
Bromley, Greater London, United Kingdom  
Diggers1917 10 years
...to tune in to a car crash. A potentially arousing one, but a train wreck nonetheless...
Diggers1917 10 years
But yeah, the terms just slot together quite nicely to me.
Diggers1917 10 years
I certainly don't think there's a problem with the term 'feeder' thought I gather some may take slight issue with 'feedee' for sounding too passive.
Diggers1917 10 years
Julia - my perspective may be slightly skewed, but I'd say the positives outweigh the negatives in that situation smiley
Diggers1917 10 years
In England and wanting drunk, so I fail both criteria.
Diggers1917 10 years
No pain no gain...or something like that.
Diggers1917 10 years
Sounds like three days well spent smiley
Diggers1917 10 years
I suppose the British Museum is quite a useful expression of our tendency towards kleptomania... smiley
Diggers1917 10 years
Mark my words, he'll be leading the revolution...cos he's a rebel...
Diggers1917 10 years
You mean you make a habit of willfully disregarding forum rules for no other reason than to troll them? How independently minded of you...
Diggers1917 10 years
Who is she to tell you what to do? By the looks of it she's someone who UNDERSTANDS THE FORUM RULES
Diggers1917 10 years
'Stay perfectly still, its vision is based on cake'
Diggers1917 10 years
The belly has eyes
Diggers1917 10 years
When I saw you liked 'company with your belly watching' I read it as 'company, with my belly watching'. Which is a rather odd image...
Diggers1917 10 years
I can normally do it in about 70 bruises.
Diggers1917 10 years
*falls off after about 3 feet*
Diggers1917 10 years
I don't know *what* you mean, Rose, suggesting I'm behind the times (nonchalantly rides away on a penny farthing)
Diggers1917 10 years
WHERE DID YOU FIND...I mean, no, of course not.
Diggers1917 10 years
*hides notebook* ...no...
Diggers1917 10 years
Bees buzzing from can to can...
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