
Santaquin, Utah, United States  

About me

On again/off again gainer (currently on again), always a feedee and overall foodie. I love stuffing myself, growing, and watching other people gain. My weight has fluctuated from the mid-200s and finally got to 350. Since then, work has made my waistline shrink, but not my appetite.

I'm a stoner and I think I have a pretty good personality. Idk if I can use the devil's lettuce in videos on here... might check later.

It is difficult to financially maintain a diet that can pack on the pounds, especially with how much physical activity is involved in one of my jobs. So my gain is somewhat limited in its speed.

Gender: male
Age: 38yrs
Weight: 302lbs
Height: 5’ 11" (181 cms)
Sexual orientation: pansexual
Fetish: feedee
Online 23 hours
Visits website: rarely
Joined 11 years


Food: Japanese street food, Mexican, hamburgers, pizza, soda, cocktails, wèéd (not eating, per se), etc.
Movies: Star Wars, supernatural horror movies, The Big Lebowski
Music: Rock, especially 90s-00s.
TV shows: The Simpsons, The Mandalorian, Good Mythical Morning
Cars: Japanese makes
Books: Urban fantasy, Lovecraft, Brandon Sanderson, manga, SCP stories
Fashions: I go for comfort and fun prints. I'm the guy with all the fun t-shirts.