some other advisers who said it would benefit their education to get jabbed.

It won't be a battle on the basis of evidence and reason, it will be on mental health v physical health.
1 year

To what extent are feedees on here willing to risk their health for this fetish?

Just curious. Personally I think a happy life is more important than length of life so don't think I'm judging.

Personally I want to enjoy life while I'm here, not to live long. I want to stretch the limits that a human being can gain, immobility is a goal and getting above 1450 is my ultimate goal! But being so big usually means I need a feeder , and a good source of side income.

It would be a shame to live this way on your own when there are Feeders who want to help you live this way.
1 year

This is wrong

Just another opportunity to intervene medically and have the state foot the bill.

The battle between the body acceptance people and those who say it should be altered will be epic.

What if Obese becomes and identity, a protected characteristic. They say that deaf people are very proud of their deaf identity having learned sign language and ways of living well as a deaf person. I read a New Scientist article about this. The last thing they want is someone curing them of their identity.

Once someone has incorporated corpulence into their person then it's a direct attack on them to offer to resolve that problem.

Heck it's a direct attack on them if they're still struggling with the fact that they are fat and the mixed messages they are getting about it.
1 year

Something wrong?

Glucosamine supplement for your knees.
Then you can keep getting fatter.

However if your knees hurt too much to walk then you won't walk and your weight will pile on and on. You may become a beached whale with nothing left to do but eat and eat.
1 year

To what extent are feedees on here willing to risk their health for this fetish?

It depends on the person i feel.
I know some get off on the health risks, i know realistically the fetish is centered around the unhealth, example the most popular fat fetish video on a certain site is a model showing off their mobility aids. Aka "look at how unhealthy i am" I have seen also tiktoks centered around their health issues.

That being said some care about their longevity but the immobilization people and gaieners know the health risks and still want to.

So again, person dependent

I think those things are just signs of obesity rather than the actual point of the gain. So fat you can hardly stand is obviously very fat. You can't achieve the same effect by breaking your legs.
1 year

Why do men visit my profile (i’m male)?

Men who imagine themselves to be as fat as you. They are not as fat but would like to be if only for a day.
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

96.9 XD over three times the number for obesity…

I don't know how you will receive this news but the medical establishment raised the number to 40BMI because so many people are massively obese.

This means that 600lbs is the new 500lbs. You've got some serious eating to do next year to earn back your 3 times over obesity crown.
1 year
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