Gain from medication?

I just say fuck all medications. All illegal drugs I've tried - the good ones - never caused me any problems.

I was tried on sertraline on a whim for a bit. After about four weeks I felt as if I were excreting my entire digestive tract, had dilated and painful pupils as if I were on MDMA 24/7, and had very bizarre thoughts I'd never had before. I still have a bottle of about 50 pills of that and I'm never taking shit like that again.

I'd say diazepam was the only drug that effected anything slightly. The first bit of the first time I ever had it I'd be very out of it and sleep for 12 hours on the first nights. But those kind of drugs start to fuck up your mind after a brief period even when you get over the physical quickly.

Alcohol....that's it's own story. Loaded with calories but I tend never to drink fancy thing so never much added on it. I tend to eat less anyway with it.

Weed well, I have destroyed a kitchen a time or two and I did not like the feeling of eating that much (yes I'm the polar opposite FA type) and if I use it more often munchies tend to dissipate quickly. Plus I do like the treat of working out or going on a non-stop 20 km bike ride at 4am at full speed so....
7 years

Gf wants to gain but diabetes runs in the family

Actually I'll chime in just again. This time out of passion just because Banting discovered insulin an hour down the road from me and if you read the stories of it, it sounds like a miracle story; this pertains especially to type 1 though.

Again everyone is diffent but it's an age thing too. The younger the less risky.

You say she's 200 and wants to go to 250? That's not really all that extreme in this day and age. I've had a couple COs that easily went well over 200 at an average female height; 220 or more (they never want to say for sure except those vague statements). But never any health problems even when they 'ran' in the family.

Even if she's short, 250 isn't. High danger territory. She'll look plenty fat but not huge. Like the others said, keep to a healthier diet and avoid just going on classic 'junk' and also do get some physical activity in there. One SO I had was totally pushing over 220 but she would still do some cardio and light weights and was perfectly healthy. (Plus it was hot to get see when I did smiley ) haha
8 years

Gf wants to gain but diabetes runs in the family

I rarely post and I don't see why I am here...maybe I'm feeling in a downer mood?

Unmanaged diabetes type 2 will slowly kill you, or cause serious health problems. Type 1 is another ball game. You'd be dead already if not having dealt with that.

With obesity, type 2 is going to be a real issue at some point. You don't usually see any 400+'s making it into old age - at that weight.

This is kind of what makes this whole fat attraction thing more of a youthful beauty deal. The younger you are, the less likely it is to complicate you. Also naturally as you age - and I mean late middle to early old - people tend to lose weight as there is no reproductive need for it.

Thing to remember is diabetes is an artificially agitated disease. It's always been around. And if you read historical accounts of it it is horrifying. But that's well before any knowledge or treatment.

The thing with weight is that the human body was never really meant to weigh over roughly 85-100kg (fairly tall male/female) let alone eat a ton of processed fat and sugar. That's just how it is. Plus being able to live day by day with literally having to do next to nothing physically taxing.

It's all a ball game though. Anyone can get it. It runs in both sides of my family. Both mother's parents died from it (in their 80's, not obese though). My cousin on the other side got it when she was 13; not the slightest bit obese either. I'm supposedly at risk and I'm not the slightest bit obese and quite fit. Could still happen.

I mean if you she's got people getting it left right and centre you might want to take deep concern. Otherwise, its pretty well common to all human families at some point.
8 years

Mate experience

I write this as it's almost a year since the event; but it was so damn sexy I can't forget it.

I met this girl a bar who also goes to my university. We dance and such, and hilariously/ironically they start playing that song "Fat Bottem Girls" which indeed, this girl had a nice ***. It was almost like the DJ played it for us.

Anyway, we had a loose relationship a bit. I helped her move (and carried her personal mini-fridge for her, haha)

Apparently she used to be an all-star swimmer. Nothing of the sort now.

The experience I'm getting tohere is the main point. We got into her car to go somewhere.. But before driving off I decided to pleasure her ie. Hands. The most errotic part was that she and I both had to grab a huge part of her self-described 'jelly belly' just to get down there. Her belly was pouring over her seat belt, so we took that off. But we still had to navigate through her big fat gut just for me to get to her.

It was just and natural the way we both lifted her hunks of lard so she could get her extacy.
8 years

First fat girl crush?

I get to say that I am a pioneer when it comes to precise sexual orientation via the internet. As a pre-teen it was still a new thing but all the primitive urges were there to use it. So of course, you search every kind of porn avaliable and see what pops it up. I recall being one of my firsy devious sources.

Fat girls always stood out to me to one extent. My most notable 'crush' was in grade 7-8 and I didn't even understand it until after. She was clearly the fat girl of both classes. I recall doing laps for gym and running by the female instructor hearing her marvel at just how fat this girl was. There's plenty bigger in the world but she stood out in this scenario. What really gets me in retrospect is her comfort. She was so cool with everything.

Anyways many details aside, I was an *** to her and lightly bullied her. Yet it was all a culture/media drivel act to deny the obvious: this girl is making you stiff as a post every time she walks by or does anything really.

I managed to track her down in the days of MSN half a decade ago and apologize. Still couldn't mention that it was cause she was the hottest to me.

Highschool I'll just mention the first day and class where I found myself surrounded by the 3 fattest girls in class but also the most secure. I recall one girl openly saying she wasn't doing any gym electives because she was "too fat" while patting her belly. Other girl was quite plump and seemed to have no issues.

Last girl I had known of vaguely prior from common schools. Always stood out to me. Always cute and had a big pot belly. She's actually skinnyish the last time I saw her. Middle girl there is still plump.

First girl there is ever fatter and apparently had a kid so even more so. She is a true fat girl I guess.

Ah well there's a light look at my early 'crushes'
8 years

Is it comfort weight or just me?

It is probably that and a natural tendacy on their own.

I'm speaking from a guy who likes the feel of fit with his body, and likes the opposite of that with the opposite sex.

So there's my viewpoint. I can think of two longer term relationships with girls who just are the 'type' you're talking about. Of course both as per society demand, professed to hate it.

Yet they were so....good at 'it'. Finding comfort in food and just any means in general to make anything 'easier'; in other words be as lazy as possible just cause.

I'd say this is obviously true in that type of man as well. A relationship is supposed to be a comfort zone to 'indulge' in and be comfortable. Food and 'laziness' of this sort is on a primal level too.

I never had a hand in any of it either. Two said girls both went up at least 40 lbs, putting both easily over 200 at average female height. That's not huge on here. But enough to put two already thicker and chubbier female frames into noticably 'fat' section. It's probably even more since neither liked giving concrete numberds, those are just the minimum vagueness. One even seemed be aware she would hit 300 at some point since all she wanted was kids and an excuse to be lazy.

It goes the same both ways I guess. A guy could function on a relationship for that, letting loose what they are obviously the type to even 'let loose.' Though 100-150 is pretty high here. Unless there's some medical thing... I stand by my reasoning here
8 years

Aggressive fat girl behaviour

Neither of them were spoiled is the thing. Quite the opposite really.

It's cultural violation, yet it is one cultural aspect (in North America) that is completely fat-reinforcing. Easiest possible access to the most of the most fattening food.

I'm just wondering if people see this a lot in fat people who have never heard of sites like this or have no apparent desire to gain weight while simultaneously saying they hate it and want to lose it.

Those moments where you almost want to blurt out "this is exactly the type of reason you're fat"... As anyone who wants to lose weight knows it starts with little lifestyle changes like that.

I dunno I'm probably just frustrated because it would make so much more sense if people accepted who they are, why they are, instead of self-loathing and all kinds of self-denial...
9 years

Aggressive fat girl behaviour

And staunch denial/thought separation tactics. No I don't me aggresive like physical force. I mean in general temperment about their reality at hand.

My prime example with this is the time I was driving (rare, since I don't own a car) with this 'girl of interest' and we were going to get food. It's midnight and of course she wants McD. So we end up at one like 2 blocks from her place. I was pulling in to park and she let's on with this distraught voice as to what I'm doing. I'm like we're here...? No. Absolutley not having it. Demands I go through the drive-thru (again, not a driver and also not a drive-thru person as it seems redundant to me as walking in is..not a chore, and saves gas). It's a serious though I'm the crazy one.

Now keep in mind this is one of those deniers. The I got hurt and couldn't play soccer anymore types... Supposedly hating their body but..sporting a waddle and belly going on 12 months pregnant. But said girl's car is always filled with empty fast food bags and pop bottles.

It's the idea I'm getting at here of: I can't even think of getting of my ass for 5 minutes at midnight to order a big mac with extra large fries and shake. Yet said person will still say they want to lose weight... I just complied and awed at the situation.

It's this underlying greed and simplicity I guess? Said person is not actually greedy in any other way, but the demand for food and in such a typically fat person manner

I've seen various other examples. Your fellow university student who can't seem to stop eating whole kilo bags of candy at 2am and happens to be bursting out of old clothes, can't do up pants, and boobs spilling out of new bras... (And my unit about to explode from hardness seeing this)...

Anyway.. Has anyone ever been with the 'I don't want to be fat' but here's what I do type? It's a sad mismatch in minds as it's: this is what I like and that's exactly what she like, yet she hates it all. But more so the type to carry out fat actions and sterotypes to the point of being just a little upset otherwise? (Also because it is the most normal way for them)

Both but especially the first are so exactly the lifestyle that leads to attractions. It's a double-edged sword I guess. You know these are true fatties at heart, but they don't embrace it
9 years

Guys with bubble butts

I've been told I have a 'bubble butt' before. Was confused at first. But I suppose I embrace it now.

I'm not a gainer nor have I gained. It's just been a fact of my anatomy. I have...what is considered....a big ass.

Mine is more on the fit side though. I cycle a lot, walk a lot, and run. So it's firm and big. You get a lot more 'torque' out of it too.

I've always just been curious about the female attraction to a big ass. I mean, it's not like the opposite male attraction to a big female ass. As a mount that and you pound the shit out of it (whichever way you're entering). And you get that feeling..that only a heterosexual male doing such could get I imagine.

I dunno....women? What's in it to like in a guy's ass?
9 years

Pretty boys unite!..

Well I don't usually post but what the hell..

As douchey as the OP words it (and as much as I hate the idiot who constantly put on the Zoolander in the break room all the time many years ago....)

There are a few points:

1) Yes, there are MANY if not most fat girls out there who really do have it in their minds that they are not 'good enough' and make various efforts to actualize this idea by doing everying up to and including sabatozing any chance they may have with a guy THEY deem to be 'too good.' Try dealing with a woman who has it engrained to auto/systematically hate herself. That's your average fat girl

2) I really really really REALLY hate to say it, but: WTF women. Well, some women anyway. I sadly know too many women who actually like the D-Bag demeanor the OP operates upon; such women will go to all ends to defend them. And I've found many of the bigger girls just to assume that's the way by talking with them....

3) "Ridiculously Good Looking" is a joke and OP knows that. You don't mention Zoolander unless you get your humour or I suppose severely mentally handicapped (the orange people and such you see on TV these day, etc.)

4) Since this happens to be the one year aniverssary of me being tricked into going in to a particular bar on what I found out was "black night".... Let me just say, as the only white, Canadian guy (the place litrally being on the same street I was born on too).... I was acutally laughed out loud at by a fat white girl for my advances simply because of my appearance. I had a heart-to-heart with one of her African friends confirming this, and my preferences, right afterwards. I danced with and had a fat Latino girl perplexed with me that night as well.... Ultimatley the confusion had me resovle to drinking 6 more beers on top of my two bottles of wine, and getting strange VIP treatment and NOT being kicked out, which is highly odd for this establishment

Anyway, do not underestimate the power or female self-hatred. However do notoverrestimate the ramblings of your average male D-Bag. Too many women are hooked to this
10 years
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