Site funding idea

I agree with Star on her suggestions with a symbol for actual enuine users like a identifying marks on profiles for genuine users and a preview of messages before opening them burning the very limited 5 view a day use. I would've put maybe a karma system like good and bad points but that would back fire pretty quick. Though a few add ons would help thing drastically.
6 years

Jean collection, what to do with?

I tend to hold onto them and cannibalise them to do repair on others that get holes in them. Most of the time the holes are made through wear with my thunder thighs rubbing together. Lol

Plus its sometimes fun to see how smaller ones fit as one gets bigger. Or if you're the creative type you can see what you can make with them if you're handy with fabric shears and needle n' thread.

In the end it up to you.
6 years

Pushing heavy cream to the max

Honestly 1 1/2 cups and thats was in a minty moose tracks milkshake I made with Andies chocolate ground in that portioned throughout the day. So much chocolate and had to span it out to avoid choco coma and properly absorb it all.

Needless to say my thighs and rear were a little softer next day.
6 years

Need motivation

Well the same thing applies to writing as it does to drawing. Best way to get past a block or dull spot with drawing way just getting the pencil to paper and just do it. The same applies to writing just putting the words down even if its just ideas it usually helps to move things along. It'll give you pieces to work on an stitch together.

This advice boils down to making the time for it and doing it to it. Hope this helps.
6 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

12 pack of devil's chocolate variety pack.
6 years

Autistic folk

I admit that I am to some degree with many minor things mixed together. I have learned how to work through most of it and doing so while remaining off the meds for over a decade and a half.
6 years

Rat from charlotts web

Ok, who else found the Rat from Charlotte's Web or any other cartoon charterer gaining weight to be the "eureka" moment for discovering their fetish?

Well I admit that later it did help in getting me into loving fat but... I didn't start liking right off. I did like bigger girls straight off though thanks to the Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka blueberry girl Violet. So I ironically had an inflation/growth fetish before fat/WG came into the mix. At youngest it was a combo of scenes that just made it "click". Each of which I still remember.

Of course when I do see the scenes of nature it does tickle me. Even more so when I make them.
6 years

Text chat version 2

Is it me or is it odd that the Private chat number never recovers no matter how much time passes.
6 years

Fatter and then dumber

I feel like the fatter I get, the dumber I get. anyone want to help?

Well what to remember is that when being less physically active to gain you must be mentally active because the brain is still a muscle. Hobbies help prevent the mind from going. I draw, play games, and do puzzles, ect. I keep my mind active when my body is not.

Everyone is allowed brain farts now and then.

However getting fatter and dumber is a very kinky idea.
7 years

Tasks that have become harder after weight gain

Getting on socks. The combined fat of my belly and thighs have certainly made it hard to reach my feet to get them on.
7 years
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