Forums are broken

Thanks for reporting this on as well as the profiles issue. Should now be fixed but any problems just let me know.
1 month

Profile issues

Thanks for reporting this. Should now be fixed but any problems just let me know.
1 month

Updating sexual orientation options

Could we also add demisexual to this category?

We're sticking to the main sexualities for the forseeable future, since to add too many nieche sexualities would just be confusing for people. We can't cater for all nuances in these searches, however you could instead add this to your 'about me' on your profile.
1 month

Updates to story formatting

You may think these issues have been forgotten about but I can assure you they haven't and we will address them in time. The problem with chapter navigation in particular is high on the agenda for us.

We have limited resources and it's often a hard decision as to what is the greatest priority. At the moment our focus is on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), since we've been slipping down the listings in this area. However, we will get back to the stories section in due course.
1 month

The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format

Thanks for highlighting this. Videos should now be working again.
1 month

Website compatibility issues

Thanks for reporting this. The issue should be fixed now, only you may need to refresh the page in your browser.
1 month

Is there policy on ai?

We've had initial discussions about this among members and admins. This is an emerging technology, so it's difficult at this stage to predict how people will use it and all the issuse that may arise. Therefore, our AI policy will develop as issues arise.

In the short term, we are intending to introduce a seperate category and searches for AI generated images, to distinguish them from photos and artwork. We're also going to add a checkbox for authors to indicate whether their story has been written with AI assistance. There's no sure way of checking this, so we'd be relying on their integrity.
2 months

Is this site shutting down?

Whenever I use the internet at home. I keep getting redirected to Google. But it's doing fine on my mobile wifi. Has anyone had this issue?

Sounds like your account has been IP banned. You'll need to clear this up with Cookie. Please use the Contact Us form to send her a message.
2 months

Is anyone else tired of this?

I'm tired of men coming here and blatantly complaining about their own lack of deduction and social skills. Gee, must suck to be poor.

Sure can't imagine what it would be like to be viewed only as an object, spoken to with outright derision, expected to be *grateful* for the "Attraction" of people who are so ashamed of their attraction that they won't show themselves while *also* expecting a "connection," constantly harassed, ignored, fetishized without consent, and also harangued for *more* content, and sometimes even threatened for not providing said validation/content/companionship, while also making substantially less on average than most people who come here with cake/food/fat art as a pfp and dare complain about someone... suggesting that if you *want* more of the content, that they too may need to be compensated for it.

So, nah.

Off topic and just a dump on men.
3 months

Your fantasy, my pen: let's craft your dream story!

The AI generated tick box sounds like the way to go for now. My take on AI in general is that, human created is better. I predict that in the near future, the Internet is going to be absolutely awash with AI generated content, and the vast majority of it will be sub-standard, mass produced, drivel. The more AI there is, the more human generaled content will seem rare and valuable, and this is what people will want. For instance, there are now quite a few AI generaled images in the pics section, they are quite clever and of some interest for a while, but of far more interest are images of real people.
3 months
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