What do you wear to bed?

Jeez, everyone seems to sleep in the nude on here.
Am I the only person who still wears pajamas?

Maybe I'm doing it wrong
8 years

Reasons behind your name?

My name started as a family nickname. I was a scrawny little kid, so everyone used to call me Twiggy. Then Twiggy became Twiggy Bird, like Tweety Bird.

I just added the Z in later because it sounded cool. Made me feel edgy
8 years


The story, hips don't lie, is also a copy of this story]www.deviantart.com/art/Mirror-Image-XWG-BBW-549347900

Hips Don't Lie isn't a copy of Mirror Image.

I was worried at first since Mirror Image is my story, but after checking, I saw that they were different. The main characters have the same name, but that's the only glaring similarity I saw.

Thanks for the concern though.
8 years

How young did you realize?

It started for me in 5th grade when I was 10. It was Halloween, I remember because everyone was in costume, and I saw a chubby girl in my class getting made fun of for being fat. It didn't mean much at the time, but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about it. The whole situation stuck with me.

I don't know why, but I started becoming very interested in fat girls. I distinctly remember using the create-a-wrestler on my WWE game to make all the divas fat. I watched the French Fry episode of Lilo & Stitch over and over. Anything that had a fat girl or a girl getting fat, I had to see.

I eventually found my way to the Internet and that's when things really took off. Did you know you can find porn on the Internet? Crazy, right?

I found Pigs Is Pigs on YouTube, then Hadoukenchips and Biggie on Deviantart, a bunch of stuff on Expansion Mansion (when it still had free stuff), started reading short stories on Dimensions Magazine and eventually I ended up here.

So, long story short, I was 10.
8 years

"fattest" thing you've done

On the Fourth of July, I had Fried Oreos for the first time. They were so good that I ate 18 of them in the span of an hour.

Needless to say, I felt sick afterwards; but that didn't stop me from eating a chocolate-drizzled funnel cake and a basket of cheese fries later on.

God Bless America!
8 years

Lesbian/bisexual women?

Just stumbled upon this page and thought I'd throw my hat into the lesbian bonfire.

I'm an FA (fat admirer, fat appreciator, I don't know what the proper term is anymore) with feeder tendencies. Nothing beats a girl with a big appetite, except for maybe one with a big belly, but a big butt takes the cake. Mmm, cake

What was I talking about again?
8 years

Weight gain since high school

I graduated last year at 140 and somehow managed to pack on 30 lbs since then. That Freshman 15 is no joke.


You've said, I think, that you weren't trying to gain and that you didn't even want to gain at all. As I understand it, you've only ever been interested in other girls getting fat, not you.

So, now that you're starting to find out what chubbiness is REALLY like, are you happy about it? What I mean is if you had the ability to simply snap your fingers and be any weight you wanted to be what weight would you choose??

I myself remain a feeder who's never really chosen or wanted to get fat; but I've gained 40 pounds since high school
and I guess I don't really mind. If I choose to lose weight I'll have to give up the fattening food I enjoy and I'm not too sure I want to do that.

I don't really know. The fat isn't bad per say, just different. I'm an athlete, or at least I'm supposed to be, so getting fat had never really been an option. I'm starting to get out of shape, which I don't like, but the added softness is starting to grow on me *pun intended.

I liked having abs, but i don't mind having a bit of a belly. I started getting soft around 150 or so, but I was still pretty fit. I guess if I had to pick an ideal weight, I'd go with that. Somewhere between 150 and 160. Plus, I love to eat junk too. I recently discovered Oreos are a personal weakness of mine
8 years

Fit to fat

I've always been really athletic. I went from scrawny to curvy when puberty hit and started running track in junior high. I ran all through high school and my first year of college, but have been gaining a lot recently. This summer's been my first really break from training since I was 14 and I've taken full advantage of it by being as lazy as possible. My tone, yet shapely 140 lb body is becoming more of a memory since being replaced with a squishy 172 lb one. Don't quite know how I feel about it yet. I miss my abs, but this booty's not too bad
8 years

Weight gain since high school

I graduated last year at 140 and somehow managed to pack on 30 lbs since then. That Freshman 15 is no joke.
8 years