Anyone tried whipped cream?

Oh yeah, I bet everybody has. You get a lot of air, but it is so much fun squirting it into the mouth, if somebody else feeds you, your cheeks will billow and you have to hurry swallowing it, lots of fun!
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I was surprised when I posted a comment or a question what hostility and abrasion came back at me, not friendly or nice and I was wondering what was eating people that they react like this?
7 years

Pig farm

I guess the pig farm is so direct and powerful because it is all about having to gain and being fattened up, like a pig needs to, like it is the logical normal sequence of events, to get fatter and fatter. And to do it on purpose, to give in to that.
7 years

New revolutionary way to gain weight easily and fast

Yes, and it will work totally automatic, from one day to the next you are that person that is gaining, no matter what they do. They try to keep their weight, but the get fatter, every transgression, every cake you eat, every trip to Mcdonalds makes you gain even faster, every tiny bit of fat goes directly into your belly fat. If there is a person that weights 300 kg or 660 pounds, and they have constantly gained, without pause, that means that the same thing wil happen to you if you get their bacteria, it will start pumping you up with fat all the same, I wonder how that feels once that process starts.
This whole thing also means that no fat person needs to be fat without wanting it, they can opt out. I think this will help, because everybody can get what they want. I wonder though if there will be more discrimination, because more will be thin and being fat will become a rare thing. But, on the other hand being thin and everybody being lean and without curves, no breasts, no butts, no bellies, it will be come extremely boring and I think that people might gravitate towards being fatter, bodies will rebel, for 10000 it was a really bad idea to be rake thin, it meant that you left yourself open to being killed off for sure in the next famine that would come for sure. For a kid, a fat mom and dad meant that they would be around, while thin ones would leave them alone. The conditions might have changed, but the genes and human bodies have not, not for a few hundred years where food was abundant.

I itch to try this out, see how it works. I wonder even if you could cure a lactose intolerant person, I have a friend up in Canada that is very fat and he longs to gain a lot more and finds this idea very attractive and well, he is lactose intolerant. So we will see if it works, because he wants to try it. And it seems that digestion, as well as immune systems (allergies seem to be also connected to it) are very much benign bacteria based.
7 years

Gaining for someone with a weak appetite.

This might help and boost your appetite:

Warning though, be open minded, or this might gross you out.
7 years

New revolutionary way to gain weight easily and fast

Well, it is not new, we just did not know about it really.
WARNING, this might gross some people out, so don't follow the link if you often experience the "I don't want to know" impulse or the "too much information". If you are a true scientist and out to answer the big questions of the universe, especially: How to change your belly to make you gain weight fast and easy, go follow the link, it is pretty amazing:

The implications of this are obvious, just find a very fat person and even if you gain slow and hard, soon that process that made that person so massively obese will start fattening you up rapidly.
7 years

What ideas turn you on?

Having somebody in here or on Feabie actually show interest and hold a conversation, instead of being ignored when you send them a mail. Not direct turn on but less frustration ;-)
7 years

Belly hanging over knees


A word of warning: I was under the false impression that at a higher weight my weight gain would stop. But it doesn't always work like this and nobody knows the mechanism of the human body. I seem to put on weight much more easily now than I did when I was 300 pounds. Maybe because my mobility is compromised, maybe because I am older, or maybe because my appetite has gotten out of control and without realizing, I eat much more. I know there is a theory about fat cells but I have never understood it to be honest. In any case, now I gain more easily than I did 200 pounds ago.

Wow that is hot, as a feedee and feeder, I love this. It makes sense, you get used to the gaining and the creating fat and it works better and better. I can feel that now that I'm 260 that I'm a lot hungrier. Also I enjoy eating very fat things more and more, when I was still 180, I could not eat massively fat stuff, I got stomach upset. But now that my belly got fat, I crave it more and more. I can now eat 4 large fries from McDonalds, which give 2000 kcals, half of it in pure fat, that is 100 g of fat, that is 0.22 pounds, so almost a quarter pound of fat going inside me and while before not all of it got digested, it is now all used and it is exciting to feel how this is fattening me up. As you might know, fat cells never vanish, they can empty or fill, but once you gain more than they can hold, they divide and you got a new higher setpoint for the weight. I can feel that I got a lot more of them and they want to fill and balloon up with fat.
I used to think that yes, I will get satisfied to grow and be fed and to get fat, but I have an inkling that going up to 300 and 350 will just get me ready for strong and faster weight gain, the gut gets fatter and gets used to balloon up with fat.
As a feedee, this is incredibly exciting and I have a feeling that I might become very fat, because I will always become more prone to putting on fat, all that fat wants to grow more, and faster gaining might do something to them, multiplying them faster. So the upwards pull will get stronger, a set point of 350 might go to 400 and then 500, where the lust for feeding, gaining and fat becomes stronger and more powerful.
As a feedee, I also might be wired differently, because I had experimented with funnel, and real tube feeding a while ago, but I notice that the fatter I get, the more I long for it, this erotic feeling that my stomach is a balloon that needs to be inflated. Force feeding has become something exciting and feeling the pressure inside rise every time a little, my gut getting bigger, the stomach larger and giving in to the pressure and then the resulting massive fat gain, the belly getting hard and pumped up, but then at the same time starting to sag with the fat. It seems to me that the hottest thing is to fatten up an already fat feedee, instead of diet and losing weight you fatten up more, like a fat feedee is already so fat that the fattening has to keep going.
As I gain, super obese women and men have become very erotic and desirable to me, as I can feel going there too and having a belly that hangs further and further down, what a dream.

And like you report, I can feel that, gaining another 100 pounds won't satisfy, but just set up my gut for faster and easier weight gain. It feels to me that after that, it gets easier to make me grow and I can't wait to enter that next stage called obesity.
7 years

Tthe reality of health care for someone 500 lbs. +++

That is very sad indeed, I hate that society sucks in this so badly. For me, fat people and the very obese, massively fat are the most beautiful and amazing people at all, they radiate such fullness and abundance, such rotund beauty, in my dream world, the queen and king of the land are the fattest people all around and they are chosen like this and fattened up, because who can take a small and spindly, merely fat person serious in a role like that?
Anyway, I wish this would change, that media, the movies and the medical industry would stop making obese and fat look like the ultimate ugly, because it is not. It is just plain dumb to peddle this view, but sadly, the majority of people is not really that bright and easy to influence. They think it is their own opinion that fat is not attractive, ut it is actually something put in their minds by TV and movies and reading magazines.
And then of course there is this thing that I'm getting tired of fast, where somebody recounts how much weight they just recently lost. In a group, everybody then applauds and yes, how great is that? What a good person, bettering themselves. It sounds like they got their masters or PhD or just won an Oscar. I like people gaining and being fat and I'm getting fatter myself, I very likely will get into the situation you are now, where I am very large and many things will become more difficult, or impossible, so I fight for this.
Losing weight for me is not a great achievement, it sounds kind of strange. It is like somebody saying "And guess what, I just lost 60% of all my money and soon, I will have lost most of it" and people applauding for it.
So you can tell I love to stand on a soap box, I'm very strong willed and love fat and ssBBWs and ssBHMs and want to create a better world, where fat is accepted and respected, not discriminated and shunned. For this reason, I created a social group in San Francisco called Big Fat Friends that I plan to grow into the largest organisation worldwide and use the power it gets to start pushing for companies and society respect us and stop the discrimination.
It saddens me how far behind, how marginal fat acceptance still is. Even the gender fluidity movement has gotten more accepted and more visible, and they started much later than fat acceptance. Fat is natural and nothing strange or abnormal, it is only the way the body reacts to a lot of food and it used to be a huge survival advantage that saved people from starvation in hard winters and famine. I hope things get better soon.
7 years

Fattest ever

I have had the fantasy for a long time to see a woman or a man get fattened up steadily and this all under medical supervision, so it is as safe as possible, make sure the body can tolerate it and find out how fat a human being can become, as a maximum. Obviously, you would use a feedee for this purpose, a person that has always dreamed of becoming gigantically fat, loves fat and would also get support in doing daily activities, a lift to get out of bed and a large heavy duty scooter to get around, if that can be done.
Then document the process carefully, I would love to show how they get fatter and fatter and fatter, how their face changes, their belly, their legs, their arms, everything. There is not much documentation or material on extreme obesity and the ones that exist are all on poor victims, that never wanted to gain that much and just had an eating disorder. A feedee like that would love being so fat and being so massive.
During this, fattening and gaining could also be studied, how fat gets created in the body etc. which could give important insights.
I just love super obese people, they are so amazing to look at and beautiful.
7 years
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