Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Posted here a few times recently, and these little reminders are happening almost daily... for context these are same dining style chairs I used to be able to fit a hand flat between the armrest not two years ago.
Not chairs I sit in daily, but for sure once every 4 to 6 weeks or so. Just these past couple months I could feel my sides brushing armrests and poofing over slightly but hardly snug.

Yesterday, got a nice surprise as I sat down feeling my hips brush armrests before constricting my sides... I actually had to wriggle back a little to squeeze love handles in where armrests taper inwards to backrest!! It wasn't uncomfortably tight but most definitely snug compared to last time with side rolls oozing over and under inch thick wood. Oh and chair creaked each time I had to readjust.
7 months

Food getting more expensive

Shrink-flation is also a growing trend. Arby's in particular downsized their large shakes by almost half, a shorter thinner cup that used to pass for a medium or small for basically the exact same price! Wtf...
Also noticed the Hormel pepperoni packet contains almost half the amount of pepperoni slices despite packaging remaining about same size? Among tons of other things that now have a lower net weight or the food itself seems to be of lesser quality too not just quantity.
It literally costs me double, sometimes triple at checkout for the same essential items I've purchased for years. Bunch of bs!
8 months

Feedism in movies

Honestly I would just settle for anything avoiding the same old tropes, fat Thor, and fat Amy or Monica from Friends... for once put a fat actress in a role that is NOT centered around her weight. Or made to be a big fat Joke!
Mike and Molly and This is Us are both great shows, but the storyline is exactly the same, especially for Melissa McCarthy and Krissy Metz characters. Both shows meet S.O love interests at an Over Eaters Anonymous meeting for starters.

These men are also fat and in Toby's case balding (why couldn't Kate be with a hunk like Justin Hartley?) That was a let down for me after seeing previews and learning Kevin was her twin brother. Why a guy like that can't realistically fall for a large lady like her? Maybe HS sweethearts and he's stuck by her through thin and thick?
Also on both shows these characters defining traits are obsessed with losing weight. There are plenty of people out there with no inkling of FAs or BBW or online communities like this who are simply living their lives in fat bodies and (grudgingly) accept the hand they've been delt without obsessing over their weight.

So any sitcom featuring more than just one of two rounder people who hang out with and engage in relationships with drop dead gorgeous ladies and totally ripped dudes... Without making any obvious mention or innuendo regarding their fatness or storyline centered on diet culture. To honestly explore the stigma, discrimination and hate their characters face everyday without making this their defining trait.
Awesome romcom would be a chubby girl meets boy who likes her curves as she thickens, leading both characters on a journey of discovery and exploration. Navigating ups and downs, people's reactions and culture clashes as they come to terms and enjoy these new developments and blossom together. Living life to the fullest and get their happily ever after in the end after some doubts and strife.
8 months

Checking scales

I think it depends on what you want to get out of checking the scale. If you only want to see progress, weekly or even monthly is the way to go, or maybe even only when you notice big milestones like no longer fitting in a pair of pants that used to fit well. This is especially true if you’ll be discouraged by numbers that are constant or go down. For some people who are sensitive about it, it can even be better to not weigh at all.

Personally, though, just the act of weighing is exciting and motivates me to keep going, and it doesn’t bother me if the number is the same or goes down, since it will still be higher than my starting weight when I first started gaining either way. I weigh all the time when I’m in a gaining cycle because it’s just fun to do.

Yes, huge motivator for me too. Especially when feeling stuffed and so full I can't eat another bite. Seeing that temporary progress on scale helps push me to finish the rest of my food and maybe top my aching belly off a while later. No pain no gain lol
8 months

Checking scales

So true bestie.

When you gain weight, not all of it will be fat/ A good chunk of it will also be food weight, water weight, and poop. It's basically weight that doesn't belong to you. Speaking from personal experience, it will drive you insane to see the way the scale goes up and day over the course of a day[/quote]

Another point to this, sometimes even when you are not gaining weight or at least the scale says you've been same... Numbers can be deceptive.
My weight was stuck around 270 for long time but a few months into plateau I noticed my belly changing shape and seemingly growing, wider, dropped a little lower and some pants got tight. Scale didn't change for over 6-8 months but even my arms and thighs showed some newfound pudge. And belly most definitely got more doughy soft feel, even before I temporarily lost a little weight.
Delayed gain?
Also had a friend I've known over half our lives 'inspect' my belly while wearing an outfit I've had a few years. She confirmed I looked bigger and it sagged more despite being down around 10 pounds from my highest weight
8 months

Checking scales

Don't do it daily. If you do it daily, you'll drive yourself insane. Measure yourself at least once a week.[/quote]

It can drive you insane, I've done it both ways. Have gone months without a clue and been a 'tad' obsessive... Actually a few years ago I had fun tracking my weight 3x a day almost everyday for better part of a year. Still got weight logs on an old phone.

It's interesting to look back and see how the numbers ebb and flo over the course of each month. Those binge days where I'd put on 8 pounds by evening entry loose 5 by morning and another 3 in days following even as I gained an average of 4 or so a day only to be back at same weight each morning. Then over next week or so, after another binge night or a couple good 6 pound days the morning numbers slowly rise a few pounds by end of month.

I haven't done this in a long time but want to be more diligent about using measuring tape on monthly basis. I regret not tracking actual inches better over the years, but takes more time than hopping on scale quick.
While it could be fun Munchies has a point, frustrating and discouraging at times when those numbers just won't climb or drop.
8 months

Worst thing said to you at a doctors office

I don't have a personal experience since I've always avoided Doctors offices even before I was fat but I am even more reluctant to go nowadays unless I absolutely need to. I do know my blood pressure is always good from fairly frequent checks, outside doc office, and nothing in blood work last few times I have been in for something.

My roommates sister was a chubby teen, NOT FAT just pudgy maybe pushing 200 but tall and barely beyond overweight catagory let alone clinically obese. Spent over a year, almost two visiting various doctors for frequent headaches and random minor illness and trying to figure out why she was so tired and lethargic all the time. They all kept blaming her weight and telling her she will feel better if she just loses 20 to 30 pounds. Turns out she had Leukemia. By the time she was diagnosed it was too late for bone marrow or any life prolonging treatments. That poor girls mother... Watched her waste away those last few months.

My grandpa was sent in to hospital for an easy wound debridement on his calf, size of dime then nickel. Spent 2 hours sitting in ER, given a Tylenol and shipped back to nursing home within 4 hours of leaving. Without any actual treatment given. So what if his last stroke meant he was wheelchair bound, that leg was painful for him and the RN who sent him in was PISSED. I also work in senior care, this stuff happens all the time to people.

The worst part is that medical bias and just plain lazy practices have put dozens of people I know personally at serious risk. At least 7 of those people are dead now. Seriously, how can they miss stage 3 cancer in an elderly woman whom has been getting ultrasounds and other tests done like clockwork every 8 to 12 weeks as part of her care plan? For past several years! More recently requested additional tests on her blood work due to stomach issues, Dr refused at that time, turns out to be cancer months later, stage 4... She died May this year.

Advocate for yourselves and your loved ones. Never trust medical professionals have your best interests at heart let alone hold true to the Hippocratic oath they took. I know of a handful of younger people with similar experiences, a few of them gone to soon, but I've ranted enough here.
8 months

What whould you want fantasy feeder to have?

Letters And Numbers:
I would just like to see the story interface and writing tools polished up. Make it easier to get to later chapters in longer stories (I think the easiest way would just be a drop down chapter select menu at the top, but a table of contents could work too), make it so when a new chapter from an author you follow shows up in your feed, clicking on it will take you to that chapter instead of the first chapter, stuff like that. And then on the tools side, FORMATTING. ALL THE FORMATTING. BBcode, image embed, links. All.

That’s all.

I am just happy they brought back the numbered pages for stories when browsing through. Remember when, for a time, it was a continuous scroll where you clicked "More" at bottom? But every-damn-time you got back to story page it sent you back to the top handful of stories. God forbid you had clicked more a bunch of times already, then start all over.

The chat seems finicky, but other than a more Facebook-esq set up with likes and comments... Navigating FF isn't so bad.
Even just a Private members only Facebook group would be an awesome way for people to connect outside of FF from around the world. I've found a local curvy connection group but I rarely post on there.
8 months

Midwest crew

I sadly didn't get to eat quite as much as I'd hoped last Friday, still an awesome day at fair even tho it was 91 and sweltering hot. Spent the whole day with family except last hour or so... Was very upset not to find Taco King at bottom of hill after walking down from Leine Lodge. Also never got my $2 milk or Sweet Martha's and still need to try those cheesecake bites. Oh and northern hydrologic was a sad desolate place without all the bins of bits and bobs, handing out coupons? I still got batteries from last year luckily.

I am going again this weekend and making a game plan to map out a route of all my favorites and things I want to try, never made it into Bazzar either lol. Dog earing pages in bargain book I didn't get around to using yet. Going to bring a few edibles and sneak in another handful of dollar shots to help keep appetite and a buzz going, since I can't stomach beer.

I heard that chicken wild rice burger is really good and hope to expand my palette to things I usually don't eat, save my favorites for when i am feeling full. One can only eat so many pronto pups and curds ina day...
8 months

Boyfriend becoming hostile towards my weight gain

Thank you

We've been dating since December last year, and since then I've put on 20-30 pounds probably already, or even more than that, I dont really keep track often haha. But I was already chubby when he first asked me out and then I told him about my kink ect. I still dont know whats happened with him recently, But things have definitely changed[/quote]

That is a rather significant gain and some big changes for you both, maybe knowing your fetish and desire to continue with another 20 or 30 pounds spooked him? Either way doesn't sound like he is on board, flexible enough in his own attractions or willing to compromise.

Sorry that things aren't working out for you, but if he is already having trouble with this initial gain and you intend to double that... you'll both be miserable going forward. We all have our basic desires that need to be met and shallow or not physical attraction can sometimes trump love for another person. Hope you find someone that not only appreciates your new attributes but worships your curves and wants the same things out of life.
8 months
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