
Martinsville, Virginia, United States  
OniGumo 13 years
Chat's back up xD
OniGumo 13 years
Smithers, are they booing me?

No they're saying Boo-urns!
OniGumo 13 years
Crap, chat's gone out again
OniGumo 13 years
Is anyone else having trouble logging into chat?
OniGumo 13 years
w00t w00t TRIVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OniGumo 13 years
Everbody, come to chat for Trivia Nao!! It is at six today
OniGumo 13 years
OniGumo 13 years
is the quiz still on tonight?
OniGumo 13 years
Hiyo Trick, wutz happinen badonkadonk
OniGumo 13 years
Oh all right haha, both are lots o'fun though xD
OniGumo 13 years
I painted your room at midnight, so I'd know yesterday was over. I put all your books on the top shelf, even the one with the four-leaf clover.
OniGumo 13 years
Tors! Why do you leave every time I crash!?!?
OniGumo 13 years
Come back Tors, Come BAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!
OniGumo 13 years
less than non-existent?
OniGumo 13 years
and everything is nothing
OniGumo 13 years
Gah, one totinos pizza isn't enough...I have to make another
OniGumo 13 years
Quiz time in T-minus 7 minutes!!!
OniGumo 14 years
El gasp!! It be Tors!!!
OniGumo 14 years
Phew, I was about to go into chat withdrawal
OniGumo 14 years
The Chat! She doesn't work!!!*Black and white scene from beginning of Van Helsing* WHY!!!!!!!!!!