Tasks that have become harder after weight gain

The simple act of standing up after laying down in bed or on the couch is definitely more of a "procedure", since I now have to contend with this big, round, soft, jiggly mountain of fat at my core where my abs used to be. I also haven't really exercised in years and can't even do 1 legitimate sit-up... the struggle is real!

(Of course just thinking about this is a major turn-on and makes me want to be even fatter and lazier.)

I'm also very short, so when I try to reach a tall shelf in my kitchen, my belly bumps up against the counter and no amount of sucking it in helps to reach. (If I lived with a feeder, they could totally tease me by hiding sweets up there!)
7 years

First pubic fat shaming :(

I received my first public fat shaming earlier this year... AT MY FATHER'S FUNERAL. Apparently an acquaintance of my father felt that was an appropriate time and place to confront me, very loudly, about my weight gain. I brushed it off as best I could, but it was crazily insensitive and very hurtful.
I don't know if this guy had some vendetta against my dad that just spilled over to me, or what was going through his mind--if anything. Maybe he just never got the memo that funerals are not the most appropriate place to harass and insult the family members of the deceased..?
7 years

Has anybody ever seen the movie or read the book called "thinner"?

No_Limit_Soldier17:Also, how would you react if you were cursed like this? Just curious about this.

(I saw the movie a long time ago.)
How would I react? With horror! All my hard work reversing itself against my will? Yikes.
As gypsy curses go, I'd much prefer to be the victim of a "Fatter" curse... smiley
7 years

Life in general

^Great comment, flyinghorse.
7 years

I became a fat person

For most of my life I was a fat person trapped in a thin person's body. I fantasized about being fat but could never seal the deal. But over the last couple years, I've managed to completely transform not only my body but my mind. In my spare time, I just laze about and eat. When I'm not eating, I'm thinking about eating. I feel hungry almost constantly--even when I'm full!

I'm totally committed now, since there's pretty much no chance of ever going back to a 'normal' weight again.
8 years

Gaining contracts?

...first time I stumbled across the notion of a "gaining contract". What a brilliant, tantalizing, sexy idea! It creates a scenario where submission, domination, weight gain, and sex become inextricably and 'inescapably' linked.
8 years

Back pain due to weight gain

I'm not sure if it's 'normal' but it's not to be entirely unexpected. Weight gain does a lot of things, such as changing your posture; and if you've gained in such a way that you've lost enough muscle and gained enough fat, your spine and back will be affected to some extent.

I'm much shorter than you (5'4 vs. 6'1) and I've experienced some mild, (mid-to-upper) back pain as a result of gaining.

From what I understand, moderate exercise can ameliorate the discomfort over time. Can't testify personally as to the efficacy--(as I don't really exercise...) but it seems to make sense.
8 years

Weight gain contest?

Marvelous idea!
Though I can't really compete right now, I would like to place bets. Good luck, fatties!
8 years

On the fence about this.

Well, you know your wife and family better than we do--though we can at least establish that, in general, contemporary society does not exactly celebrate fatness and weight gain. You could:
- Be open and talk to your wife (and possibly your family) about your fat-related interests. Approach the topic as delicately and deliberately as necessary. If you're too sensitive about it to do that (I know I was until recently), you could try a less desirable option (IMO):
- Do a "test gain" of somewhere around ~15-20 pounds, then see how your wife/(family) react--but more importantly, examine how *you* feel. You're young and fit, which will make gaining harder at first--but losing most or all of the weight will be easier should you choose to do so.

Hard to offer more advice without knowing you. Probably obvious, but just remember that actually gaining a lot of weight and living with it is far, far different than fantasizing about it.
8 years

Weight gain

Has your gain made you fat and proud, fat and ashamed or fat and very turned on?

Privately, and on here, my gain has made be proud. I worked hard for my obesity!
Publicly, I feel inner pride but some outer shame, since massive weight gain is not exactly celebrated by others.
Most of all, though, the gain(ing) is an incredible turn-on. Just thinking about it is sexually exciting.
8 years
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