Want to gain weight

If you have tried increasing your calorie intake with little or no change, you may have a high metabolism. If this is the case you should seriously consider how much you want to gain weight and possibly become fat before trying the following steps.

To the surest way to increase weight gain is to shock your metabolism. If you reduce your caloric intake significantly, your body will believe it is literally starving. This will force it to slow your metabolism and increase your body's fat storage. I've done this with noticable results. Just understand this change to your metabolism can be permanent, so if you gain weight and find you don't like or want to be fat, it will be significantly harder to lose the weight.

Message me directly if you want to know more.
6 years

Unintentional vanity

I never understood "vain" people always checking themselves out. When I was young and skinny, I barely looked in the mirror to get ready in the morning.

Now I find myself looking every time I see my reflection. Staring at my gut, detailing how my clothes are getting tighter, counting my chins. I didn't even realize how much I was doing it until today.

Anyone else had similar experiences?
6 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

As a former skinny guy who's only gotten fat over the past year (170 to ~260) I'd have to say one of the biggest daily reminders of how huge I am is seeing pictures on Facebook of former high school classmates who were known for being among the fattest in school, and realizing that you're now bigger than them smiley

So true.
6 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

I agreed to dress up as Santa Claus for a friend once when I was only 250lbs. I had done my checking and bought the biggest Santa suit I could find, looking forward to the chance to stuff it with pillows and pretend to be huge for a day.

I was stunned when I realized I was already too fat to wear it.
6 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

My ex-wife was complaining that she was now a 50 inch waist and was complaining that she would have to order some larger pants. I had such an erection in my pants, that it was impossible for her not to notice, and she got really mad that I was excited rather than sympathetic.

Been there before!
6 years

Would you rather...(for gainers and feedees)

1- Having a sneaky feeder who tries to fatten you up without your knowledge or consent?
2- Submitting willingly to a dominant feeder who takes full control over your gaining?
3- Having a lovey dovey romantic encourager who makes sure you are gaining as comfortably as possible?
4- Having a boy-toy encourager for you to boss around and send him to run food errands?
5- Having an encourager who is more verbally teasing calling you names and slapping your fat around?
[quote]chose your one or more and put them in the order of how intense your fantasy

5 and 2 combined would be my first choice. Each of them individually are tied for second place. 1 would be a distant third because it would have been more fun before I chose to gain myself. Although it drives me wild with curiosity when someone seems very interested in my appetite and providing food.
6 years

Fupa advice

This is directed to the immensely large men and those who have cared for them.

As my fupa grows and overtakes my manhood, using the toilet while standing is getting more difficult. Unless I can get some ideas/advice from those who have been there, I will soon be peeing like a woman.

I'm turned on by the loss of control and identity this brings, but would also like to hear from others.
6 years

How do you enjoy your big round belly after a stuffing session?

I love to stuff myself until I'm completely helpless. I'll eat until I can't even move, until the fullness and weight of my belly has me too exhausted to get up or even rub my own belly. I just sit there using all my energy to breathe.

I would love to have a Feeder there to rub my belly, or maybe slap it, tease me for being so fat, or maybe even make me eat more. After all, I'm unable to fight back. 😈
6 years

Stuffing with pillows

When I was a kid, I would get my dad's t-shirts and shorts (which seemed huge- my waist could fit through the shorts legs) and pad them with pillows until I looked like a 500+ lb man. I made it perfect- 2 small couch pillows for my moobs, which rested on 2 large overstuffed pillows that made up my gut. A pillow each down the front and back of the shorts represented my fupa and ass.

I loved the way it felt trying to move like that. I had to waddle to move around. If I tried to sit or lie down, I could barely get back up for my girth. And I discovered the difficulty of reaching "down there" with an enormous gut in the way. Everything I did while "fat would leave me sweaty and exhausted.

Now, as my body slowly becomes life imitating art, I realize how authentic those feelings were. I was always meant to be a fat man, and I love it with every pound.
6 years

Growing up a fat man in a skinny body

from the moment I could remember I have always wanted to be fat. all my life I was skinny as a stick. up to 2009, I weighed 158 at 18 years old. now I weigh 217 at 25. it is easier to gain because of my age but I really want to be 300 pounds. I would love to hear if there is anyone else that shares my story.

Definitely understand how you feel. I was fascinated with the idea of being fat growing up. As a kid I would stuff my clothes with pillows to feel fatter. I would feel this strange excitement when people would say "you're gonna get fat" when they saw my eating habits. My first "fat moment" was the first day of senior year in high school. I had basically done nothing all summer but lie around and eat pizza. I gained 20 lbs unintentionally and had a small layer of fat on my stomach for the first time. When everyone saw me they began commenting on how fat I'd gotten and poking my belly. I could not believe how big a deal they were making (I was only 180 at 6 '1"smiley. I also couldn't stop thinking about how turned on I was by the experience.

Now I'm 300 lbs and would love to see the reactions of those same people. I want to get at least 400 and show up to a reunion having gone from the skinniest guy to the fattest.
6 years
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