
Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands  
Nept13 9 years
Mmm I love lunch foods. Time for a belly rub smiley
Nept13 9 years
First time on here since Christmas. I hope everyone ate their fill, I know I did smiley
Nept13 9 years
I just spent an hour stuffing candy bars in my face. I feel terrible yet amazing smiley happy Halloween!
Nept13 9 years
Hey, leave some for the rest of us smiley
Nept13 9 years
Morning everyone!
Nept13 9 years
Nept13 9 years
Hi angel smiley
Nept13 9 years
Good morning angel!
Nept13 9 years
Pretty good, trying to drink enough coffee to wake up
Nept13 9 years
Well, there's plenty of websites that so get it right. As much as I love ff, from a technical pov, the site sucks monkey balls ...
Nept13 9 years
We're glad to have you around smiley
Nept13 9 years
That's quite the progression! Amazing curves!
Nept13 9 years
Gym?? No cursing allowed in the shoutbox! smiley
Nept13 9 years
Money spent on food is never a bad thing, no matter the amount!
Nept13 9 years
I sent you a message, I'm looking for a feeder smiley
Nept13 9 years
I'm a straight guy too bigpalebelly, but for what it's worth, I'm jealous of your size!
Nept13 9 years
Shakes work good. Cream, chocolate, milk, icecream, peanutbutter, fruit. Pick a combination you like, blend it and chug
Nept13 9 years
It must be, nothing wrong with that though
Nept13 9 years
You've been saying that for quite a few days now softly smiley
Nept13 9 years
Welcome smiley