Who would be most surprised to see your weight gain?

Probably ANYONE from high school. I was like, 170 back then. I've put on at my highest 100 lb (though now it's back down to putting on 80 lb since then).
7 years

Favorite fast food joint too pig out at?

You seriously can't go wrong with Five Guys Burgers and Fries. The food is so high calorie, fatty, and good tasting. Not to mention the fries are enough for a small family lol.

Get a double bacon cheeseburger, large fries, and a milkshake, and you'll be in heaven.
7 years

How many donuts can you eat?

I think my record was 12 (not freshly made or anything, those kind you'd just pick up in a box at a grocery store).
7 years

Belly skin stretch massages

Not too sure if massaging would work, as fat is broken up into two categories: Visceral and Subcutaneous.

Visceral is where fat is located more around the abdomen/organs, and is identifiable as "hard fat", or the type of fat you'd see most beer bellies with (or with men more in general I believe).

Subcutaneous fat is right underneath the skin, and is the soft variation, which is responsible for cellulite and dimples and whatnot.

As for what causes them specifically, I'm not entirely sure, and I can't find any specific sources. It could be a mixture of diet, or possibly just genetics. From personal experience, when I started gaining from when I was skinny, I started getting the "beer belly" look (even though I didn't drink). However, as I gained weight, my belly eventually softened up quite a bit!

I hope someone else can give some more scientific advice to help out lol, but overall, I'd just say gain more weight to get that softening/hang. You'll eventually just start getting that subcutaneous fat more the bigger you get, and you'll start noticing.
7 years


I wish I could stuff with cake, but it seems like with sweets I start to feel meh after eating lots at once lol. Still won't stop me from wanting to buy a cheesecake and stuff with it!

Also, I'd kinda want to try a weight gain shake with cake batter in it for those extra calories smiley
8 years

So what games are you playing?

Been playing a mixture of Stardew Valley and XCOM 2 smiley.
8 years

How much food

Personally, I didn't measure in pounds but calories, but I managed to stuff myself with 6400 calories in one night-stuffing before! Seriously felt like I was going to explode.

Scientifically, I do believe the limit of eating is 17-19 lbs. Someone apparently died from that WAAAY back, but you'd have to have no stop signals in your head in order to even get close to that.
8 years

How to really make it permanent?

You might be dropping off pounds because your metabolism is high, which unfortunately can't really be helped. The only way I can think to get around it is that when people lose a little weight from not eating as much, their metabolism slows down because your body thinks there's a food shortage and it'll turn calories into fat.

I used to have a pretty fast metabolism back when I was like, 185 lb. I would SERIOUSLY overindulge, like 4000-6000 calories a day to try to gain any weight. I got up to like, 220 lb before I got a little sick and couldn't eat much. Lost 20 lb, but then over the next 6 months I ended up going to 270 lb.

Overall, you just have to keep at it smiley. Your metabolism will eventually give out I think. Gaining plateaus are definitely annoying.

A few other tips:

1. Try to eat right before bed. According to people, eating before bed won't give your body a chance to burn any calories, and it'll just turn to fat.

2. On the recipe forum on this site, there's a few recipes for weight gain shakes. Things like mixtures of heavy cream, nutella, ice cream, etc...which usually adds up to several thousand calories. Adding that to your diet and drinking it right before bed might just be that extra push to keep that fat permanent!

Hope I could help, and good luck with your gaining! smiley
8 years

Weighing in public

If you like the idea of that, then you'll love the Heart Attack Grill lol. Its whole thing is that if you're over 350 lb (I think), then you eat for free. The place actually has a massive outdoor scale that weighs you and shows your weight on a pretty big digital display to see if you're over 350 lb.
8 years

Officially overweight

Congratulations on getting into the overweight category! I'm at a BMI of 38.4 right now
8 years
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