Poked in the tummy during an arguement?

My response:

"First, don't you ever touch me again. Second, don't you EVER touch me again".
7 years

What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

The desire to get fat came on kind of late. I was about 46 years old. I found a post I made on a weightlifting site almost 14 years ago describing how I was tired of dieting and was just going to let myself be a fat muscle bear

During the time between then and now the desire came and went. But fat guys have turned me on for years and years, whether I was gaining or trying to lose weight, and secretly I wanted to be one of them. Two years ago I started eating with the intention of becoming as fat as I can handle.
7 years


I did for a long time. I was on weight loss plans and diets of all kinds. I thought I didn't want to be fat but I fantasized constantly about it. I admired and was envious of fat guys.

I fantasized about it so much that I don't know if I subconsciously sabotaged my diets, or the mind can change what the body does, i.e. make it store fat. All I know is that I think of myself as fat and getting fatter, and I am.
7 years

When you get to goal

I'm nowhere near mine... current weight 225, first goal weight 250-260, ultimate goal weight 280-300.

They say the journey to anything is the fun part. So after you reach goal, what do you do except maintain? Is it sort of like the day after Christmas when the fun is over?

Just a curiosity I have.
7 years

Strange fetishes related to fat.

I don't know if this is a fetish as much as a goal or fantasy but I do get turned on:

I'm in a restaurant, I've got mongo amounts of food in front of me, and my belly and love handles are overflowing and pushing my shirt to its limits as I wolf down all this food.

Wherever I happen to be - mall, supermarket, etc. - as I'm walking my belly is overhanging my pants and rippling. Best of all, people are staring because I'm wearing nice clothes: khakis, oxford buttondown shirt, or polo shirt.
7 years

How fat would you like to be?

I'm currently 225. I'd like to get to 265-280, maybe even 300.
7 years

When did you start gaining

I've always gained and lost weight my whole life, but it's almost 2 years deliberately gaining. I always liked fat guys. I guess the term is FA. :-)
7 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

When I got over 225 pounds I started to see myself as a fat person. My body felt different. I was softer and bigger than ever before. I moved differently, slower. Getting out of breath when briskly going up stairs was another indicator. All of my clothes for differently and I was buying bigger sizes than ever before.

My diet changed. I went from questioning food choices to eating whatever I wanted, when I wanted. It was at this point that I saw myself as a fat person who could eat whatever I wanted since I wasn't trying to lose any weight. At that point I was happy that I had become a fat person and embraced it. I've only gotten happier since then.

This me to a t. I eat what I want, how much I want, when and as I want. Just today I bought a few new pants and shirts in a larger size. Time to start weeding out the old ones. In the fitting room mirror I saw how fat I've gotten, and I liked what I saw.

That's a big difference from when I fat shamed myself before I accepted being fat. Not only accepting it, but liking it.

I'm about 5'5" and just hit 225. I've been at 230 before but this time I'm going for 250-260. Depending on how I physically handle the weight I'd even go for 280. I think that would presume getting back in the gym and packing on muscle weight too.

This is a physique I can deal with.
7 years


I have a similar problem. I don't get nauseous but I can't seem to eat enough. I had lumbar surgery in November 2015, and the pain meds I take seem to kill my appetite, especially during the day.

At night I get hungry and I start to eat. I've even been waking up in the middle of the night for milk and cookies. I drink whole milk and add heavy cream to it.

Edit to add: I just saw another thread that mentions cake shakes and a fat boy gainer shake. Those are great ideas.
7 years

Strange fetishes related to fat.

Thinking that people are watching me and thinking to themselves how fat I am and making fun of me. Especially when I'm wearing a shirt that's too tight and the buttons are straining and my pants are sliding down below my belly.

But it has to be with people that I don't know and probably will never see again, like people in a supermarket, at the mall or someplace like that. With people that know me and that I know, it doesn't do it for me.
7 years