Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


Can’t believe I’m 13 pounds from being 450lbs, I never thought I’d purposely go over 300 it’s intoxicating to think once I put on 13lbs the next milestone will be 500.
+12lbs, currently: 437lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
unfortunately, I went down a couple of pounds, but all in all I'm hopeful. I've got a new digital encourager, through hypnosis, no less. I have a new goal in mind now, 375 by Marc...
-3lbs, currently: 345lbs, goal: 375lbs
9 entries
I can feel the weight in my face, it went from having a bit of a double chin to basically a roll under my chin ;) XD
+23lbs, currently: 449lbs, goal: 550lbs
10 entries
3 months
God bless the holidays, it's really paid off on my waistline and just about everyone has started to notice :P
+10lbs, currently: 270lbs, goal: 500lbs
13 entries
Stuck at 240 until recently. Got a more motivated feeder. I’ll stay in touch
+30lbs, currently: 245lbs, goal: 260lbs
5 entries
3 months
I can now feel the fat jiggle a little when I run 🙃😅🙄
+4lbs, currently: 157lbs, goal: 165lbs
6 entries
3 months
I was at 315 a few days ago, but I have a relatively physical job sometimes. Hopefully I can get up to 320 soon. Maybe 325 even. Or 350... Or way more.... I'm feeling very gain...
+4lbs, currently: 312lbs, goal: 375lbs
2 entries
3 months
Stepping on the scale and seeing not just the big 3-0-0 but past it (only a pound and half but still!) Was the hottest moment of my life so far! This makes ten lbs since October, buuutt really a...
+10lbs, currently: 301lbs, goal: 300lbs
2 entries
3 months
My non-existent girlfriend should gain weight, not me.
+14lbs, currently: 137lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
3 months
I'm happy and I'm gonna celebrate with a digiorno's pizza.
+19lbs, currently: 187lbs, goal: 0lbs
2 entries