Weight gain games?

There's an rpg maker game I found called coven of calahree that you can get on steam, there's also a dating sim being made by tonbelly that's incomplete but there's demos available
1 year

Video game worlds you'd love to live in

Probably Fatal Fury or Street Fighter, you get to do cool stuff like throw fire balls plus you're less likely to potentially die from world ending threats
1 year

Any channel awesome fans

Made this post a few years ago and since then major stuff has come out about channel awesome, all of it terrible. Here's a video detailing some of what happened.

4 years

So what games are you playing?

I've been playing quite a bit of tekken recently, trying to learn how to use king properly.
7 years

Magic or super power

This is a tough question,I think I'll go with earth bending.
8 years

Any channel awesome fans

Anyone else here a fan people like the nostalgia critic, linkara, cinema snob, etc.
9 years

Aspergers or autism people.

I fall somewhere on the spectrum, most likely aspergers.
9 years

Please watch me get fatter!

Nice Channel, I'm definitely subscribing.
9 years

* location shout outs part 3*

Washington, the state not D.C.
9 years
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