Ways to make fat go to belly?

My recommendation is to eat trans fats, they redistribute fat from other areas of the body to the belly, as well as creating fat there also. Don't eat too much though as trans fats are notoriously bad for your heart if consumed in large quantities.

My advice (and that of my much more knowledgeable-about-nutrition wife) would be NOT to SEEK OUT additional trans fats in your diet... If you are a fatty, eating processed or fast food, you are probably getting more than enough of these as it is! Most of us hit "large quantities" without trying. As she always says, "You want to be fat, not dead!"

Sadly, most of this is genetics. If there was a may for me to redirect fat away from chest, thighs and butt to my belly, I would do it! Sadly, there is not. You just have to love the fat you get!
6 years

Is gaining as a guy even worth the hassle?

100% Agree with August. Gain because YOU want to gain, or don't gain at all. Because the last thing you want to do is go through a full body transformation in hopes of finding a partner, and then feeling unhappy about your body later on.

Good advice!

Another way to look at it: Gain because you want to be bigger. Don't associate this fetish with attaining (or changing) a relationship. If it fits in with your relationship, great - but relationships are so much more, and fat fetishism will only ever be a minor part of that.

Gain only because it's your desire - don't expect it will fix anything else in your life!
6 years

What happened to mzchunky?

She retired from the fat fetishism modelling two years ago.

Gained almost 170 pounds after a couple of years, past a baryartic surgery procedure thereafter, shaved off most of her extra pounds the next six months, deleted her older social media profiles then announced via her close relatives in the business that she don't and won't being associated with this anymore.

She underwent a really amazing transformation! I am sorry that it must not have been a happy one for her. The chunky MzChunky shall be missed!
6 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

I was even told by an employer at an interview that I was to fat for the job.

What was the job?

If someone told me I was too fat for a job that required some physical ability I didn't have (I can't be on my feet for too long, for instance), I would have to agree. But I'm not too fat for a desk job, etc.
6 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Over the holidays I don't know if I was actually told to lose weight, but the following came up:

1. "How's that weight doing?" (with a pat on my belly) Perhaps implying (incorrectly) that I WAS trying to lose weight?

2. "Maybe you would like to join us when we go to the gym?"

3. "Are you sure you should have another serving?"

Now, I've been fat for awhile, so no one is surprised anymore. But the passive aggressive comments come mostly from family. Also, when the subject of health comes up and I mention that I am pretty healthy, I got a few eye-roles, jokes, etc.
6 years

Sarahah, anonymous dark fantasies

These are so hot, so tantalizing... and I am recognizing way too much of myself in them for comfort!

Please keep sharing!
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

I have a fantasy right now of working as a writer for an erotic fiction company. My editor keeps me locked up in a remotely controlled chastity cage, and makes me write erotic fiction - at the end of the day if she's satisfied she might give me the code to get out... smiley

That has the makings of a great story in itself! So what happens when she doesn't like your work? How do you know what kind of stuff she responds to? And is there some kind of reward (other than temporary freedom) when your work pleases her?

This is a very creative fantasy, I would love to hear more!
6 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

Have a wide variety of food available, don't try and eat a huge amount of one thing unless you REALLY love it.

Really good advice, especially if you are a bit of a foodie! It's healthier to get a wide cross section of foods, too.

I've posted this in other threads: The biggest gains I had were after my feeder forced me to stretch out my stomach. For over a month she made me eat meals that left me completely, totally, almost painfully stuffed. She pushed me past my limits at almost every meal! This had the effect of increasing my stomach size, and after that I was just naturally hungry pretty much all the time! It's hard work though, and tough to focus on it for such a long time.
6 years

Your match

Just wondering how long everyone has looked for their feeder or feedee match and if you ever found it.

I have had the honour of having shared many years, well over a decade, with my partner. We didn't really take on our current roles (her as feeder, me as feedee) until about 4, maybe 5 years or so ago.

I think a lot of it is finding the right PERSON first. Turn ons are important, especially in the "courting" phase (am I, like 100 years old, or do people still call it that?). But being open, honest, trusting and unafraid of your sexuality, your partner's sexuality, and your sexuality as a couple, is way more important.

The reason I mention that is - As a man in my 20s, I never would have thought I would have been a feedee. Never would have even occurred to me! But here I am, and so pleased that I could have this experience.

Just my 2 cents... (which we don't have here in Canada anymore, by the way... so another saying that will make me feel 100 years old! lol)
6 years

An ever expanding number of kinks

Anybody else feel that fat appreciation leads to way more kinks than any other fetish/preference?

It was the same for me. 20 years ago I was a straight as straight could be, vanilla FA. Part of it was embracing this kink, but also part of it was meeting a partner who was kinkier than I was... so I learned.

Now I enjoy a pile of different kinks. Nothing is off limits. smiley
6 years
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